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author published title description category
~ben false administration advanced ssh tutorial


adding users

  1. create a new user account:
sudo adduser newusername

use the default password tilde

  1. su newusername and then copy the ssh key into ~/.ssh/known_hosts

  2. respond to their email with their account information (template coming soon), including a reminder to set up their .forward file if desired, and encourge them to hop onto irc/#meta to meet the community

automated account creation is something that i would like to look into. maybe this can be an admin portal (similar to ~town) that would notify admins when a new signup arrives and prompt them to go to the web interface to approve/deny/respond to the account request.


tilde.team uses tarsnap for backups and is configured to save 12 hourly backups, 7 daily backups, 6 weekly backups, and 2 years' worth of monthly backups.

to see a list of the backups:

sudo tarsnap --list-archives

to restore a backup:

tarsnap -x -f name-of-backup

we keep backups of:

  • /home
  • /etc
  • /var (excluding /var/log)

see the tarsnap documentation for more information.