~g1n's blog

~g1n's blog

notmuch - mail in emacs

May 20, 2021 — G1n

notmuch is an email system. But I use emacs as frontend for it

Tags: notmuch, email, emacs, emacs-for-everything

Setting up exwm

May 03, 2021 — G1n

I setuped main global keybindings, now I can use firefox in emacs (used swaywm before). Writing this text in vim in ssh session, but going to setup ssh file access from emacs and improve orgblog (maybe I'll write a script for exporting to html from org and pushing to git repository)

Tags: emacs, emacs-for-everything, exwm

Elpher - gopher and gemini client in emacs

May 02, 2021 — G1n

Web homepage - https://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher/
Gopher homepage - gopher://thelambdalab.xyz/1/projects/elpher/

Tags: gemini, gopher, emacs, emacs-for-everything, elpher

Magit - git in emacs

May 02, 2021 — G1n

Official site - magit.vc
Getting started guide - https://magit.vc/manual/magit/Getting-Started.html#Getting-Started

Tags: emacs, emacs-for-everything, magit

elfeed - feed reader in emacs

May 01, 2021 — G1n

Tags: emacs, emacs-for-everything, elfeed

EXWM - X.org window manager but in emacs

May 01, 2021 — G1n

You can use emacs even as window manager

Tags: emacs, emacs-for-everything, exwm