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Author SHA1 Message Date
gome 530b7c1303 temp - unfinished wotds 2022-06-02 10:13:17 -05:00
443 changed files with 511 additions and 15842 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

bookmarks/index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
<title>gome — bookmarks</title>
<meta charset='utf-8'/>
<meta name='theme-color' content='#efe5d7'>
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no'/>
<link rel='icon' type='image/x-icon' href='../favicon.ico'>
<link rel='preconnect' href=''>
<link rel='preconnect' href='' crossorigin>
<link href=';1&display=swap' rel='stylesheet'>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/style.css'/>
<header id='header'>
<a id='back' href='..'>back to gomepage</a>
<p>Just a stub for now.</p>
<img src='../img/mushrooms_2.webp' alt='Toadstools' />

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
<title>gome — contact</title>
<meta charset='utf-8'/>
<meta name='theme-color' content='#efe5d7'>
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no'/>
<link rel='icon' type='image/x-icon' href='./favicon.ico'>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./css/fonts.css'/>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./css/style.css'/>
<header id='header'>
<a href='.'>back to gomepage</a>
You can contact me at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
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font-family: italic;
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font-family: "URW Classico";
font-family: italic;
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h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
font-family: var(--sans-fonts);

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
html {
color: #323a42;
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height: 100%;
font-size: 1.125em;
background-position: center;
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background-size: cover;
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overflow-x: hidden;
header, main, .gome-img {
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html.loaded header {
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margin: 0.5em 0;
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/* this counters the left offset, but adds no real padding */
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nav a {
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@keyframes fade-in {
from { opacity: 0 }
to { opacity: 1 }
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text-decoration: none;
color: #323a42;
text-decoration: none;
line-height: 1.2;
border-radius: 2px;
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white-space: nowrap;
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font-size: 15px;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: normal;
font-family: var(--serif-fonts);
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margin: 9px 0 -16px 13.5px;
main .image-credit {
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display: none;
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border-radius: 0 1em 0 0;
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width: auto;
max-width: min(1280px, 100%);
.gome-img[src^='./img/tablet'] {
display: none;
max-width: 100%;
.gome-img[src^='./img/mobile'] {
display: none;
max-width: 100%;
#wotd h3 {
font-size: 1.2em;
margin: 0 0 0.5em 0;
#wotd .definiendum {
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
#wotd time, #wotd .pronunciation {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.pronunciation:not(:empty)::before, .pronunciation:not(:empty)::after {
content: '';
#wotd ul {
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
padding-left: 0.5em;
list-style: none;
#wotd li {
margin-bottom: 0.25em;
#status:not(.loaded) *, #wotd:not(.loaded) * {
margin: 0;
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padding-left: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
#statuscafe-username a {
margin: -0.15em;
padding: 0.15em;
border-radius: 2px;
#listening {
width: 100%;
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display: grid;
grid-template-columns: calc(36px + 0.5em) auto;
align-items: center;
justify-items: start;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 0.25em 0.25em;
margin: -0.25em -0.25em 0.25em -0.25em;
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transition: background-color 100ms;
.listening-item:not(.all-loaded):last-child:hover {
background-color: #eab77522;
} {
border: 2px solid #984624;
} .track-title, .track-artist {
font-weight: bold;
.listening-item img {
/* accounts for border */
margin: 1px calc(0.5em + 1px) 1px 1px;
.listening-item img.loaded {
margin: 0 0.5em 0 0;
border-radius: 2px;
border: 1px solid #323a42;
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line-height: 36px;
max-width: 100%;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
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box-shadow: 1px 1px #323a42;
border-radius: 3px;
a.journal-link:hover, a.journal-link:focus {
outline: 0;
border-color: #6d747a;
box-shadow: 2px 2px #6d747a;
a.journal-link:hover .line, a.journal-link:focus .line {
/* maybe just make it all opacity 0.7 instead of all the working-around (same for .library-link) */
opacity: 0.7;
a.journal-link:hover time, a.journal-link:focus time {
color: #6d747a;
a.journal-link h3 {
font-family: var(--serif-fonts);
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0.5em 0 0;
a.journal-link p {
grid-column: 1 / span 2;
margin: 0.5em 5px 0.5em 0;
a.journal-link .line {
grid-column: span 2;
align-self: end;
bottom: 6px;
a.journal-link time {
grid-column: span 2;
a.journal-link time + p {
margin-top: 5px;
.journal-link.note {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding-right: 1em;
time {
font-size: 0.9em;
color: #4E5458;
font-style: italic;
font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums;
a.journal-link + a.journal-link {
margin-top: 1em;
a.journal-link .line {
display: inline-block;
height: 2px;
position: relative;
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background-color: #c59506;
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background-color: #c8b500;
.line.stop-4 {
background-color: #8ea530;
.line.stop-5 {
background-color: #4b7b52;
.line.stop-6 {
background-color: #426153;
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outline: 0;
color: #6d747a;
border-color: #6d747a;
box-shadow: 2px 2px #6d747a;
.music-box svg {
margin-right: 2px;
.music-box.playing {
display: none;
.music-box.playing svg.pause {
display: block;
.music-box svg.pause {
display: none;
#tagline {
margin: 0 0 0.5em 0;
a.library-link {
display: grid;
text-decoration: none;
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
grid-template-rows: auto auto 1fr;
margin: -0.25em;
margin-right: 0;
padding: 0.25em;
margin-bottom: 4px;
padding-right: 0;
border: 1px solid #323a42;
box-shadow: 1px 1px #323a42;
border-radius: 3px;
align-items: center;
a.library-link:hover, a.library-link:focus {
outline: 0;
border-color: #6d747a;
box-shadow: 2px 2px #6d747a;
a.library-link:hover .icon, a.library-link:focus .icon {
opacity: 0.7;
a.library-link h3 {
font-family: var(--serif-fonts);
grid-column: 2;
font-size: 1.1em;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0.5em 0 0;
a.library-link p {
grid-row: 3;
font-size: 0.9em;
grid-column: 1 / span 2;
margin: 0.25em 5px 0.5em 0;
align-self: start;
a.library-link .icon {
margin-right: 8px;
a.library-link.coming-soon {
opacity: 0.5;
a.library-link .coming-soon {
color: #4b7b52;
font-size: 0.8em;
grid-row: 2;
grid-column: 1 / span 2;
.icon.stop-0 {
color: #984624;
.icon.stop-1 {
color: #ad5f1e;
.icon.stop-2 {
color: #c59506;
.icon.stop-3 {
color: #c8b500;
.icon.stop-4 {
color: #8ea530;
.icon.stop-5 {
color: #4b7b52;
.icon.stop-6 {
color: #426153;
p {
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
code {
font-size: 1rem;
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header {
grid-column: 1 / span 2;
grid-row: 1;
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padding: 0;
border: none;
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border-radius: 0;
header .image-credit {
display: none;
main .image-credit {
display: initial;
main {
grid-row: 2;
footer {
margin-top: 2em;
grid-row: 3;
.title-box {
border-left: none;
height: 1em;
width: 100%;
.title-box:hover {
cursor: initial;
border-color: #323a42;
color: #323a42;
.image-credit {
opacity: 1;
pointer-events: all;
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display: none;
.gome-img[src^='./img/tablet'] {
display: initial;
@media only screen and (max-width: 640px) {
footer {
align-items: flex-end;
.gome-img[src^='./img/tablet'] {
display: none;
.gome-img[src^='./img/mobile'] {
display: initial;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
html {
color: #323a42;
background-color: #efe5d7;
font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', Lora, serif;
max-width: 70ch;
margin: 1em auto;
line-height: 1.2;
@ -9,20 +10,7 @@ html {
position: relative;
*::selection {
background: #eab77555;
header {
margin-bottom: 1em;
nav {
display: flex;
margin-left: -0.25em;
nav a {
font-size: 0.85em;
left: 0;
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
margin: -0.25em;
background: #eab77533;
body {
margin: 0;
@ -35,14 +23,13 @@ body {
main {
flex-grow: 1;
margin-right: 1rem;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
a {
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text-decoration: underline;
position: relative;
margin: -0.25em;
/* change this */
left: -0.25em;
padding: 0.25em;
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@ -51,10 +38,10 @@ a:hover, a:focus {
outline: 0;
a:focus-visible {
outline: 1px dashed #984624BB;
outline: 1px dashed #beb0b1;
sup, sub {
line-height: 0;
a#back {
font-size: 0.85em;
.socials p {
font-size: 16px;
@ -70,20 +57,17 @@ sup, sub {
display: inline-block;
width: fit-content;
margin-bottom: 0.25em;
left: -0.25em;
text-decoration: none;
.socials .social-link a::before {
content: '⇒ ';
.line {
.socials .line {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #323a42;
height: 2px;
position: relative;
.socials .line {
flex-grow: 2;
position: relative;
bottom: 12px;
.line.stop-0 {
@ -107,27 +91,6 @@ sup, sub {
.line.stop-6 {
background-color: #426153;
.stop-0 {
color: #984624;
.stop-1 {
color: #ad5f1e;
.stop-2 {
color: #c59506;
.stop-3 {
color: #c8b500;
.stop-4 {
color: #8ea530;
.stop-5 {
color: #4b7b52;
.stop-6 {
color: #426153;
.socials p a {
padding: 0 2px;
margin: 0 -2px;
@ -140,415 +103,21 @@ sup, sub {
h1 {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0 -0.5em 0.5em 0;
margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #323a42;
font-family: "URW Classico", Optima, Domitian, Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", Arial, sans-serif;
font-family: Optima, 'Palatino Linotype', Lora, serif;
font-weight: normal;
h2, h3, ul, ol, p, main article img {
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
p {
margin: 0 0 20px 0;
hr {
margin: 0 0 20px 0;
border: none;
border-bottom: 3px double #323a42;
main img {
border: 1px solid #323a42;
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 2px;
transition: opacity 200ms;
main article img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
margin: 0 auto 1em auto;
} {
border: none;
footer {
margin-right: 1em;
margin-top: 1em;
footer img {
display: block;
bottom: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 160px;
width: auto;
height: auto;
user-select: none;
.journal-related-links {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 0.9em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
margin-left: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
.key {
font-size: 0.8em;
border: 1px solid #323a42;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 2px;
box-shadow: 1px 1px #323a42;
.recipe {
font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.recipe ul {
list-style: none;
ul {
list-style: ' ';
padding-left: 30px;
ol li::marker {
font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums;
li {
margin-bottom: 0.3em;
a.journal-link {
display: grid;
text-decoration: none;
grid-template-columns: auto auto 1fr;
margin-right: -1em;
padding-right: 0;
border: 1px solid #323a42;
box-shadow: 1px 1px #323a42;
border-radius: 3px;
a.journal-link:hover, a.journal-link:focus {
outline: 0;
border-color: #6d747a;
box-shadow: 2px 2px #6d747a;
a.journal-link:hover .line, a.journal-link:focus .line {
opacity: 0.7;
a.journal-link h3 {
font-family: var(--serif-fonts);
margin: 0 0.5em 0 0;
a.journal-link p {
grid-column: 1 / span 2;
margin: 0.5em 5px 0.5em 0;
a.journal-link .line {
grid-column: span 2;
align-self: end;
bottom: 6px;
a.journal-link time {
grid-column: span 2;
article a.journal-link {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
article a.journal-link time {
margin: 0;
.journal-link.note {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
time {
font-size: 0.9em;
color: #4E5458;
font-style: italic;
font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums;
line-height: 1;
article time {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 1em;
a:hover time, a:focus time {
color: #6d747a;
a.journal-link time + p {
margin-top: 5px;
a.journal-link + a.journal-link {
margin-top: 1em;
article .note {
font-style: italic;
color: #4E5458;
article .note a {
color: #4E5458;
article figure {
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
article figure img {
margin: 0;
article figure figcaption, article figure figcaption a {
font-size: 0.9rem;
color: #4E5458;
font-style: italic;
font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums;
article :is(figure figcaption, .note) i {
font-variant-numeric: initial;
font-style: normal;
article :is(figure figcaption, .note) i i {
font-style: italic;
.page-nav {
margin-top: 1em;
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
flex-flow: wrap;
.page-nav a, .page-nav span {
font-size: 0.9em;
padding: 0.25em;
line-height: 1;
margin: 0 0.25em;
text-decoration: none;
font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums;
.page-nav .current {
font-weight: bold;
cursor: default;
.footnote {
font-size: 0.8em;
blockquote.highlight {
padding: 0.5em;
border: 1px solid #eacda6;
background-color: #f9f4ed;
box-shadow: 2px 2px #bea98e;
border-radius: 3px;
blockquote h1,
blockquote h2,
blockquote h3,
blockquote h4,
blockquote h5,
blockquote h6,
blockquote p {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
blockquote {
margin-left: 30px;
hr {
border: 1px solid #323a42;
margin-left: 20px;
width: 20%;
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margin: 0 0 1em 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
width: fit-content;
padding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid #323a42;
user-select: none;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: 1px 1px #323a42;
.music-box:hover, .music-box:focus {
outline: 0;
color: #6d747a;
border-color: #6d747a;
box-shadow: 2px 2px #6d747a;
.music-box svg {
margin-right: 2px;
display: none;
.music-box:not(.playing,.done) {
display: block;
.music-box.playing svg.pause {
display: block;
.music-box.done svg.replay {
display: block;
.pixel-art {
image-rendering: pixelated;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
table {
margin: 0 0 20px 0;
border: 1px solid #323a4288;
td {
padding: 0.25em;
border: 1px solid #323a4288;
th {
padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
.library-links {
display: flex;
align-items: baseline;
flex-wrap: wrap;
gap: 20px;
a.library-link {
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<h1 id='title'>Im looking for the <i>Hats</i> of 2008</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:30:00 CDT'>26 Mar 2024, 9:30 PM</time>
<a href=""><i>Hats</i></a> by The Blue Nile is a perfect album, in some ways.
