
envs.net is a minimalist, non-commercial, shared linux system and will always be free to use.

we are linux lovers, sysadmins, programmer and users who like build webpages, write blogs, chat online, play cool console games and so much more.

Dresden - Germany
0x0 pastebin utility
Updated 2022-11-26 20:51:28 +00:00
The .tilde TLD project's BIND9 conf files
Updated 2019-09-08 22:05:00 +00:00
Space Launch is a pubnix take on the classic Unix prank called Steam Locomotive. Rather than running a steam engine train across users' screen when they mistype 'ls' as 'sl', Space Launch blasts a rocket across their screen.
Updated 2019-09-04 23:03:12 +00:00
A single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done!
Updated 2023-03-30 14:26:15 +00:00
Updated 2023-12-23 19:37:24 +00:00
gopherhole tool
Updated 2022-01-10 12:02:51 +00:00
bind9 config files
Updated 2023-03-21 05:51:21 +00:00
envs.net - main scripts and configs
Updated 2024-03-18 11:19:11 +00:00
envs.net - manage users_info.json entrys and user-submitted scripts
Updated 2020-05-20 14:44:04 +00:00