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author published title description category
~ben true gopher gopher server and proxy


the gopher protocol was created in 1991. it didn't survive long due to draconic licensing.

we're trying to keep this cool corner of the web alive.

add and create your gophersite

to add your own gopher site, run the following command:

mkdir -p -m 755 ~/public_gopher

(this presumes you don't already have a public_gopher dir in your $HOME. new users from here on out will have a public_gopher by default)

if a file called gophermap exists in the directory you're currently browsing to in gopher, it will get processed and displayed.

see this example for more information on file types and special chars.

browse gophersites

if you're currently connected from a tilde.team shell, you can use the lynx browser.

lynx gopher://tilde.team

if you want to access the gophersite in your public_gopher dir, use the following link structure: gopher://tilde.team/1/~username

you can install it on your local machine too :)

otherwise, you can use our http proxy to browse the gophernet.

hope to see you on there soon!

(addendum by ~khuxkm: remember to leave the number off when using the proxy (i.e; https://gopher.tilde.team/tilde.team/~username))