[coq] bitvectors and 'sets'

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Julin S 2023-05-15 17:03:26 +05:30
parent 12fdca2fa9
commit 6a5dbec769
4 changed files with 156 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#+TITLE: Coq #+TITLE: Coq
- [[./union.v][union.v]]: Mimicking a set operation using lists
- [[./bv.v][bv.v]]: Demo of a few bitvector operations
- [[./sumn.v][sumn.v]]: Sum of first n natural numbers, their squares and cubes. - [[./sumn.v][sumn.v]]: Sum of first n natural numbers, their squares and cubes.
- [[./de-morgan.v][de-morgan.v]]: de-Morgan's laws - [[./de-morgan.v][de-morgan.v]]: de-Morgan's laws
- [[./eqns.v][eqns.v]]: A 'hello world' using the 'equations' plugin - [[./eqns.v][eqns.v]]: A 'hello world' using the 'equations' plugin

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@ -3,14 +3,16 @@ Require Vector.
Require List. Require List.
(* Convert a nat list to a bitvector. Non-zero values are considered true *) (* Convert a nat list to a bitvector. Non-zero values are considered true *)
Fixpoint list2Bvec (l:list nat) : Bvector.Bvector (List.length l) := Fixpoint list2Bvec_aux (l:list nat) : Bvector.Bvector (List.length l) :=
match l return Bvector.Bvector (List.length l) with match l return Bvector.Bvector (List.length l) with
| List.cons O xs => | List.cons O xs =>
Bvector.Bcons false _ (list2Bvec xs) Bvector.Bcons false _ (list2Bvec_aux xs)
| List.cons _ xs => | List.cons _ xs =>
Bvector.Bcons true _ (list2Bvec xs) Bvector.Bcons true _ (list2Bvec_aux xs)
| List.nil => Bvector.Bnil | List.nil => Bvector.Bnil
end. end.
Definition list2Bvec (l:list nat) : Bvector.Bvector (List.length (List.rev l)) :=
list2Bvec_aux (List.rev l).
(* Convert a bitvector to nat. Little-endian representation assumed *) (* Convert a bitvector to nat. Little-endian representation assumed *)
Fixpoint bvec2nat_aux {n:nat} (cur:nat) (bv:Bvector.Bvector n): nat := Fixpoint bvec2nat_aux {n:nat} (cur:nat) (bv:Bvector.Bvector n): nat :=
@ -23,24 +25,52 @@ Fixpoint bvec2nat_aux {n:nat} (cur:nat) (bv:Bvector.Bvector n): nat :=
Definition bvec2nat {n:nat} (bv:Bvector.Bvector n): nat := bvec2nat_aux 0 bv. Definition bvec2nat {n:nat} (bv:Bvector.Bvector n): nat := bvec2nat_aux 0 bv.
(* Find nth bit of a bitvector *) (* Find nth bit of a bitvector *)
Definition bvnth {z i:nat} (bv: Bvector.Bvector z) (pf:i<z): bool := Definition Bnth {z i:nat} (bv: Bvector.Bvector z) (pf:i<z): bool :=
Vector.nth_order bv pf. Vector.nth_order bv pf.
(* Find list of set bits in a bitvector *)
Fixpoint find_set_bits {z:nat} (bv: Bvector.Bvector z) : list nat :=
match bv with
| Vector.cons _ x _ xs =>
if x then List.cons (z-1) (find_set_bits xs)
else (find_set_bits xs)
| Vector.nil _ => List.nil
Require Import List. Require Import List.
Import ListNotations. Import ListNotations.
Compute list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]. (* 0100₂ ie, 4₁₀ *) Compute list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]. (* 0100₂ ie, 4₁₀ *)
Check Bvector.BshiftL _ (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) false.
Check Vector.shiftrepeat (Vector.cons _ 0 _ (Vector.nil _)).
Require Import Vector.
Import VectorNotations.
Compute Bvector.BshiftL 1 (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) false.
(* (*
= [false; false; true; false] = [false; false; true; false]
: Bvector (length [0; 0; 1; 0]) : Bvector (length [0; 0; 1; 0])
*) *)
Compute bvec2nat (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]). Compute bvec2nat (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]).
(* = 2 : nat *)
Compute bvec2nat (list2Bvec [0;1;0;0]).
(* = 4 : nat *) (* = 4 : nat *)
Compute bvnth (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) (_:2<_). Compute Bnth (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) (_:2<_).
(* = true : bool *) (* = true : bool *)
Compute bvnth (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) (_:1<_). Compute Bnth (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) (_:1<_).
(* = false : bool *) (* = false : bool *)
Compute find_set_bits (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]). (* [2] : list nat *)
Compute find_set_bits (list2Bvec [1;0;1;0]). (* [2; 0] : list nat *)
Check Bvector.BshiftL .
Check Bcons. Check Bcons.
Check Nat.pow. Check Nat.pow.