The description “mournful city soundscape” only sounds generic until you hear how well it fits the bill.
Every track immerses you in this atmospheric world of twilight blue, city lights, and melancholy.
The album was released in 1989, and the clean, atmospheric sound palette is a flawless retrospective distillation of the decades synthy pop aesthetic.
Its a prime example of <a href="dialogue.html">genre decadence</a>, sitting at the end of an era, where the expressive tools of the medium have been dialectically honed to a mirror sheen.
<img src='img/hats.webp' width='400' height='400'
alt='Album art for Hats by The Blue Nile'
Its more of a gut feeling, but I also think <i>Hats</i> is pointing forward to the 90s in some ways.
For some reason, I would the urban theming of it feels more of the 90s than the 80s.
The drum machine and production also feel more early 90s to me.
In any case, I like to think about the unique vibes of particular years or spans of time like this,
and the main perfection of <i>Hats</i> to me is how well it captures this edge of decades between the 80s and 90s.
Recently, Ive been feeling like there is a late 2000s vibe on the wind.
I somehow have the feeling that this summer will have a lot in common with the summer of 2007, maybe 2008, maybe 2009 (still narrowing it down).
I happened to recently stumble across a haiku by Kyoshi Takahama, a Shōwa era poet, which I think perfectly describes the feeling:*
<i>Something like a stick<br>
That goes through<br>
Last year and this year</i>
I think theres something like a stick poking through the late 2000s and the current/coming moment.
Ive been going back through old Pitchfork reviews from 2007 and 2008 and listening to the most highly recommended music, trying to hone in on that feeling.
Its been a lot of fun, discovering new music at an even faster rate than I normally do, probably closer to <a href="listening.html">my brothers pace</a>.
Throughout this process, it finally dawned on me: I think what I want to find is the <i>Hats</i> of 2008.
An album that perfectly captures the feeling of the time.
It doesnt need to be mournful and atmospheric, necessarily,
but I do get the feeling it should have an urban theme, perhaps.
So consider this me officially putting out a bounty.
If you know anything that came out in the period of 200709 that seems like it does a perfect job capturing the vibe of the times,
<b>please</b> send me a lead!
Theres not actually a reward, but Ill really appreciate the gesture, and probably follow up with a shoutout thanking you.
As always, I can be reached at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.
</p><p class='footnote'>
* <a href="">English translation</a> by Katsuya Hiromoto

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<h1 id='title'>Note: going camping</h1>
<time datetime='Sat, 27 May 2023 20:00:00 CDT'>27 May 2023</time>
Hi, its gome, checking in with not a full post, but a note about the journal.
Since finishing my 100-post challenge, Ive stuck to a rhythm of two posts a week.
This coming week, though, Ill have to forego posting, as Ill be going on a camping trip with my dad.
<img src='img/camping.webp' width='346' height='500'
alt='Sketch of a family going camping'
Were going to be backpacking (my first time).
One night will be in a cabin, and the next two will be at backcountry sites with tents.
Were going to try to go sailing too, if possible.
It should be a lot of fun.
You can look forward to the return of regular posting here by June 6th!

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<h1 id='title'>My experience with a cappella</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 14 Dec 2022 22:00:00 CST'>14 Dec. 2022, 10:00 PM</time>
I was involved in my campuss a cappella group in college.
Before they accepted me as a singer, I did some arranging for the group.
Once I was a real member, I gradually grew into a major leadership role.
I lead rehearsals and did a large chunk of our arranging.
<img src='img/pentatonix.webp' width='600' height='206'
alt='Singing group Pentatonix'
I personally have never had much interest in a cappella music as a culture.
I never listened to Pentatonix or watched <i>Pitch Perfect</i>.*
Some of the other members of my group did enjoy some a cappella music, but I dont think they were in the majority.
Because of this, I think we had a different approach to the genre than most groups.
We kind of stayed away from the showy glee club vibe.
We never went to conferences or entered competitions.
For the most part, we just focused on picking whichever songs we liked and performing them in concerts around campus.
For my part, my arranging was not really based on reference to the a cappella style.
I usually started by trying to transcribe the instrument sounds and reproduce them with voices, which is pretty standard.
But after that, I would often just try whatever original ideas I wanted to throw in.
I like jazz harmony, so a lot of times I would add it to songs that were not originally in that style.
A really fun part of the group was that I could trust the other members to tell me if something didnt work.
That gave me a lot of freedom to experiment and fail, with a short feedback loop.
The end result was that we had a fairly unique style that felt less like “a cappella” and more like “people getting together and singing songs they like with just their voices”.
I liked that, because it meant the possibilities were a lot wider than just a specific genre.
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.
<p class='footnote'>* But I do enjoy The Blenders Christmas music, as a childhood favorite.</p>

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<h1 id='title'>Things people have always done</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 27 Mar 2023 23:30:00 CDT'>27 Mar 2023, 11:30 PM</time>
So much changed in the last 200 years of human history.
Something that defines our lives today is how unmoored from the past our contemporary culture feels.
All that change has uprooted most of us from traditional ways of living.
Some see this as a generally good thing when considering all the social and material gains that have come with it.
Some think we need to reconnect and reground ourselves in those lost and waning traditions.
Most people probably believe a mix of those things, depending on the specifics.
In any case, almost everyone would agree that most of us live very different lives from those in the past.
<img src='img/campfire.webp' width='381' height='450'
alt='Boys hanging out around a campfire, one cooking and another playing guitar'
<figcaption>Image credit: <a href=''>Nancy Adkin</a></figcaption>
Even as our lives have changed in so many ways, humans across all times & places still share a lot in common.
We eat, sleep, run, sneeze, laugh, cry, love, fear, mourn, and much more.
These have all been going on since people were people, and probably before that as well.
I especially like to think about what activities people have always done together, that I still like to participate in today.
Heres a few things I like to do that people have probably done since prehistory:
<li>Hanging out around a fire</li>
<li>Eating together</li>
<li>Going for walks</li>
<li>Singing & dancing together</li>
<li>Just chatting, having fun conversations</li>
<li>Sitting around with each other doing nothing in particular</li>
When Im enjoying doing one of these things, I like to remind myself of just how long people have been doing it.
The past doesnt feel like a distant, disconnected thing, but an unbroken chain forged by our common nature.
Im participating in one of the many beautiful, long-standing patterns of human life.
Do you feel connected to or distant from the past?
Do you like to do the things listed?
Does doing them make you feel more a part of the past?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'><i>Hollow Knight</i> and <i>Angels Egg</i></h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 10 Jan 2023 23:30:00 CST'>10 Jan. 2023, 11:30 PM</time>
When it comes to video games, my favorite form of gameplay is exploration.
I love taking in the moods and aesthetics of a well-made game world by freely wandering through it.
<i>Hollow Knight</i> is a perfect example of such a game world, which is why it remains one of my all-time favorite games.
The game has solid gameplay and a lot of great boss fights, but ironically, I consider the real meat and potatoes of the experience to be its atomosphere.
Through exhaustive artistry and an excellent soundtrack, the game articulates a diverse palette of lonely and mysterious moods throughout its abandoned setting.
In fact, each game area could be thought of as a separate meditation on solitude.
<img src='img/hollow_knight.webp' width='600' height='338'
alt='Screenshot from Hollow Knight: the knight sitting on a bench'
I heard that one of the creators of the game cited the film <i>Angels Egg</i> as an influence, so I checked it out.
It was unlike anything else I had seen.
The film is extremely slow-paced, regularly lingering on a long shots, occasionally for minutes at a time, just letting the soundtrack play out.
The plot is fairly minimal, and what plot there is is challenging to follow.
<img src='img/angels_egg.webp' width='600' height='338'
alt='Screenshot from Angels Egg: the main characters walk past a hall lined with jars'
Like <i>Hollow Knight</i>, the primary content of <i>Angels Egg</i> is its atomosphere.
Even when you dont follow what exactly is happening on the screen in front of you, the film consistently resonates on an emotional level.
Every shot in the film is suffused with its palette of loneliness, alienation, & desperation.
In the same way that music can communicate certain feelings more directly than verbal descriptions, it seems like <i>Angels Egg</i> is able to touch on its themes more directly & deeply than a concrete plot & presentation could.
Watching <i>Angels Egg</i>, it was easy to see the influence it had on <i>Hollow Knight</i>.
Some of the influence is directly in the visual language the game borrows from the film: the often monochrome environment, the fossilized walls, the constant rain.
But it seems like the game also takes inspiration in valuing aesthetics as content in its own right.
Rather than fussing over a dichotomy of style vs. substance, both works propose that substance can in fact be achieved through style.
Have you played <i>Hollow Knight</i>?
Have you watched <i>Angels Egg</i>?
How do you think the latter influenced the former?
Do you know of another example where an obscure film influenced a video games aesthetics?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Astronomy is super cool</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 27 Dec 2022 22:30:00 CST'>27 Dec. 2022, 10:30 PM</time>
I worked for the astrophysics department of a state university for about a year.
It wasnt an astrophysics-related job; I mainly took care of their website, along with miscellaneous other projects I could cook up.
Working with the content on the website, I got to see what the various professors were working on.
I enjoy “hard” science and often find it cool and exciting, but Ive never been particularly passionate about it.
However, getting a glimpse of real astrophysics research on the leading edge of the field gave me a bit of appreciation about just how incredible space really is.
<img src='img/orion_nebula.webp' width='512' height='512'
alt='Orion Nebula'
<figcaption>Photo credit: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA) and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team</figcaption>
I learned about gravitational waves, redshift, cosmic background radiation, infrared astronomy, and much more.
Regularly viewing imagery from advanced telescopes, especially nebulae, I was struck with just how much is going on in the universe all the time.
All sorts of lively processes play out on an unfathomable scale with a huge menagerie of celestial objects, each one unique and able to teach us something.
Sometimes the universe outside of Earth, devoid of any known life, is characterized as “cold”, “dead”, or “lifeless”,
but that really doesnt feel fair when you learn about all the activity that takes place on a cosmic scale.
Its a beautiful dance that defies our efforts to wrap it up in a way that is succinctly meaningful to humanity.
For this reason, I have a deep respect for the work of astrophysicists & astronomers, and the mystery their object of study evokes.
Do you enjoy learning about space?
Is there a field you dont know a ton about but have a special appreciation for?
Have you learned about a topic by unconventional exposure through a job?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>I can be better</h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:00:00 CDT'>24 Mar 2023, 9:00 PM</time>
A while ago, I started to open up to the idea of being more okay with things as they are in a way I maybe hadnt been previously.
Its a little hard to describe, because it was a subtle shift, but there were a number of things I used to worry about a lot more, or saw as things I “couldnt live with” in a sort of fundamentally anxious way.
I still worry about stuff, but I have opened up to greater flexibility in how I think about the things that worry me, especially if that flexibility reduces anxiety.
A big theme of this change was improving my ability to accept things about myself that I didnt like.
Theres a lot of things, even fairly neutral things, that I would avoid doing soley because they made me <i>feel</i> like I was doing something wrong, or bad, or maybe just rude or thoughtless.
I realized that a lot of the guardrails I was putting on my behavior were artificial and based on repression, not motivated by good reason or values.
<img src='img/sunrise.webp' width='600' height='400'
alt='Sunrise at Taman Hidup Lake, Argopuro Mountains'
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>MrNamineSinten</a></figcaption>
Now, I tend to think that if I accept my motivations, imperfect as they are, I have the opportunity to interrogate them and potentially transform them over time.
Sometimes acting in accordance with an ill-understood feeling, rather than supressing it preemptively, is the only way to find out whether my motivations are good or not.
This involves accepting that I will mess up sometimes (a very difficult proposition for my perfectionist streak), but thats always going to be true whether I allow it or not, and its the price I have to pay to keep growing.
Overall, I am pleased that things are moving in this direction.
When I allow myself to operate this way, I feel better and more myself.
But I also think that taking the “governor” off yourself, so to speak, involves some due diligence in the broader view, to make sure youre not just allowing yourself to give in to bad motivations and go down a morally degrading path.
My level of general confusion with life waxes and wanes, but in times of greater confusion, this question of how to balance my freedom and my self-discipline has given me pause.
I dont always do the right thing, and I want to show due respect the damage that I can do to myself and others.
I want to be able to properly mourn the consequences of my actions when I do wrong, without becoming fearful of continuing to live authentically.
Even if I can accept my flaws for the present, I dont want to become comfortable in them in a way that prevents me from growing and improving.
Just the other day, I was rolling the idea around in my head of finding a powerful little phrase I could keep and repeat to myself, that would give this season of my life a good focus.
Ive done this kind of naturally in the past as part of my normal self-narrativizing, and I think its time for another.
When driving home in the evening yesterday after having a lot of fun (went to see a musical), I kind of settled back into thinking about the question I mentioned above, and a phrase came very naturally to me: “I can be better”.
To me, this phrase allows for acceptance: presenting improvement as an option freely available to me.
