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author published title description category
~cmccabe false learning resources a list of code challenges, internships, and other resources to support learning by tilde.team members

Learning Resources

1. Coding Challenge Websites

There are many coding challenge websites on the Internet today. Below are a few of them. The tilde.team shell is a great place to work on solutions to the challenges. Please just be mindful of efficient coding practices while working on these.

Exercism - http://exercism.io/
Project Euler - https://projecteuler.net/

2. Internships and Other Developmental Opportunities

Fall 2018 Internship with the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
Application deadline: July 22, 2018

3. This page is built based on your input

If you know of other internships, opportunities, or other (good) code challenge sites, submit a pull request for this page, or mention it to an admin on IRC.