coq/union.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Require List.
(* By the way, this function is a good example to illustrate
the difference between foldl and foldr... *)
Definition setify (l: list nat): list nat :=
List.fold_left (fun acc x =>
if (List.existsb (fun a => Nat.eqb x a) acc) then acc
else (List.cons x acc)
) l List.nil.
(* Not caring about efficiency here... *)
Definition union (a b: list nat): list nat :=
let aset := setify a in
List.fold_left (fun acc y =>
if (List.existsb (fun x => Nat.eqb x y) acc) then acc
else (List.cons y acc)
) b aset.
(******************** Trying out... ********************)
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Compute setify [0;0;0].
(* = [0] : list nat *)
Compute setify [0;1;1;2;2;2;3;3;3;3].
(* = [3; 2; 1; 0] : list nat *)
Compute union [0;1;1;2;2;2;3;3;3;3] [1;1;4;4].
(* = [4; 3; 2; 1; 0] : list nat *)

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
stepAux :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
stepAux a (x:xs)
| a==x = a:stepAux a xs
| otherwise = []
stepAux a [] = []
-- returns: (result, remaining)
step :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
step a l =
let rv = stepAux a l in
(a:rv, drop (length rv) l)
pack :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
pack [] = []
pack (x:xs) =
let (res, rem) = step x xs in
case rem of
[] -> [res]
_ -> res:pack rem
-- Test case of 9:
-- λ> pack ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'd', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e']
-- ["aaaa","b","cc","aa","d","eeee"]
encode :: Eq a => [a] -> [(Int, a)]
encode l = map (\x -> (length x, head x)) $ pack l
-- Test case of 10:
-- λ> encode "aaaabccaadeeee"
-- [(4,'a'),(1,'b'),(2,'c'),(2,'a'),(1,'d'),(4,'e')]
encodeMod :: Eq a => [a] -> [(Int, a)]
encodeMod l = foldr f [] $ pack l where
f x acc =
if length x/=1 then (length x, head x):acc
else acc
-- Test case of 11 (v1):
-- λ> encodeMod "aaaabccaadeeee"
-- [(4,'a'),(2,'c'),(2,'a'),(4,'e')]
data Multiplicity a
= Single a
| Multiple Int a
deriving Show
encodeMod' :: Eq a => [a] -> [Multiplicity a]
encodeMod' l = foldr f [] $ pack l where
f x acc =
if length x/=1 then (Multiple (length x) (head x)):acc
else (Single (head x)):acc
-- Test case of 11 (v2):
-- λ> encodeMod' "aaaabccaadeeee"
-- [Multiple 4 'a',Single 'b',Multiple 2 'c',Multiple 2 'a',Single 'd',Multiple 4 'e']
decode :: [Multiplicity a] -> [a]
decode l = foldr f [] l where
f (Single a) acc = a:acc
f (Multiple n a) acc = (replicate n a) ++ acc
-- Test case of 12:
-- λ> decode (encodeMod' "aaaabccaadeeee")
-- "aaaabccaadeeee"
-- λ> decode (encodeMod' "aaaabccaadeeee") == "aaaabccaadeeee"
-- True
encodeDirectAux :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
encodeDirectAux a [] = 0
encodeDirectAux a (x:xs)
| x==a = 1 + (encodeDirectAux a xs)
| otherwise = 0
encodeDirect :: Eq a => [a] -> [Multiplicity a]
encodeDirect [] = []
encodeDirect (x:xs) =
let rv = encodeDirectAux x xs in
case rv of
0 -> (Single x):encodeDirect xs
_ -> Multiple (rv+1) x : encodeDirect (drop rv xs)
-- Test case of 13:
-- λ> encodeDirect "aaaabccaadeeee"
-- [Multiple 4 'a',Single 'b',Multiple 2 'c',Multiple 2 'a',Single 'd',Multiple 4 'e']