And it balances that acceptance with proper responsibility: recognizing that I have room to improve, but that improvement is indeed possible, which is enough to motivate me to try.
I think my struggles normally arise when I forget some part of this idea on some level.
If I think “I must be better”, the pressure to live up to some external standard feels crushing.
If I think “I cant be better”, I despair and stop even trying.
But if I keep the proper balance, “I <i>can</i> be better!” tucked away in my heart, I will be able to move through the world more confidently and lovingly.
Have you struggled to balance different needs in your personality?
Have you tried to balance your self-acceptance and your self-discipline?
Do you ever find good phrases to repeat to yourself?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Back from the camping trip</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 6 Jun 2023 20:30:00 CDT'>6 Jun 2023, 8:30 PM</time>
I went to the Porcupine Mountains on the upper peninsula of Michigan with my dad last week.
We had a lot of fun camping and hiking around.
I got my first taste of real backpacking.
It made hiking more strenuous, but it was fun and satisfying being able to bring everything we needed with us on our backs.
We spent one night in a rustic cabin on Mirror Lake, in the middle of the park.
We backpacked in two and a half miles to this site, which was quite the initiation to carrying that much weight around as you hike.
Its a lovely hike, though, so we had a lot of fun taking in the views and noting the wildflowers by the trail.
In the evening, when the last of the wind died down, the lake really lived up to its name.
It got very clear, and we had a great time just sitting by the fire among the hemlocks.
<img src='img/mirror_lake.webp' width='600' height='400'
alt='Mirror Lake in the Porcupine Mountains'
The second cabin we stayed in was near to the shore of Lake Superior.
The park is pretty buggy this time of year, so we thought maybe being by the lake would bring some welcome wind to keep the bugs away.
Unfortunately, this area was thick with mosquitos, and whats worse, the cabin didnt seem to be able to keep them out.
We spent a fairly horrific half-hour after bedtime trying to kill all the mosquitos in the cabin, but it was clear that more were coming in all the time.
I hadnt slept very well on the trip thus far (a sole mosquito kept waking me up in the other cabin), and I was near the end of my rope.
So we ended up hiking out of the site in the middle of the night (it was only about three quarters of a mile, so not unmanageable with headlamps).
We got a hotel for the night, which was kind of a bummer, but I slept very well that night, so it was probably worth it.
We also spent a night at Tettegouche State Park on the north shore of Lake Superior.
This was the one night we actually camped out in our tents.
This night went great, and was less buggy than either of the other sites.
It was a cart-in campsite, which allowed us to bring in a cast-iron skillet, which we used to make eggs and hashbrowns.
Great camping food!
Have you been to the Porcupine Mountains?
Have you been backpacking?
Have you been camping?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Trying new candy</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 12 Apr 2023 23:00:00 CDT'>12 Apr 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
I dont eat (or really like) much candy.
Unless you count dark chocolate, which feels like its own category to me.
Its not that I dont like sweet things.
I love ice cream and cookies and cake as much as anyone.
But when it comes to the kind of stuff youd see in the “impulse buy” section of an American store, it has little appeal to me.
We have a great Asian market in town that imports a lot of cool international food products.
Its super fun to walk around in because all the unfamiliar foods and packages make it feel like youve stepped into another country.
I like to try out new things that strike my interest as I walk through, because I never know when Ill find something new I love.
<img src='img/mochi.webp' width='550' height='367'
alt='Pieces of mochi in a grid-shaped box'
<figcaption>As I mention below, its not exactly a candy, but mochi is a very photogenic treat.</figcaption>
Ironically enough, a lot of what I end up buying there is actually candy and sweets.
As opposed to all the American candy, which I already know the taste and quality of, every Asian candy I try represents a new possibility.
And when do I find something I really like, candy is great for sharing small portions with other people.
One of my favorite treats Ive gotten at the market is mochi, which is a sweet food but not really a candy, I think.
The ones I get come with peanut, sesame, and red bean fillings, which are all great.
Ive also gotten some good Indian peanut brittle called chikki and these chewy ginger candies.
Recently, a friend of my dads gave me a little bar of a Mexican candy made of salty & spicy tamarind pulp.
He had happened upon it recently, and he said it reminded him of how they would prepare tamarind in Thailand (he is Thai), with salt & hot peppers.
I had had dried tamarind on its own before, but I didnt like it that much.
But this bar was unlike anything else I had tasted.
Tamarind flavor really works better in this combination, and the bar kind of gets more tasty as you eat it.
The Asian market in town also carries this candy, so I went there and got myself a box.
I actually got two boxes, so I have enough to hand them out to people I meet.
I think it would be fun, and I want to see what other people think of the flavor.
Im not going to mention the brand name of any of these foods, but they should all be fairly easy to find at the right store.
Ill let you know the names by email upon request if youre interested.
Do you like American candy?
Do you like Asian candy?
Do you like Mexican candy?
Do you like chocolate?
Do you like mochi?
Do you like tamarind?
Do you like spicy or salty candies?
Do you like trying unfamiliar kinds of candy (or food in general)?
Do you want to know the brand names of any of these candies?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>100-day challenge check-in</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 23 Mar 2023 23:30:00 CDT'>23 Mar 2023, 11:30 PM</time>
Back in November, I saw <a href=''>Jibran el Bazi</a>s call for participants in a 100-day writing challenge.
At the time, I had been wanting to commit to some long-term goal and see if I could see it through.
Often I start projects and dont finish them, and at the time, I wasnt even sure whether I could break that pattern.
Im currently ⅘<sup>ths</sup> done with the challenge (todays post is #81).
Every weekday since December 1<sup>st</sup>, without exception, Ive managed to publish a new post here.
After the first week or so of initial success, I started running into walls where it felt pretty difficult to come up with a post.
Once I stuck it through the first couple times, though, I got a better idea of what I could expect of myself.
I didnt get discouraged when I didnt know what to write about, because by that point I had established a track record of getting it done.
<img src='img/books.webp' width='375' height='500'
alt='An outdoor statue of a stack of books'
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>FaysaLBinDaruL</a></figcaption>
One of the biggest helps in writing has been knowing that others are participating in the challenge.
Everyones contributions are aggregated and published on <a href=''>this Substack page</a>.
I try to read my fellow challengers writing when I can, and its been fun encountering everyone elses daily thoughts.
I have to give a shoutout especially to my man <a href=''>Kevin Zhai</a>.
He wrote <a href=''>a great post</a> in reaction to <a href='listening.html'>my post about music listening</a>, and hes boosted my writing on Twitter a couple times.
Hes written some great stuff over the challenge, about <a href=''>fear</a>, <a href=''>writers block</a>, and <a href=''>this great watercolor comic</a>.
Once Ive finished the challenge, I dont think Ill post every day, but Id like to keep it up, maybe weekly at least.
I have some other <a href='unfinished.html'>ideas for the site</a> Id like to put more focus into.
I think Id like to start another “100 of something” sometime too, maybe something musical instead of literary.
In any case, I feel very proud of what Ive accomplished so far.
It feels great to look back through what Ive written, knowing its the fruit of my persistence.
Im grateful to Jibran for offering this opportunity for me to take on a big goal like this, and to everyone in the challenge for keeping me interested & motivated.
Have you committed to a long-term goal with daily effort?
Did it take some “pushing through” to get over the early hump?
Have you tried to do 100 of something?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Chess etymology adventure</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 16 Feb 2023 19:00:00 CST'>16 Feb 2023, 7:00 PM</time>
I love etymology.
Its so cool how every word has a little real-life story attached to it.
But some dont, and they make these tantalizing unresolved puzzles with a few pieces missing.
Learning etymologies, you get a sense of how lively words are, moving around and occupying different meanings like the shifting borders of a country.
So today, I looked up the meaning of the German word <a href=''><i>Bauer</i></a>.
I studied some German in college, but I am rusty on it, so I thought it maybe meant “builder”.*
It actually means “farmer”, or “peasant”, but I noticed that its also the German term for the pawn piece in chess.
Even better, the entry includes a table showing the names for the other chess pieces in German.
Even better than <i>that</i>, theres actually a <a href=''>page with a big table</a> that gives the names for chess pieces in many languages.
Just with the clicking around Ive done so far, Ive picked up some fascinating tidbits.
Just in the German table, I saw that the term for the bishop was <i>Läufer</i>, which means “runner”, not bishop.
I had kind of assumed it would have been called <i>Bischof</i> in German and the equivalent of <i>bishop</i> in most languages, so that was a neat surprise.
“Runner” is an approprite name for the piece given its function.
Another great tidbit I picked up from the German table was the word <i>Ross</i> as one of the terms for the knight.
<i>Ross</i> means “horse”, evidently, but its not the common word I learned in my German class, which would have been <i>Pferd</i>.
Its a more archaic and poetic term for horse, perhaps like <i>steed</i> in English.
But its cognate with English <i>horse</i>, because both descend from the same Germanic root <a href=''><i>*hross</i></a>.
When I was learning German, I noticed that a lot of the cognates between English and German went the other way, where the modern German word was linked to an archaic-sounding English word.
For example, <i>Mädchen</i> is the normal word for “girl”, whereas its English cognate <i>maiden</i> is a more archaic word.
So it was cool to find <i>Ross</i>&ndash;<i>horse</i>, a pair where the English is modern and the German equivalent is archaic.
The bishop wasnt originally the bishop in English.
First it was <i>alfin</i>, from the Arabic word for “elephant”, الفِيل‎ (<i>al-fīl</i>, literally “the elephant”).
There are a lot of languages that still call the piece either something based on <i>al-fīl</i> or just their native word for “elephant”.
After that, it was <i>archer</i>, which was probably a reference to its movement.
Im still looking around to figure out how exactly <i>bishop</i> got introduced as the English word for that piece.
I always assumed the piece looked the way it did because it was meant to be a bishops hat, but if its a more recent coinage,
perhaps it got that name for the reverse reason: people noticed the elephant piece looked kind of like a bishops hat and started calling it that.
Please let me know if you know any more about it.
<img src='img/old_chess.webp' width='600' height='457'
alt='Ancient chess set from Iran. One side is green and the other is brown'
<figcaption>One of the oldest remaining chess sets. Check out the tusks on the bishops!</figcaption>
In a lot of languages, the rook is called something like “tower”.
But English <i>rook</i> comes from the Persian word رخ‎ (<i>rox</i>), which apparently is just used for the chess piece.
Relatively few langauges use a descendant of <i>rox</i>, not even French, which is where English got it, via Old Frenchs <i>roc</i>.
Okay, Id better stop myself there.
Etymology really is one of those topics I could just talk forever about; this stuff is totally fascinating to me.
But if I dont stop now, were quickly heading towards wall-of-text territory.
Do you like etymology?
Do you have other topics you tend to rabbit-hole on?
Do you play chess?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.
</p><p class='footnote'>
* I was close; <i>Bau</i> means “building” or “construction”, both the act and the result. The correct word for this kind of builder according to Wiktionary is <i>Bauarbeiter</i>.

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<h1 id='title'>A few of my favorite choral pieces</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 6 Mar 2023 23:00:00 CST'>6 Mar 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
I wrote last week about <a href='choral.html'>my love of choral music</a>, and how I used to think about it more when I wrote more of it.
I also spent a lot of time listening to it back then.
Today Ill share a few of my favorites.
<h3><i>Faire is the Heaven</i> by William Henry Harris</h3>
<p><a href=''>Link to recording</a></p>
Double choir is a technique where a composer writes parts for two separate choral units, both consisting of each part of the choir.
These units then sing separate & overlapping phrases according to their organization.
<i>Faire is the Heaven</i> is probably the best use of a double choir that I know of.
Harris uses overlaps between the end of one choirs phrase and the beginning of the others to create a chain of unbroken texture throughout the piece.
Each idea starts as the previous finishes, smoothly transitioning you through a sublime kaleidoscope.
There are a lot of ideas in the piece, but they flow together so nicely that it feels well-structured nonetheless.
<img src='img/miserere.webp' width='400' height='400'
alt='Album art for Allegri: Miserere by Tenebrae'
<figcaption>This entire album is fantastic, by the way. Choral music is a huge challenge to record well, so the audio engineers who worked on this one deserve a lot of credit.</figcaption>
<h3><i>O sacrum convivium!</i> by Olivier Messiaen</h3>
<p><a href=''>Link to recording</a></p>
Messiaen is a composer who kind of just had his own way of doing things.
He didnt write much choral music, and his mature compositional approach probably wouldnt have been well-suited to it anyway.
But <i>O sacrum convivium</i> is a gem of a piece, in which he brings his unique language to choral writing with lovely results.
The rhythmic pattern is irregular but very slow, so it may take a moment to “feel into it” on first encounter.
The harmony is generally tonal but features some forays into octatonic harmony, lending it an otherworldly but nevertheless devotional feel.
<h3><i>Ubi caritas</i> by Maurice Duruflé</h3>
<p><a href=''>Link to recording</a></p>
This piece has a special place in my heart.
I sang it in an honor choir I participated in in middle school, which was one of my first experiences with 4-part SATB choral music.
Im usually a tenor, but I ended up singing bass in this ensemble, which always gives you a different view of the piece.
Theres this really cool “money note” the basses get to sing on the word <i>diligamus</i>, and its such a short thing, but it was what I looked forward to the most when we sang the piece.
Its also a great example of how to adapt a Gregorian chant theme, which is one of Duruflés specialties, being an organist.
Do you listen to choral music?
