2023-05-22 14:41:06 +05:30

168 lines
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Inductive ilist {A:Type}: nat -> Type :=
| INil: ilist 0
| ICons: forall {n:nat},
A -> ilist n -> ilist (S n).
Arguments ilist: clear implicits.
Inductive fin: nat -> Type :=
(* The [n] here is for the length of [ilist]
And [ilist] length is always non-zero if there is anything to be indexed. *)
| First: forall {n:nat}, fin (S n)
| Next: forall {n:nat}, fin n -> fin (S n).
(* fin nat is like a bounded form of nat:
[fin 3] is like {0, 1, 2} as in:
- First 2
- Next (First 1)
- Next (Next (First 0))
Could think of the argument of [First] as the number of remaining elements in
the list
Fail Fixpoint iget {A:Type} {n:nat}
(ls:ilist A n): fin n -> A :=
match ls with
| INil => fun idx => _
| ICons x xs => fun idx =>
match idx with
| First => x
| Next idx' => iget xs idx'
Fail Fixpoint iget {A:Type} {n:nat}
(ls:ilist A n): fin n -> A :=
match ls with
| INil => fun idx =>
match idx in fin n' return
match n' with
| O => A (* This can never happen because [fin 0] has no constructor *)
| S _ => unit
end with
| First => tt
| Next _ => tt
| ICons x ls' => fun idx =>
match idx with
| First => x
| Next idx' => iget ls' idx'
Fail Fixpoint iget {A:Type} {n:nat}
(ls:ilist A n): fin n -> A :=
match ls with
| INil => fun idx =>
match idx in fin n' return
match n' with
| O => A (* This can never happen because [fin 0] has no constructor *)
| S _ => unit
end with
| First => tt
| Next _ => tt
| ICons x ls' => fun idx =>
match idx in fin n' return ilist (pred n') -> A with
| First => fun _ => x
| Next idx' => fun ls'' => iget ls'' idx'
Fixpoint iget {A:Type} {n:nat}
(ls:ilist A n): fin n -> A :=
match ls with
| INil => fun idx =>
match idx in fin n' return
match n' with
| O => A (* This can never happen because [fin 0] has no constructor *)
| S _ => unit
end with
| First => tt
| Next _ => tt
| ICons x ls' => fun idx =>
(match idx in fin n' return (fin (pred n') -> A) -> A with
| First => fun _ => x
| Next idx' => fun fin2A => fin2A idx'
end) (iget ls')
Fixpoint imap {A B:Type} {n:nat}
(f:A -> B) (ls:ilist A n): ilist B n :=
match ls with
| INil => INil
| ICons x ls' => ICons (f x) (imap f ls')
Theorem get_imap_distr: forall (A B:Type) (n:nat)
(idx: fin n) (ls: ilist A n) (f:A->B),
iget (imap f ls) idx = f (iget ls idx).
induction ls.
- now simpl.
- Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
dependent destruction idx.
+ now simpl.
+ simpl.
apply IHls.
(* Well... that was easier than what I expected..
Dependent types do pay off, I guess.. *)
Require List.
Fixpoint listToIlist {A:Type} (l:list A): ilist A (List.length l) :=
match l with
| List.nil => INil
| List.cons x xs => ICons x (listToIlist xs)
Fixpoint ilistToList {A:Type} {n:nat} (l:ilist A n): list A :=
match l with
| INil => nil
| ICons x xs => List.cons x (ilistToList xs)
Module IListNotations.
Declare Scope ilist_scope.
Delimit Scope ilist_scope with ilist.
Notation "[ ]" := INil : ilist_scope.
Notation "[ x ]" := (ICons x INil) : ilist_scope.
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (ICons x .. (ICons y INil) ..) : ilist_scope.
End IListNotations.
Import IListNotations.
Open Scope ilist.
Check [].
(* [ ] : ilist ?A 0
?A : [ |- Type]
Check [1].
(* [1] : ilist nat 1 *)
Check [1; 2].
(* [1; 2] : ilist nat 2 *)
Compute iget [1; 2] First. (* Implicit arg of [First] is figured out by coq *)
(* = 1 : nat *)
Compute iget [1; 2] (Next First).
(* = 2 : nat *)
Fail Compute iget [1; 2] (Next (Next First)).
Compute listToIlist (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))).
(* = [3; 2; 1; 0]
: ilist nat (length (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: 0 :: nil))
Compute ilistToList (listToIlist (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil))))).
(* = (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: 0 :: nil)%list
: list nat