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My new website 2021-08-24T18:16:02-05:00 false false

Hello there, I'm glad you found my website, my small corner of the internet, you may be wondering what is this place, right? Well, this is my blog, yep, this is just another blog in the world wide web.

I have had several failed attempts of a personal website/blog, they all looked terrible, I tried using php layouts, jekyll, plain HTML, etc... but the results weren't really nice for me :( (probably because I don't know how to use them appropriately), so I decided to give premade themes a try with hugo, so far so good, it's been working perfectly fine and it's certainly better than my themes, the theme the website uses right now is called hello-friend-ng. It's pretty simple but I like it :D

The blog

My blog is a place to express, give opinions and share thoughts and ideas.

This is the first post of my blog, I plan to write at least one short post everyday talking about my day, feelings, what I learned, etc. This kind of journal will be a fun way to document my life and practice my redaction skills. All these posts will have the daily tag

Additionally there will be less frecuent long posts about a topic in specific.

The end

Thank you for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed and stay tunned!