Have you heard the pieces I mentioned?
Do you have some favorites youd like to recommend me?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Lets talk choral music</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 2 Mar 2023 22:00:00 CST'>2 Mar 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
I havent written especially much on here about choral music, but its actually very important to me.
My composition degree included a special concentration in choral music, and despite my current <a href='dry-spell.html'>dry spell</a>,
I still see choral music as part of my lifes calling in a special way.
I think with getting a full-time job and getting myself established in that, I lost a certain level of focus on choral music that I had before.
While in school, my lifes narrative revolved around music on both a micro and macro level.
I spent my time studying music, writing it, rehearsing it, and all in service of the large-scale goal of cultivating myself as a composer.
My current job is at least music-adjacent, but its hard to keep the thread of choral music as lively when my daily work doesnt orient me towards it,
and my general career trajectory isnt currently bringing me closer to choral music either.
<img src='img/requiem.webp' width='500' height='333'
alt='Oratorienchor of Würzburg singing Brahmss Requiem'
<figcaption>Theyre singing Brahmss Requiem<br/>Photo credit: <a href=''>Schorle</a></figcaption>
In spite of all this, I still have the glowing embers from the fire of choral inspiration that once burned in me.
Many people think of choral music as a subgenre of classical music, and certainly a lot of choral music is from that tradition, but to me, it transcends that world.
I dont write classical music or whatever its contemporary equivalent is; I just write plans for what I think people should do when they get together to sing.
People coming together to sing is a holy and precious thing in the many forms it takes, and I want my lifes work to be devoted to facilitating and participating in that.
Ive had the incredible privilege to sing in some great choirs with superb directors, and through these ensembles I had the chance to encounter and sing many pieces that had a profound influence on me personally.
The most moving experience I had in college was singing Brahmss <i>Ein deutsches Requiem</i>.
At the end of that performance, having put my all into this music I had grown to love, I found myself surprised by a sudden rush of tears.
I barely held it together for the applause, then I rushed to the bathroom.
There, I wept hard & loudly for about ten solid minutes, some of the most cathartic crying of my life.
Knowing how deeply a person can be moved by the right music, its my ambition to write some music that people can put their hearts & souls into like that.
Do you sing or enjoy choral music?
Do you write any music?
Have you been deeply moved by music?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>My cold walk</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 4 Jan 2023 23:00:00 CST'>4 Jan. 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
Today I took a walk after I was done with work.
The temperature outside was 8°F (13°C), so it was pretty chilly, and the sun was just setting.
Fortunately, the moon is almost full right now, so I actually had good lighting anyway.
I love taking walks.
It gets me into an open and receptive mood.
I notice all the things I would normally miss in a car, and getting my body moving helps me have good ideas.
<img src='img/cold_walk.webp' width='600' height='450'
alt='A school with one room lit up, surrounded by snow. The full moon is visible behind clouds'
When its as cold as it is outside, your ability to take walks is somewhat limited, and most people choose not to do it.
I myself dont take as many walks in the winter, and usually not after dark.
But walking at twilight with no one else outside is pretty enchanting, so I felt like it was worth it even as my hands froze.
My favorite part about the walk was watching a thin layer of clouds move over the moon.
Looking at the moon, it really felt like a physical light hanging high up in the firmament.
I had a strong sense of how beautiful it is for us to live under the moon, even when were not looking at it.
Do you like taking walks?
Do you take walks in adverse conditions?
Do you like looking at the moon?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>My relationship with <i>Colour Green</i></h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 26 Jan 2023 23:00:00 CST'>26 Jan. 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
<i>Colour Green</i> is the only released album by Sibylle Baier.
She recorded the songs by herself at home in the early 70s.
It wasnt until 2006 that the songs were actually released as an album.
In the intervening time, Sibylle Baier didnt pursue a career in music but instead focused on raising her family.
I first discovered <i>Colour Green</i> around the same time period as <a href='무너지기.html'><i>무너지기</i></a>, when I was finishing my second degree.
For that reason, the two albums have a somewhat related flavor to them in my mind.
The comparison kind of fits outside my mind too, since both albums have a lonely and reflective mood, which, as I mentioned in my <i>무너지기</i> post, is great for a Fall full of coding.
<img src='img/colour_green.webp' width='400' height='400'
alt='Album art for Colour Green by Sibylle Baier'
<figcaption>I highly recommend the whole album, but if you only listen to one song, check out <i>Forget&nbsp;About</i></figcaption>
Like <a href='pink-moon.html'><i>Pink Moon</i></a>, this is an album with just guitar and voice (with the exception of the strings on the last track).
Once again we have an example of a great songwriter building a whole world with just these two elements.
For me, the world she builds is characterized by a pervasive lightness that belies the richness and depth of every song.
The sound is always just floating by unobtrusively, never actively grabbing or forcing engagement from the listener.
But as soon as you reach out to touch it with your attention, the meaning & emotion just unfurl themselves.
One thing about the songwriting that stood out to me was the irregular sizes of phrases.
A lot of times, the phrases dont last the normal four or two measures, but rather odd and varying lengths.
This enhances the etheral vibe, because new ideas will just float in, one following the other, whenever it feels natural.
Feeling natural is the key to doing irregular phrases well, in my opinion.
Its the difference between organic songwriting and the sense of “Im doing irregular things on purpose” you get from something like math rock.
I like the belated release story that surrounds <i>Colour Green</i>.
It makes the album feel uniquely intimate and genuine.
It also gives me hope as an artist that my work will eventually reach the people it needs to, even if it takes a long time.
And as a glimpse into the life of someone who did not pursue the path of fame, it serves as a good reminder of the hidden depths everyday life can offer.
Have you listened to <i>Colour Green</i>?
Did it resonate with you?
Did you notice the irregular phrase lengths?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Abysmal project completion rate</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 23 Jan 2023 10:00:00 CST'>23 Jan. 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
I had the idea recently to transcribe the <a href=''>Tetris CD-i soundtrack</a> by Jim Andron for piano.
I could have fun playing through the songs and then share the enjoyment by putting the scores online.
If I do end up finishing this side project, Ill post about it here.
<img src='img/tetris_cd-i.webp' width='372' height='246'
alt='Screenshot from Tetris CD-i: a monolith with Tetris on it in a meadow, with a mountain in the background'
<figcaption>The whole Tetris CD-i game has incredible vibes, by the way</figcaption>
After having the idea, I spent a couple hours working on the <i>Level 0</i> track.
The basic pattern was easy enough to transcribe, but after the initial success, it turned into a bit of a slog.
I wanted to capture all these neat details and extra pieces of instrumentation in the track, and figuring out how to incorporate them into the piano part wasnt easy.
After thinking about it some more, I decided I could stick with a simpler version that focused on the piano part, if it meant I made a better rate of progress.
After that, I just never got back to the project.
Its not that I couldnt return to it, but now theres been a definite break from the initial burst of energy that made me want to do the project.
I still like the idea, but I just dont <i>feel</i> like doing it in the way I did before, and I see no reason to force myself to do it when its not really a priority.
In order to feel it again, Id have to get back in touch with my original motives for doing it and kind of get past that “activation energy” threshold that makes it hard to pick up a project.
I have many such examples of side projects, either on hold or basically abandoned.
In fact, I could probably write a whole post just taking inventory of my project graveyard (I think I will <a href='graveyard-1.html'>tomorrow</a>).
I do regret not finishing certain projects, or I think that Id like to still come back to them sometime.
But a lot of times, it seems like completion isnt really what Im after.
I always learn a lot from starting a project, and I have a lot of fun fleshing out ideas even if they dont always pan out.
Sometimes, the partial remains of a previous project can be rolled into something new (e.g., I abandoned a translation project and then used one of my texts for a choral piece).
If I were to set a goal for myself, I think Id like to become someone who can choose whether to complete a given project or not, and stick to that.
I know not all projects are for completing, but I would like to be able to say “yes, this matters enough to me”, and do what I had to to make it happen.
This year Im making progress with <a href='./goals.html'>setting & achieving daily goals</a>.
Maybe theres a way to take that ability to commit and apply it to some of my old projects.
Do you have some abandoned or on-hold projects?
What is your side project completion rate like?
Do you have any techniques for committing to the ones you really want to see through?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Stream of consciousness cram</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 19 Jan 2023 18:00:00 CST'>19 Jan. 2023, 6:00 PM</time>
Unlike most weeknights, Im going to be unable to write my post in the evening.
I just spent the last half hour struggling to think of a topic for today.
Im still determined to succeed at this challenge, so Ive decided to just sit down and write whatever comes to mind and call it a post.
Im excited to be going out and doing something tonight, even if it throws off my regular schedule.
During the winter, I kind of go “hibernation mode” & Im more hesitant to disrupt my daily rhythm.
But if I go too long just on autopilot things deteriorate mood-wise, so I know it will be good for me to get out.
<img src='img/bear.webp' width='500' height='377'
alt='Hibernating bear'
Working from home, I have a lot fewer time constraints than I used to while in school.
There just arent that many things I have to worry about being on-time for, and all my meetings are right in the same place I always am.
Ive always been unpunctual, and now I have fewer occasions to improve at that then ever.
When I do have to worry about timing nowdays, Im actually kind of glad to have the opportunity to test my skills.
Well, looks like Ive made it past 100 words.
Thats all Ive got for now.
Tomorrows post should be back to a more typical level of thoroughness.
Do you go “hibernation mode” at all in the winter?
Are you punctual?
Have you improved with punctuality over time?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Attempts to make custard</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 14 Mar 2023 22:00:00 CDT'>14 Mar 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
This weekend, I wanted to try making custard.
My parents have a <a href=''>sous vide</a> machine.
Theyre good for making custard because they can get food to a very even temperature and never overheat it.
The first batch I based on the recipe my mom uses for making crème brûlée with the sous vide.
I like the consistency of crème brûlée custard a lot, so it seemed like a good starting point.
I wanted it to have a low-sweetness, dark chocolate sort of flavor.*
We used cocoa powder for the chocolate, just guessing on the amount.
After it was cooked, thought it would be fun to chill it by putting it in a snow bank.
<img src='img/custard.webp' width='500' height='375'
alt='A jar of chocolate custard sitting in a snow bank'
This is the second batch.
I was looking forward to this being the best custard ever made and to sharing my “gome custard” recipe with you on here.
This first batch turned out pretty good.
I thought the consistency was a little thinner than what I wanted, and the chocolate flavor didnt come through quite as much as I was hoping.
I think the stage we introduced the cocoa at caused it to clump up a little bit, and then those clumps got filtered out during the straining step.
So we probably needed more cocoa and needed to introduce it later.
But in general, this batch was some great custard.
The lower sweetness worked just fine, and even with a light chocolate flavor, great custard is still great custard.
For the second batch, I got the bright idea of trying to add rosemary.
Infusing the cream with rosemary was actually pretty fun.
I like sitting over a pot and keeping it stirring.
We tried several tweaks to the recipe for this one, including a higher egg-to-cream ratio and a slightly higher cooking temperature, both in the hopes of a slightly thicker texture.
We also used melted chocolate chips for the chocolate.
My mom tried to warn me against making too many adjustments at once, suggesting I find a recipe to follow specifically for rosemary-chocolate custard or pudding.
My rationale for freestyling it was that I wanted to learn how to get exactly the custard I wanted, which could only be achieved through some trial and error.
This batch was definitely the error side of that achievement.
The rosemary was significantly stronger than the chocolate, which was not a good balance, especially when you account for the fact that I accidentally added twice as much salt.
The chocolate still came out weak, and this time, the sweetness was almost completely gone (I had decreased the sugar added to account for the chocolate chips, but the move was naively executed).
In the end, I had fun making custard both times, and I feel like I have some valuable lessons to bring forward with me next time.
I dont want to give up experimenting, because I really do think it helps develop my general “cooks sense”.
But next time I make custard, Ill probably reference a recipe.
Have you made custard before?
Have you experimented with the recipe before?
Have you made mistakes cooking?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.
</p><p class='footnote'>
* In retrospect, trying to get a dish with milk as the main ingredient to have a “dark chocolate flavor” was not the best-formed concept.

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<h1 id='title'> dark matter</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 5 Apr 2023 23:00:00 CDT'>5 Apr 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
I enjoy being able to keep track of what music I listen to with my <a href=''> account</a>.
After youve used it for a while you can get a lot of nice data about your listening habits.
I wish more of my friends had accounts so I could follow what they listen to.
I only have hooked up to my Spotify account, since thats what I use the most by far for streaming music.
I would like to eventually get physical or DRM-free digital copies of all my favorite albums, but unfortunately, the prospect of purchasing my whole library just gets more and more expensive as I find more music to love&hellip;
Anyway, I do listen to some music off of Spotify, and unfortunately, this listening is not reflected in my data.
So I thought I might share some of my favorite music I have to go off Spotify to enjoy.
<img src='img/dark_matter.webp' width='900' height='300'
alt='Album art for Blue by Joni Mitchell; Tetris CD-i box art, to represent the soundtrack by Jim Andron, and album art for Strawberry Fields by Mushroom Village'
<h3>Joni Mitchell</h3>
I mentioned Joni Mitchell previously as <a href='singers.html'>one of my favorite singers</a>, and when she was on Spotify I listened to her a lot on there.
Unfortunately, her music was removed from Spotify soon after I started my account, so shes sorely underrepresented on there.
But I love her songwriting & singing, and I wish I listened to her more often.
My favorite album by her is currently <a href=''><i>Blue</i></a>.
Some of my favorite songs by her include
<a href=''><i>Chelsea Morning</i></a>,
<a href=''><i>Help Me</i></a>, and
<a href=''><i>Carey</i></a>.
<h3>Tetris CD-i soundtrack by Jim Andron</h3>
I listen to this one on <a href=''>YouTube</a>* from time to time.
I knew immediately when I found this one that it was something special.
I was blown away at the time to discover there was a Tetris game released for a console I had never heard of that was this vibey.
The soundtrack goes perfect with the blissful proto-vaporwave visuals of the game world, as you play Tetris on monoliths placed in various scenic locations.
So on the right kind of day, I love to come back and revisit that awesome sound-world.
<h3>Various comfy synth artists</h3>
Comfy synth is a microgenre based on dungeon synth, which itself is a microgenre that uses retro synthesizer sounds to create an 80s-inspired dark fantasy aesthetic.
Comfy synth is like the lighter side of that same aesthetic, more out of a story-book than a D&D campaign.
The album art and track titles are always twee or nostalgic, and the music follows up in the same vein.
I originally learned about it through this <a href=''>Bandcamp Daily post</a>,
which is a great place to start if youre interested.
My favorite comfy synth artist is probably <a href=''>Mushroom Village</a>, with <a href=''>Snowy Hill House</a> in a close second.
<a href=''>Tiny Mouse</a> and <a href=''>Grandmas Cottage</a> both deserve honorable mentions, especially for their more recent output.
Do you have a account?
Do you do most of your music listening on one app?
Do you have some other music off the beaten path you like to come back to?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.
</p><p class='footnote'>
* Theres a nice comment on that video from Jim Andron himself, the artist behind the soundtrack!

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<h1 id='title'>A model of musical dialogue</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 8 Dec 2022 20:00:00 CST'>8 Dec. 2022, 8:00 PM</time>
One way to frame a genre is as a common set of musical ideas that tie together a group of musical works.
A genre starts with a period of innovation, wherein one or more musicians introduce enough new ideas to a genre that they take on a new life, separate from the base genre.
An example would be William Bevan, better known as Burial, whose atomospheric approach to dubstep went on to define the genre of future garage.
When they come on the scene, the ideas that characterize a new genre are usually rough and only partially realized.
As the genre gains a larger body of work, different players contribute new music, which refines the genre and its core ideas.
Eventually, this reaches a peak where the core ideas of the genre have been fully refined and solidified.
The most sophisticated and fully realized examples of a genre usually emerge from this time.
Carlo Gesualdo, for example, did not invent the Italian madrigal, but he arguably wrote some of the best of the period, because he had a whole centurys worth of material behind him.
Between his mastery of counterpoint and harmony of the time and his deep understanding of the form, he was able to bring this genre to new heights near the end of its relevancy.
<img src='img/burial_gesualdo.webp' width='600' height='374'
alt='Carlo Gesualdo hanging out with the guy from the album art of Untrue by Burial'
Once a genre reaches this decadent stage, its core ideas have played out, and theres not really new ground to cover with them.
At this point, the genre dies, or some new ideas come along and keep it going, possibly spawning off new genres.
In any case, the genres core ideas tend to go dormant.
New music may reference them, but in a backwards-looking way, not developing them further.
Ive focused on the genre, this progression of innovation & refinement leading to decadence is also a genral model of musical dialogue.
The same process happens all the time in music, independent of genres, on the micro and macro level.
Its the lifecycle of any musical idea that is shared between musicians.
What do you think of this model?
Do you have any good examples of an early innovator in a genre?
What about an example of high perfection near the decadent stage?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Disagreeing with friends</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 2 Feb 2023 23:30:00 CST'>2 Feb 2023, 11:30 PM</time>
I had a roomate in college one year who I would describe as disagreeable.
They would often disagree with me about fairly trivial things, and then we would end up arguing.
Strangely enough, I look back fondly on our arguing.
Since we were arguing about trivial things, it soon became clear we were doing it more for entertainment than for any high stakes.
All this arguing also had a great secondary effect: it increased our confidence speaking our mind with each other.
Normal roomate disagreements were easy to handle and resolve amicably, because we knew it was safe for us to disagree.
In other roomate situations, Ive sometimes gotten stuck behind a shield of politeness, which makes it hard to discuss touchy subjects for fear of disturbing the peace.
Ive noticed a similar pattern with other friends of mine.
In general, I find it easier to get close with people I have some significant difference in beliefs with.
To me, the more important quality in a friend isnt what they specifically believe, but their openness to other points of view and their ability to handle disagreements well.
Some points are easier to make in chart form, so check it out:
<img src='img/friend_chart.webp' width='330' height='280' />
With those who have different beliefs than me, disagreements are naturally more likely to occur, so I can sooner discover how open-minded someone is.
Once weve established the trust that we can disagree and still get along, I feel like I can reveal more of myself to a friend.
So its precisely those sites of disagreement where we build trust that our friendship can transcend our differences.
Do you disagree with your friends?
Are your friends open-minded?
Do you like to argue a bit for fun?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Whats up with dowsing?</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 2 May 2023 22:00:00 CDT'>2 May 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
Today at dinner my dad was talking about a podcast he had heard where they talked about dowsing.
For the unfamiliar, dowsing is a technique used to find hidden things, such as underground water or gravesites.
The dowser often uses a rod or pair of rods, which are meant to guide them toward whatever it is theyre looking for.
The episode my dad listened to gave some impressive anectdotal examples of dowsing being used to find things.
Obviously these are only examples, and if this were all I had heard, I wouldnt be that interested.
But I actually have a personal connection to the practice in my family history.
Ive heard a few times from my mom that my grandfather actually had a pair of dowsing rods, and used them with some success.
To be clear, my grandpa wasnt some paranormal enthusiast or pseudoscience quack.
He was a farmer of the American heartland, and not prone to eccentricity or superstition.
He did dowsing because it produced practical results for him.
<img src='img/dowser.webp' width='490' height='480' />
I dont really have a clear picture of his success rate with it, but I do know that he used his rods to find water and the graves of relatives.
And it must have worked well enough for him that he did it regularly; its not like he tried it once & gave up.
My understanding is that its not uncommon for old farmers to have some experience with dowsing, especially for finding water.
So, what exactly is going on with dowsing?
I dont think anyone really knows, but I have a general theory Ive picked up about things like this.
People receive a lot of sensory information that never makes it to their conscious mind, but still gets processed.
Some of this sensory information might be conditions in the feel of the ground or the air that give an experienced mind clues to where water might be.
Processes like dowsing might give the unconscious a way to pass that information along to the conscious mind, bypassing the layer of filtering that would normally interfere with that intuition.
As I said, its just a general theory.
Practices like dowsing are still mostly a mystery.
But the interesting thing about it is that you can have no clue how it works, and it might still work for you.
And if it works, why not use it?
There seems to be some variation among people in their aptitude for it, but Id like to give it a try sometime and see for myself.
Have you ever heard stories of dowsing working?
Have you ever tried dowsing?
Do you think theres anything to the theory I gave?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Dreaming all the time</h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 2 Dec 2022 22:30:00 CST'>2 Dec. 2022, 10:30 PM</time>
I tend to dream in “place-feelings”. I have a strong spatial sense of the place I am in during a dream, and I associate the place with some unique (usually personal & nostalgic) feeling.
Sometimes, they are real places, other times, they are built out of fragments of places Ive been to, seen, or imagined.
Rather than a whole vista I could envision, place-feelings tend to have a collection of associated features or emotional contexts to them.
Some examples of place-feelings I can recall are:
<li>A cool, comfortable evergreen forest with a gazebo or chapel in it</li>
<li>A garden with a white brick wall next to it, in bright sunlight</li>
<li>A wide open plain with tall trees or walls surrounding it on all sides at a distance</li>
<img src='img/liminal_field.webp' width='640' height='427' />
On days when I feel really good and well-rested, I can sense a place-feeling flickering around the edges of my conscious thoughts.
The specific place-feeling I sense tends to change gradually over a few weeks or months, usually with some intervening time where I dont sense it at all.
These impressions arise most often while I am outside and moving around.
This has lead me to think that whatever makes me feel these places in dreams continues to go on while Im awake, but is usually unaccessible.
The phenomenon squares pretty well with what I understand about the unconscious mind.
Roughly speaking, the conscious mind fades away during sleep, but the unconscious remains active, and some of its activity can then be remembered by the conscious mind upon waking.
Then, during the day, the unconscious carries on in the same way, but is usually not detectable.
Its like dreams are the stars, and conscious thought is the sun.
These waking dreams are like catching a lucky glimpse of an especially bright star during daylight.
Im curious whether there is a way to further cultivate dream awareness during my waking hours.
Currently, I just enjoy it when it happens, and try to take good care of myself.
What do you think? Are dreams (or something similar) going on all the time for everyone?
Have you ever noticed elements from your dreams arise during waking hours?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Drinking in the presence of others</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 22 Mar 2023 22:30:00 CDT'>22 Mar 2023, 10:30 PM</time>
Ive noticed that I sometimes start to feel uncomfortable with other people when I feel I cant sufficiently mirror them.
Maybe the energy theyre giving off feels wrong to me, or I dont quite agree with what theyre saying, or theyre expressing some difficult emotion.
Basically, Im feeling some resistance to an aspect of their presence.
I think of this phenomenon as akin to drinking a beverage and gagging on some weird flavor you werent ready for.
Sometimes there might be a good reason for this.
Maybe youre responding to the taste of a poison or something that just isnt good for you.
But it might be that youre just not used to the flavor, and if you acclimated to it, you wouldnt have any trouble finishing the drink.
<img src='img/bebida_divertida.webp' width='600' height='310' />
<figcaption>The title of this image was <i>Bebida divertida</i> (“fun drink”). Photo credit: <a href='' target='href'>Prácticas Intraescolares</a></figcaption>
I kind of abused that metaphor, but when applied to people, it means that it might take a little effort to fully “drink in” their presence.
Being able to drink without gagging is really about giving your full attention to the person, and not flinching away from discomfort.
And that full attention is something generally worth making an effort for.
Do you ever get uncomfortable or awkward around people?
Does it make it difficult to be fully present with them?
Do you try to work through that discomfort?
Have you ever gagged on a weird-tasting drink?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Musical dry spell</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 15 Feb 2023 23:00:00 CST'>15 Feb 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
I went to college for music composition.
When I first started college, I was studying computer science.
Two years in, I was spending far more time writing, arranging, and performing music than I was on programming,
so I decided it made sense to switch.
My time in college was probably my most prolific so far.
I dedicated time almost every day to composing choral music and <a href='a-cappella.html'>arranging for my a cappella group</a>.
After graduating, I wanted to continue being a composer, but I didnt see a straightforward path to doing that full-time that appealed to me.
So I went back to school for a computer science degree, knowing I could make money with it & hopefully keep composing.
That went well & all, but unfortunately I dont compose nearly as much as I used to.
I still do write maybe a piece or two a year, but I spend much less time doing it, and I feel very much out of practice on the whole process.
<img src='img/desert.webp' width='500' height='375' />
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>Mostafa Meraji</a></figcaption>
I dont think the problem is having less time to spend on composing.
When I was in school, I was more busy than I am now outside of work, but I still made time to compose.
Nowadays, when I do write, I find it very difficult to truly get into the necessary creative mindset, and I bounce off of the work easily.
Inspirations always elusive, but in order to get any inspiration, you need to dedicate a certain portion of your subconscious mind to working on the music all the time in the background.
It seems like I can rarely do that anymore.
The work just doesnt hook me in like it used to.
Around the time I started college again, I got started on a piece I had wanted to write for a really long time.
It had taken me a few false starts to get some material I was really happy with, and the text is special to me, so I wanted to make something exceptional.
Its been 4 years since then, and I still havent finished the piece, despite repeated efforts to complete it.
Thats by far the longest Ive ever taken to finish a piece.
Sometimes I tell myself if I could finish this piece, Id be able to open up the floodgates and get back into writing music.
I sometimes tell myself that the perfectionism Im bringing to this one is whats really holding me back.
I tell myself a lot of things, but the piece is still unfinished.
Ive thought a lot about my dry spell, because in the long term Im still serious about music being a major part of my lifes work.
I dont think I have a simple and satisfying answer to why I write less than I used to.
My life in general is pretty good right now, so maybe its alright for me to be relatively less prolific for the time being.
All I know is that this is a bridge I must cross eventually if I dont want to wind up regretting things later on.
Do you struggle with creative output?
How do you get around writers block?
Have you ever had difficulty finishing a piece or project over a long period of time?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Why learn etiquette?</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 4 May 2023 22:30:00 CDT'>4 May 2023, 10:30 PM</time>
I recently found myself thinking that it might be helpful to seek out resources on etiquette.
The exact reason I was thinking this escapes me, so this post is an attempt to rebuild that train of thought.
Generally I want to be kind to people.
Maybe if Im in some kind of mean or crabby or otherwise negative mood, I dont feel like it as much, though Ill still try.
But usually, I do have a genuine desire to be kind & pleasant to people if I can.
This includes avoiding awkward situations that would make someone uncomfortable, where it is prudent to do so.
<img src='img/dinner_party.webp' class='no-border' width='475' height='373' />
Social interactions are complex, and usually there are more things in the picture than just “be kind”.
You always have your own reactions and emotions going on that need to be duly processed & managed.
You might have other goals you want to achieve depending on the context, like to look good or have fun.
You also have awareness of other peoples emotions and goals, and those in turn might affect yours.
All these factors mean its sometimes hard to decide what to do, especially in novel situations with unfamiliar details.
Suppose a friend made you a weird necklace or something, and you dont really like it or it doesnt go with your clothes, but theyre clearly hoping youll wear it at this event.
How do you handle it?
Obviously its okay to not get it right all the time, but there might be a simple, practical solution to a scenario like this you just havent considered.
I think a good etiquette book could play a really helpful role here.
You could think of it as a stock of these practical solutions, applied to many different scenarios.
By reading and understanding these examples, you could build up your own intuition about how to come up with your own solutions on the fly.
So Im not looking to etiquette for a list of rules that tell me how to act in particular situations.
You cant really expect a rule list to apply very well to the messy realities of real life.
Rather, I would like to learn etiquette as a set of templates for considerate behavior that I can adapt and riff on.
Etiquette as an established, agreed-upon set of rules is not especially relevant in my culture.
Like anywhere else, there are certainly implicit cultural norms, but many things are much more casual now than they maybe once were.
Theres not really a “rulebook for polite society” that everyones aware of or anything like that.
Inasmuch as it makes people less constrained & stifled in their behavior, that seems like a good thing.
But I think we could use a form of etiquette as positive guidance.
Most of us want to be kind, but with such a complex social world, we could sometimes use some help knowing how to do it effectively.
Have you ever studied etiquette?
Do you participate in a culture or subculture with an established etiquette?
Do you know of any resources for learning about etiquette?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Start with examples</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 28 Dec 2022 23:00:00 CST'>28 Dec. 2022, 11:00 PM</time>
If youve ever read about the programming language Haskell, its likely you encountered some explanation of an abstract structure called a monad.
If so, its almost as likely youve encountered the line “a monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors”, which is nonsense to everyone but category theorists.
Its often repeated humorously, but its also a prime example of a terrible yet common way to explain a new concept.
I myself have read or watched many “simple introductions” to monads that started far too abstractly to be of any help to the uninitiated.
Try to recall a lecture or lesson (its often in math) where you were lost when a concept was first introduced, but eventually it clicked for you.
For me, Ive noticed the clicking usually doesnt occur until we start discussing concrete examples.
Nonetheless, lessons often start with an abstract concept and then bring in concrete examples to illustrate as they go.
<img src='img/monad.webp' width='530' height='227' />
<figcaption>Its really quite simple!</figcaption>
Where does this bias towards the abstract come from?
Well, the benefit of abstraction is that it lets us do more reasoning with less thinking.
A good abstract concept covers many examples at once, so once you understand it, you can use it to think about things on a higher level more easily.
So from the experts point of view, explanations wrapped up in abstractions are a more elegant and satisfying way of communicating key insights.
“A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors” is succinct and technically contains all the information one needs to grasp monads, so its a great explanation if you already know what monoids, categories, and endofunctors are.
So proceeding from the abstract to the concrete works great for experts, but for those learning, I propose that concrete to abstract is the better route.
Ive noticed that the best teachers Ive learned from do this already.
Whenever I am teaching or explaining, I try to think of a good example to start things off.
Its actually a real challenge to come up with a strong example that will make sense to the learner and frame the new concept well,
but the right example will have serious payoff in ease of comprehension.
Is there anything you find yourself regularly teaching or explaining?
Do you tend to start with examples or abstractions?
If you start with examples, what examples do you use and how effective do you think they are?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>How I like to play</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 6 Apr 2023 22:30:00 CDT'>6 Apr 2023, 10:30 PM</time>
Previously I wrote about the aesthetic of <a href='angels-egg.html'><i>Hollow Knight</i></a>, an all-time favorite game of mine.
I am not a particularly active gamer, and I rarely look forward to upcoming games, but <i>Hollow Knight: Silksong</i> is one I am genuinely exicted for.
I try not to read or think about it too much, because I want to go into the game mostly blind.
But from what I can tell, I think the team is really going to outdo themselves, and I cant wait for it to drop.
The last time I looked forward to a video game releasing was <i>Portal 2</i>, but this year, I actually have a couple games to anticipate.
In addition to <i>Silksong</i>, Im excited for <i>The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom</i>.
Nintendo still hasnt given away much info about it, but I loved <i>Breath of the Wild</i> so much that I feel pretty confident it will be worth pre-ordering.
<img src='img/silksong-totk.webp' width='646' height='300' />
<figcaption>In <i>Silksong</i> you get to play as Hornet, who looks like she will have some really fun movement mechanics.
Also I am 100% certain the soundtrack is going to be awesome again.
<br/><i>Tears of the Kingdom</i> is based on the same map as <i>Breath of the Wild</i>, but theyre adding a whole bunch of new stuff including sky islands, so there should be plenty to explore. I do hope they have real dungeons this time.
Some people like to play video games for the challenges they present.
Some people try to optimize the effectiveness of their play in quantitative ways, as seen in min-maxing or speedrunning.
I enjoy challenges, but I find the proposition of optimization-as-play pretty onerous.
Its definitely not my idea of fun to have to figure out how to do a narrowly-defined task perfectly.
If youre familiar with the titles I mentioned above, you might be able to get a better idea of how I like to play.
I enjoy open-ended exploration, where you can take many paths through the game world and always be rewarded.
With exploration, not everything you do will be tied to concrete objectives.
Instead, the gameplay and the way you express yourself through it is its own reward.
Really, exploring is actually just one of my favorite things to do in real life, too.
I love visiting places I havent been before, seeing new things, mapping them out in my mind, stitching together a new part of the world in my mind.
When I can get out and about, I find real-world exploring far more rewarding than the video game equivalent.
But its nice to have alternatives during the long winters up here.
And theres also a value to the novel and fantastical elements that a game world can bring to the table.
While I still find replay value in revisiting my favorite game worlds from time to time, theres nothing quite like the first time you get to explore a game.
Thats one unavoidable problem with exploratory video games, no matter how big and open their worlds are:
eventually you mostly exhaust them, and while they might still offer some fun and good vibes, they dont necessarily offer that same sense of mystery and wonder anymore.
Thats why Im glad theyre making sequels to <i>Breath of the Wild</i> and <i>Hollow Knight</i>.
I think both are going to recapture some of the magic of the originals, and hopefully bring some of their own, new magic as well.
Have you played <i>Hollow Knight</i> or <i>Breath of the Wild</i>?
Are you looking forward to their sequels?
Are you looking forward to any other video game sequels?
Do you enjoy exploration in games or real life?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Extensive vs. intensive expression</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 5 Dec 2022 21:30:00 CST'>5 Dec. 2022, 9:30 PM</time>
The study of phsyics contrasts physical properties as either <i>extensive</i> or <i>intensive</i>. An extensive property is dependent on magnitude (of either a material or a system), whereas an intensive property is not. An example would be a sample of water: the volume (say, 1 gallon) is extensive, and its density (about 1 g/mL) is intensive. If you add another gallon, the volume of the sample would change, but its density would not.
I like the terms extensive and intensive.
I find them useful for describing situations where you have two related concepts, but one faces outward and the other inward.
A good example of this would be two contrasting types of expression that occur in the process of writing music.
<img src='img/ice_bird.webp' width='640' height='432' />
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>Andreas Tille</a></figcaption>
The first type is how the music makes use of the space of possibilities available.
This includes:
<li>the approach to rhythm & pitch</li>
<li>the style or genre</li>
<li>the choice of instrumentation</li>
<li>the specific ways in which instruments could be used (their ranges, extended techniques)</li>
<li>recording & production techniques</li>
<li>&c., many other things</li>
From this point of view, expression is reaching into this possibility space to discover novelty and project it onto a blank canvas.
This is what I would call <i>extensive expression</i>.
I think of it as being more aligned with the early stages of writing music: brainstorming and digging around for good ideas to grow.
<i>Intensive expression</i>, on the other hand, is focused on understanding the nature of the music which is taking shape.
You zero in on the specific musical statement you are making, and help the music to become more itself, more of “what it is”, so to speak.
The wider space of possibilities gets progressively pruned off as your gut leads you to a distilled form.
If extensive expression is about exploration, intensive expression is about receptivity.
Do you notice a parallel to these types of expression in your creative process?
Do you think this interpretation of these terms is a stretch, given their meaning in physics?
Do you have an alternative way of looking at musical expression that I dont touch on here?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>My relationship with <i>Fantasma</i></h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 24 Feb 2023 21:30:00 CST'>24 Feb 2023, 9:30 PM</time>
Im not really in shape to do <i>Fantasma</i> justice in writing tonight.
My brain is foggy; my ears are clogged.
But Ill do what I can, because the feeling of the album is whats keeping me going through this most difficult leg of winter.
<i>Fantasma</i> always reminds me of the summer of 2020.
Winter had felt extra long that year because of COVID & lockdown, so the summer had a special sense of freedom to it.
Even if we werent able to be out and about like normal yet, my family was fortunate to be able to go to the lake & sail a lot.
<img src='img/fantasma.webp' width='400' height='400' />
I first listened to <i>Fantasma</i> on my brothers recommendation.
There was a lot for me to like about it right away on first listen.
I love the pairing of heavy, frenetic drums (both live and machined) with upbeat, sunny guitars and synths.
I also love the liberal use of sampling and weird electronic sounds just mixed into the music.
I often think about “sunlight” as a naturally identifiable quality in music.
Like above, I described the guitars as “sunny”, and generally speaking, I can pretty quickly tell if music “has sunlight in it” or not.
<i>Fantasma</i> has sunlight in nearly every song, the whole album is a great encapsulation for the feeling of summer.
It became a natural accompaniment for our trips to the lake.
Right now, were in the dead of winter, and I think the number one thing the body wishes for in a long winter is sunlight.
With the weather being cold & snowy again and me being sick all week, I havent seen hardly any sunlight this week, and I can feel it throughout my body.
Its the part of winter where you might have to give up trying for a bit and just wait for it to end.
Listening to <i>Fantasma</i> doesnt bring back the sunlight, but it reminds me of what Im waiting for on the other side of winter.
Have you listened to <i>Fantasma</i>?
Do you hear the sunlight in it?
What other music reminds you of summer or sounds like sunlight to you?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Fireplace jokes</h1>
<time datetime='Thu, 9 Feb 2023 19:00:00 CST'>9 Feb 2023, 7:00 PM</time>
My brother and I went to the library the other week.
While there, I looked through an interior design book titled <a href=''><i>The Iconic Interior: 1900 to the Present</i></a>.
The excellent photography in the book is by Richard Powers.
Overall, I enjoyed the book.
With architecture photobooks, there are always some things that make me say “hmm...” or “ugh!” or “meh”, but there were plenty of really beautiful & cool spaces as well.
As I get older, I find my taste in such things gets stronger, in that I know better what I like & dislike, so it was fun to peruse & react to all the different styles.
One funny thing I noticed in the book was a lot of clearly non-functional fireplaces.
Im sure some of them were real fireplaces that were simply no longer used, and thus got redecorated.
But some of the more modern ones were just holes in the wall or mantels that were clearly never meant to be a functional fireplace.
One of the funniest was just an all-white shelf that had glass & ceramic doohickeys instead of logs.
<img src='img/firejacks.webp' width='468' height='222' />
<figcaption>I couldnt find the one from the book, but the doohickeys were like this.</figcaption>
I like to call these “fireplace jokes”.
Theyre kind of a pun on the grammar of interior design.
These spaces have no need for the function of a fireplace, but the form of one is useful as an aesthetic focal point even without the function.
The irony of including something that looks like a fireplace in a building that has no need for one and couldnt possibly be heated by one is very funny to me.
There are some good examples of fireplace jokes on <a href=''>Richard Powers website</a>.
I cant include them inline with the article without infringing on his copyright, so Ill just list links to them here:
<li><a href=''>On the left</a>, just a strange metal box in a hole</li>
<li><a href=''>Baloon animal fire</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Space age trash chute</a></li>
And here are a few more I found on Architectural Digest:
<li><a href=',c_limit/BJD%20-%20Julie%20Soefer.jpg'>Crystals instead of fire</a></li>
<li><a href=',c_limit/GettyImages-532883098.jpg'>Rocks instead of fire</a>, this one has very nice colors</li>
<li><a href=',c_limit/AD070119_DISC_DUSEN_05.jpg'>Mosaic instead of fire</a></li>
<li><a href=',c_limit/YESAD090119_JOHNSON_03.jpg'>Plants instead of fire</a></li>
<li><a href=',c_limit/AD0921_STUDIO_JOB_11.jpg'>This ones possibly functional</a>, but it was too weird to not include</li>
What do you think of these fireplace jokes?
Do you know of any other good fireplace jokes?
Do you know of other design “puns” of a similar nature?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Rebuilding your food chain</h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 10 Mar 2023 22:30:00 CST'>10 Mar 2023, 10:30 PM</time>
A while ago, I watched a video about grocery store logistics.
Part of the operating philosophy of a grocery store is that if they stock something, they want to stock it year-round.
For produce like oranges, this means they source them from different regions depending on the active growing seasons around the year.
When oranges are in season domestically, you have shorter shipping times, and therefore lower costs and fresher oranges.
But when theyre out of season, they get them shipped internationally, which costs more money and leaves you with not-as-fresh fruit.
When I watched this video, I thought they could save a lot of money and emissions if more grocery stores just didnt offer certain products for parts of the year.
People would certainly be able to make do with whatever was in season.
Personally, I dont buy fruit at the higher prices anyway, and things like oranges are really only worth it to me when theyre in season and fresher.
<img src='img/oranges.webp' width='500' height='333' />
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>Jpbrigand</a></figcaption>
Thinking more about <a href='regenerative.html'>regenerative agriculture</a> this week, I started wondering about what I could grow in my region.
I live in zone 4, which is a colder zone, but I could grow potatoes, allia like onion and garlic, and various pulses, which could form a good basis for a home-grown diet.
Many fruits, veggies, and herbs can be grown here over the summer too.
Mushrooms you can grow pretty much anywhere, and I love mushrooms, so that would be great to figure out.
Even if I dont go full self-sufficient permaculture, I want to learn to shrink the distance my food has to travel to get to me.
It would be great to grow what I can, and then find more efficient sources for things I cant.
For example, I wouldnt want to give up cooking with olive oil, and you cant grow olives in zone 4.
But I could probably do my research and buy just American-grown olive oil.
Do you know where your foods coming from?
Have you taken steps to reduce the length of your “food chain”?
Do you notice when the grocery store fruit is more expensive & less fresh?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Elizabeth Fraser is my favorite singer</h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 9 Dec 2022 23:30:00 CST'>9 Dec. 2022, 11:30 PM</time>
Hearing <i>Heaven or Las Vegas</i> by Cocteau Twins for the first time in 2021 was a big deal for me.
The sound was expansive and brilliant; the songwriting was powerful and catchy.
The thing that really pushes the album above and beyond, in my opinion, is the voice of Elizabeth Fraser.
<img src='img/elizabeth_fraser.webp' width='450' height='491' />
Her voice is strong enough to hold up against the wall of sound, and at the same time fully expressive, capable of a complete palette of colors and personalities.
Furthermore, she navigates that palette actively over the course of any given phrase, something I always appreciate in a good singer.
You can hear this especially well in the verse line from “Cherry-coloured Funk”, which develops exquisitely as it climbs through her vocal range.
Throughout the album, Frasers voice is dubbed over itself, which demonstrates her versatility in background vocals and harmonies.
In the albums title track, the harmonies are pretty much color-matched to the melody, augmenting its power.
On the other hand, in “Road, River and Rail”, they add a very subtle touch to the pathos of the chorus.
The whole album is worth a listen, and if you appreciate her singing, theres plenty more where that came from through Cocteau Twins entire discography.
If you want to hear her just completely go to town, check out “Carolyns Fingers” from <i>Blue Bell Knoll</i>.
Have you heard Cocteau Twins or any of Elizabeth Frasers other singing?
Do you have a favorite track she sings on?
Do you have a different favorite singer?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Im more funny in person</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 18 Jan 2023 23:00:00 CST'>18 Jan. 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
Writing has been fun so far, because it makes it easier to say some things I maybe wouldnt in conversation.
These might be ideas that are just hard to come up with on the spot, or ways of putting things that I would find awkward to say out loud.
One thing Ive been pondering lately, though, is that my written persona has almost no sense of humor.
In my daily life, I think I have a fairly functioning sense of humor, albeit a strange one.
I wouldnt say Im usually the funniest in the room, but when Im in the mood to crack jokes, I can get on a roll with it.
In any case, I can reliably amuse myself with my sense of humor, which is the most important part of having one.
<img src='img/cry.webp' width='450' height='343' />
<figcaption>p-please… *snerff* you gotta believe me… im hilarious irl</figcaption>
My humor maybe doesnt transfer well to the written word.
A lot of the jokes I make are situational, in direct reaction to whats going on around me.
I like to do funny voices and characters, which are bound to my specific voice and body and therefore hard to transfer to text.
In writing, I make an effort to avoid ambiguity or confusion (probably a result of writing mainly for school), which is kind of contrary to being funny.
Also, when joking in real life, I play off the energy of the people Im talking with.
For me, a good joke is usually just an opportunity that presents itself in the natural flow of conversation.
When Im sitting alone writing, humor doesnt feel as natural, because I dont know who Im talking to and Im not getting any feedback.
Ive always been pretty reserved online.
Growing up, my parents warned me that anyone can see what you post on the internet, and I always took that seriously.
In fact, this writing challenge is probably the most Ive ever shared about myself online.
One of the things Id like to learn with the challenge is how to express more of my personality when writing.
Hopefully, with time, Ill loosen up and find a way to crack a few jokes on here.
Are you more funny in person or in writing?
Do you have a different sense of humor between the two?
What did you really think of my attempt at humor?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Show us the garden, not the gate</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 20 Mar 2023 23:30:00 CDT'>20 Mar 2023, 11:30 PM</time>
Suppose youve spent a lot of time thinking and reading about philosophy.
Youve taken what youve learned together with your life experience, and come up with your own way of thinking about things.
Eventually, you get the sense that you might have a sort of theory or system you could share with other people, which would allow them to have insights similar to what youve had.
So you dedicate all your time trying to get just the right framing that will help people “get it” like you do.
In the spirit of “teaching a man to fish”, you want to pass on the keys to your perspective to others.
I think there is a good intention here, but its not always the most effective approach.
It seems kind of like growing an incredible garden with all sorts of things blooming inside it and then spending all your time taking pictures of the garden gate.
Many really bright people get stuck at this stage.
It might be philosophy or some other realm of thought that benefits from perspective & insight, and can theoretically be taught (e.g. art, spirituality).
People will realize they have something potentially valuable to share, and then they set about trying to find the right way to introduce their perspective to other people.
This in itself is not a problem; if its a good perspective, then its a good thing to try to share.
I think the problem comes when trying to teach your perspective gets in the way of sharing its fruits.
<img src='img/garden_gate.webp' width='375' height='500' />
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=',' target='href'>Pauline E</a></figcaption>
People will not necessarily understand or agree with a novel perspective, but if its valuable, the results will speak for themselves.
Often those results speak far more eloquently than the individual might be capable of.
Using the example of art, I would rather see the art someone makes than hear their ideas about art.
If their art resonates with me, I will naturally want to understand where it comes from, and Ill probably start working backwards from what I like about it towards my own ideas.
This is the value of “show, dont tell” for ideas.
If you simply try to reproduce your perspective in other people, you face all kinds of difficulties, because everyone is different.
They will be drawing on different experiences and their own ideas.
If you give people something tangible, something that resonates with them, something they can respond to,
theyll be able to use it to build on their own perspective.
When it comes to something more nebulous like philosophy, what does sharing the fruits of your perspective look like?
Perhaps its applying your ideas to real-life situations, or even sharing how your perspective interacts with other peoples ideas.
I think the key thing to avoid here is too much self-reference, and the key thing to seek is “nucleation sites”, or opportunities for your ideas to grow, interact with other ideas, and flourish.
Do you have a perspective you want to share with other people?
Have you tried teaching it systematically?
Have you tried sharing the fruits of your perspective?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>A gomes garden</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 9 Jan 2023 22:00:00 CST'>9 Jan. 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
Last year, I got interested in gardening, both as an abstract inspirational concept & as in literal gardening.
I <a href='./gomepage.html'>wrote previously</a> that I think of this site as a sort of digital garden.
In the spring, I decided I wanted to have a physical garden as well.
My job is remote and entirely on a computer.
Often I find myself interested in physical places of work, and longing for my own physical space in which I do work.
Theres a felt sense of belonging and ownership to it that I think is missing if you work in the same place you live the rest of the time.
Starting a garden seemed to me like a way of creating that kind of place for myself.
<img src='img/garden_early.webp' width='600' height='345' />
<figcaption>The garden early in the season</figcaption>
Since I lived in an apartment at the time, I couldnt really do a full plot in the ground, which is still my dream one day.
Fortunately, our unit had a ground-level entrance, so I was able to put a planter box outside it.
I spent a lot of time looking at different plants and developing ideas for the arrangement I wanted.
My final selection includes a lot of greenery with varied foliage.
For the flowers the major colors are bright pink and white, with a bit of yellow from the lantana.
To develop my relationship to them, I gave all my plants names.
<li>The pink and yellow lantana is Victoria</li>
<li>The pink geranium is Buffy</li>
<li>The pink petunia is Shelby</li>
<li>The ivy is Josef</li>
<li>The jalapeños are Fani and Fina</li>
<li>The white alyssums are Spud, Cloud, Peach, and Vince</li>
<li>The white bacopa is Claudia</li>
<li>The sprengeri is Gary</li>
<li>Not a plant, but the gnome on the mushroom is Barvis Mikey Holth</li>
I also wrote an album of songs for them, but since I havent gotten around to recording them yet, I will leave that story for another post.
<img src='img/garden_late.webp' width='550' height='375' />
<figcaption>The garden later in the season</figcaption>
The appeal of the garden as a broader concept is that your role in it is not to control, but to cultivate.
Its a space you can plan and labor over, but the main action of growth is something beyond your power.
In literal gardening, you make yourself one part of a larger natural system that supports the flourishing of your plants.
Similarly, anything you participate in to bring about a flourishing beyond your control can be thought of as a kind of garden.
I think the metaphor extends especially well to developing your inner life as a garden, which I think is how I tend to approach it.
Have you ever tended a garden?
Do you have a physical space in which you do work?
Do you have any sort of metaphorical garden you cultivate?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.
<img src='img/lot_gnome.webp' width='400' height='488' />
Bonus image: I found this drawing of a gnome in the parking lot of our apartment. Perhaps a colleague of Barvis Mikey?

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<h1 id='title'>Thoughts on ghost kitchens</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 13 Mar 2023 23:00:00 CDT'>13 Mar 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
I have never used any of those food delivery apps, so ghost kitchens are a new concept to me.
If youre not familiar, ghost kitchens are an arrangement where a company lists a non-existent restaurant on a delivery app.
The food is then made in another kitchen on behalf of the fake restaurant.
Big chains will have several storefronts on these apps for each physical kitchen they run, letting them draw unwitting customers with trendier branding, with virtually no overhead per store.
Some companies have actually started running locations that are soley ghost kitchens.
A single, unmarked, delivery-only kitchen will prepare food for maybe dozens of brands at once.
<img src='img/ghost_kitchen.webp' width='600' height='270' />
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>Mack Male</a></figcaption>
As I said before, I never use delivery apps, so none of this really affects me directly for the time being.
But this all made me think about the strangeness of branding as a concept.
With this setup, theyve effectively decoupled brands from kitchens, making a “restaurant” as a branding concept fully separable from any physical place.
Its kind of like cloud computing for food service: you can run any software (brand) you want on top of the available hardware (kitchens).
Cloud computing makes sense to me.
Its just another degree of abstraction in a field where abstraction is already a core concept.
And Im sure from the corporations perspective, ghost kitchens make the same kind of sense.
But something feels really odd to me about this level of alienation from a real place, while still maintaining the pretense of a place.
It feels like restaurants and the concepts surrounding them should be embedded in real places you can go and interact with people, and whatever ghost kitchens are should be something different, if they should even exist at all.
If we consider the corporations perspective again, “a real place” is not what a restaurant is, and it hasnt been for a long time.
Since the rise of fast-food franchising, brand and kitchen have been separable, but in the opposite way: many kitchens all implementing a single brand.
The “restaurant” is just an abstraction, a template set by the franchising corporation to be faithfully executed on by franchisees.
Any time you walk into, say, a Culvers, you have a certain set of expectations about that experience that almost all come from the brand “Culvers”.
Almost none of your expectations come from the specific place youre actually in.
If you were going to a local place theres only one of, some of your expectations might come from the restaurants branding, but much more of it comes from the specific place (perhaps youre friendly with the waitstaff).
And since theres only one, the branding is much more tied to the specific place, so in a way theyre kind of the same thing.
I think these brand-controlled expectations lead to a sort of experience filtering in fast food chains like Culvers.
The expectations lead us to miss the specific details of the place were in and experience the whole visit as an abstraction instead.
This is the alienation induced by brands: they exist to make us experience reality on their terms, by way of abstraction, rather than experiencing things as they are.
Branding & advertising are ludicrously empowered forces in our society, but I like to think once youve noticed a pattern like this, you can start to resist it.
Next time you visit a chain, make sure to notice the details.
Remember someones name, take in the view from the window, look for scuffs & smudges.
Its a challenge, but see whether you can make it feel like a real place.
What do you think about ghost kitchens?
Do you notice your experience being filtered at fast food chains?
Does branding make you a little sad when you think about it?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>You dont need GitHub</i></h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 24 Apr 2023 23:00:00 CDT'>24 Apr 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
Like most programmers, I use git for version control.
Ive been using it since college, where we were introduced to it for working on shared projects as well as a consistent way to turn our code in.
There were a lot of things I didnt get about git when I first started using it.
If I needed to do anything besides simply add commits to a single branch in a linear fashion and push them to a remote, I got confused quickly.
I would try to consult a guide or StackOverflow post, typing in commands I didnt understand and usually I made a mess of things.
I remember I would end up force-pushing to remote a lot, which I understood was a no-no, but at the time, the repositories I was working with were mine alone, so it didnt really matter.
Now that Ive used it for work and actually had to contend with things like stashes and branches and remotes over & over again, I feel like Ive got a more stable handle on git than I used to.
At the very least, I can do what I need to for work pretty reliably, and I know how to get myself out of the sticky spots well enough.
<img src='img/network.webp' width='355' height='352' class='no-border' />
Theres one really interesting thing about git I didnt understand until recently.
When you push to a remote repository, such as those hosted on GitHub, theres really nothing privileged about it compared to any other repository.
The only difference is that its whats called a “bare” repository, which means it doesnt actually keep a working tree (the instantiation of a repos files on a given filesystem).
The upshot of this is that you can actually push & pull repositories from any machine you can SSH to that has git installed.
So you dont need to use a separate hosting service to store your code, especially if youre mainly pushing it to pull it down onto another machine you have access to.
For example, I use git to <a href='update.html'>deploy my website</a>.
When I wrote that post, I would always push my repository to tildegit, then log into the Ctrl-C server and pull it back down.
Since learning this little tidbit, I ended up reworking my setup so that when I do a <code>git push</code>, it actually goes to tildegit <i>and</i> the ctrl-c server directly, so no additional pulling is necessary.
To make this work, I had to do two things.
The first was to add an additional url to the <code>origin</code> remote:
</p><blockquote class='highlight'><code>
git remote set-url --add --push origin ctrl-c:public_html
If you use this command, replace <code>ctrl-c:public_html</code> with your own hostname and repo path.
In my case, I have the <code>ctrl-c</code> hostname configured to connect to the Ctrl-C server in my <code>~/.ssh/config</code> file,
and <code>public_html</code> is the directory the actual repository resides in, relative to my home directory on the Ctrl-C server.
The second thing was to update the config of the repository on the Ctrl-C server:
</p><blockquote class='highlight'><code>
git config receive.denycurrentbranch updateInstead
Above, I mentioned that remote repositories on hosting services are “bare”, that is, they have no working tree.
If you have a normal repository with a working tree, and you push an update to the branch it currently has checked out, it would normally deny your update.
When you set this setting, it will update the repository instead.
If you use this approach to deploy websites or other files, its best to avoid making changes in the remote repository if you can.
Also, there are more sophisticated ways to do this kind of thing, so dont take this as expert advice.
But at the very least, its a cool trick that suits my needs for deploying a personal site quite well.
Do you use git?
Do you feel like you grasp it pretty well?
Have you ever discovered a neat trick that helps your workflow?
Have you tried managing git repositories in a similar way before?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>New-year goals postmortem</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 9 Aug 2023 21:30:00 CDT'>9 Aug 2023, 9:30 PM</time>
Back in January, I set some <a href='goals.html'>goals for the year</a>.
Some of them I ended up dropping pretty quickly, especially those I wasnt holding myself to daily.
A few of them I pretty much just forgot about.
On the other hand, I stuck with some of the daily habits for surprisingly long.
That being said, Ive since dropped off on most of those in the last few months.
<img src='img/flower_field.webp' width='650' height='366'
alt='A field of lilacs in the Netherlands.'
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>Joris</a></figcaption>
Heres an item-by-item breakdown of the list from <a href='goals.html'>the original post</a>:
<h3>Idly using my phone less</h3>
Before 2023, I used to use my phone last thing at night or first thing in the morning fairly often.
I broke this habit enough. I still occasionally do it, but not so often that it really becomes a problem.
Still, I have a ways to go before Im using my phone as little as Id like, ideally.
<h3>Getting proactive about dental health</h3>
I flossed regularly for a really long time.
I was pretty pleased that I was able to go six months doing it consistently.
Unfortunately, I got a nasty tangle in my most recent capsule of floss, so I just thought, “I dont want to fix this tonight”, and didnt.
Then I went on a trip where I was busy enough to not want to bother with it.
After that, I pretty much lost the habit.
But I think if I just get some new floss I should be able to pick this one up again.
Even with a lapse of a few weeks, if I finish the year with a steady flossing habit, Id call that a win.
<h3>Regular quiet time, where I mainly do nothing</h3>
This one really didnt pan out.
During the day, for some reason, slowing down and doing nothing is the last thing I want to do.
But it seems to help me feel a lot better when I do it.
Its kind of a mystery to me currently, but I dont know how to get this one to stick.
Maybe I need to put it at a consistent time of day, like “12:0012:20 is always my quiet time, no matter what”.
<h3>Working out regularly</h3>
This one is going fine, actually.
I definitely worked out less during the winter, but now that its nicer out, I have more energy and I can go outside.
I go for runs, walks, & bike rides fairly regularly, and then I lift hand weights maybe once or twice a week.
<h3>Regular journaling and recording of my daily activities</h3>
Unfortunately, I dont really journal anymore.
I only did daily logs (short descriptions of my day) for a few weeks.
I did journaling a few times a week for maybe a little longer.
It seems like if I dont keep a consistent streak going with it, I drop journaling habits pretty fast.
Also, journaling on paper makes my hand hurt, cause I think faster than I can handwrite (I think faster than I can even talk).
<h3>Various monthly and year-long goals, including reading a book monthly, learning 500 German vocab words, and identifying 50 trees</h3>
One of my big lessons from these goals is that any goal with a scope larger than “daily” is actually really hard to keep sight of in the face of daily life!
On the other hand, I have identified a number of trees with this great field guide I got, so thats cool.
But I totally forgot I was going to study German again.
And I certainly havent read a book monthly.
Its possible Ive started a book about once a month, though.
I just end up doing most of my reading on the internet these days.
I will say, Ive dropped the habit of reading Twitter recently, which is promising.
For a while, I actually got a lot of enjoyment out of Twitter and learned a lot from reading it, but its not the same for me anymore and its better that I drop it at this point.
So maybe that will open up more room for me to read.
</p><hr /><p>
You may judge for yourself how my goals went, but in the end, Im glad I tried to do them.
I learned about what works and what doesnt, I proved to myself I can hold habits longer than I thought, and all the positive things I did were worthwhile, even when I didnt keep doing them.
So with all this in mind, Ive recently been thinking again about how I want to manage my priorities and time.
My mom said the first & last hours of the day are really important for setting up the rest of the day well, so I might try to come up with a consistent routine of good habits for just those parts of the day.
<h3>Side note: an idea for managing personal projects</h3>
Ive also thought about how to set myself up for success for future <a href='completion.html'>projects</a>, including things I want to do here on my gomesite.
I think I need to set a limited amount of time to do a given project, and then budget out that time over a reasonable time span.
Like, if I want to write some program, but I dont want to sink too much time into it, I should decide up front that Ill only spend, say, six hours on it.
Then I can spread that time over a few evenings, commit to doing it for that limited scope, and reevaluate if I want to carry on at the end of it.
Its a more structured approach than Im used to, but it might help me execute on more of my ideas.
And the addition of structure certainly <a href='challenge.html'>helped me with writing</a> on my gomesite.
How are your 2023 resolutions going?
What projects or habits are you currently working on?
What projects or habits have you recently dropped?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>My goals for the year</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 17 Jan 2023 23:00:00 CST'>17 Jan. 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
On the first of January, I set some goals for the new year.
I didnt want to talk about them right away because I wasnt sure theyd stick.
Id feel kind of silly boldly declaring my strong intentions just to have them fail to last a week.
As someone who has struggled many times in the past to develop the habits I wanted,
I find myself hesitant to commit to new habits, out of fear of disappointing myself yet again.
Logically, though, I know its just a form of self-defeating perfectionism, and what I really need to do is keep trying until something sticks.
Thankfully, as I get older, I seem to be slowly but steadily improving my dependability.
For example, when I went back to school to complete my computer science degree, I found it easier to get my homework done than before.
I still procrastinated sometimes (and I still do), but in general the experience made me feel like change was possible.
The other thing that inspired me to set some goals for the year was my ongoing success with this writing challenge.
It hasnt been easy to get a post out every weekday, but I feel proud of what Ive managed to do so far.
Looking back on all the writing Ive managed to do so far is super cool and keeps me motivated to stay with it.
Honestly, prior to starting the challenge, I didnt think Id be capable of such a commitment, but Ive proven myself wrong again and again for 33 days and counting.
With all this in mind, I sat down on January 1<sup>st</sup> to give myself some goals.
And I mean “give” in more than one way. I consider each of these goals to be a gift to myself.
I wont list all the goals or the specifics of each goal, but here are the broad categories of what Im doing:
<li>idly using my phone less</li>
<li>getting proactive about dental health</li>
<li>regular quiet time, where I mainly do nothing</li>
<li>working out regularly</li>
<li>regular journaling and recording of my daily activities</li>
<li>various monthly and year-long goals, including reading a book monthly, learning 500 German vocab words, and <a href='./naturalist.html'>identifying 50 trees</a></li>
<img src='img/goal_booklets.webp' width='500' height='342' />
One important element of my new attempt at building habits is tracking them.
Every week, I make a <a href=''>little booklet</a> with my goals printed on it,
and I check them off as I complete them.
Having something tangible sitting on my desk helps return my focus to my goals on days I would be likely to forget them.
So far, the goals have actually been going really well.
Most of my daily goals Ive stuck with entirely.
The ones I tend to struggle with are the quiet time and the journaling.
They take the largest chunk of time out of my day, so I end up avoiding them.
Im not sure Ill hit all my monthly goals in January, since theyre a little harder to prioritize than the more immediate daily goals.
And I have no idea if Ill hit my year-long goals.
But as with the writing challenge, Im already doing better than I thought I might.
Every day I get better at commiting to habits than I was before, and the value Ive already gotten out of them is worth celebrating.
Did you set any goals for 2023?
What were they, and how are they going?
Have you noticed yourself improving in dependability with age?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>The design of gomepage</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 2 Jan 2023 22:00:00 CST'>2 Jan. 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
Today Im going to give a little history for my personal site here on Ctrl-C.
Ive had the site for almost a year, starting on January 17<sup>th</sup>, 2022, and gradually built it up over that time.
Since my username is <i>gome</i>, I refer to my homepage as <i>gomepage</i>, and sometimes I refer to my site as a whole as <i>gomesite</i>.
Discovering the world of tilde servers and other small web pages was exciting to me.
One of the things I love about the internet is that despite how centralized it is now, its still possible to just build your own site and share it around the world.
The tools are fairly accessible and offer a lot of room to grow your skills.
I do web development professionally, and have a site I coded myself for my composition work.
But prior to 2022, I had not really built a website purely for the fun of it.
So it was really cool to discover servers of people who build stuff on the web just for the fun of making & sharing things.
It seemed exactly like something Id like to be a part of.
<img src='img/gomepage_mockup.webp' width='600' height='304' />
<figcaption>The first mockup I made for the gomepage design</figcaption>
My vision for the site was something like the feeling of dry coziness that I associate with being in the woods on brisk fall days.
I love woods like this. Theyre bright & clear & full of life, and they give me a deep sense of belonging.
At the same time, the woods dont exist for your comfort like your home: theyre something separate from & greater than you.
So I wanted the design of gomepage to somehow convey a similar feeling.
Another design element I wanted to include was gnomes.
Gnomes and other folkloric creatures are associated with the aesthetic of comfy synth, a microgenre of music I enjoy.
Also, <i>gome</i> & <i>gnome</i> sound very similar, so I thought it would be fun to play up that comparison.
After some searching on Wikimedia, I discovered a <a href=',_RP-T-2015-41-1355.jpg'>wonderful drawing</a>
of working gnomes* in a wood by Gijsbertus Johannes van Overbeek.
What I love about these gnomes is that theyre not cute kitschy toy gnomes with their hats over their eyes.
Theyre busy at work, in their own world with their own lives.
They fit perfectly with the feeling I described above, so I adapted them to create the first mockup of gomepage.
Now I consider them essential in establishing the aesthetic of the site.
<img src='img/werkende_kabouters_bij_een_bos.webp' width='600' height='411' />
<figcaption>The original drawing the gnomes come from</figcaption>
As time has gone on, gomesite has slowly grown with new pages and features:
<li>Site navigation in the header</li>
<li>Word of the day</li>
<li>Socials page</li>
<li><a href=''></a> widget</li>
<li>Background images</li>
<li>Journal section</li>
<li>Listening widget</li>
What I love about having a site like this as a side project is that its easy to work on intermittently.
Most of these features were finished in a few days, so I didnt have to devote a ton of time to get them done or leave things in a half-finished state.
Its like a digital garden where great things grow gradually over time.
Im looking forward to another year of tinkering with it!
Have you ever built a website or page?
Have you ever made one just for fun?
Did you have a feeling you wanted to express with it?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.
<img src='img/gome_color.webp' width='500' height='303' />
Bonus image: I once made a color version of the walking gnome, but didnt use it.
He looks like he belongs on the cover of an old programming textbook.
<p class='footnote'>
* Since this is a Dutch drawing, they are actually <i>kabouters</i>.

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<h1 id='title'>My game graveyard, part one</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 24 Jan 2023 23:00:00 CST'>24 Jan. 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
Yesterday, I <a href='completion.html'>posted</a> about how I start so many side projects and finish so few.
Today, I wanted to follow up with a review of just some of the projects I havent managed to complete so far, a tour of my “side project graveyard”.
I quickly realized I would have enough to say about each project for its own separate post.
So to keep the scope limited for today, Im just going to focus on video games Ive made or wanted to make.
I should clarify at the start, more for myself than the reader, that I dont consider all of these projects truly “dead”.
I reserve the right to “resurrect” them at any time, and indeed I hope to return to several of them.
Others ones Im fine with consigning to the graveyard indefinitely.
I might be more or less vague on the details of a game depending on how likely such a return is.
<h4><i>Vernal Luncheon</i></h4>
A cute little 2-dimensional platformer with a bear character.
The bears name is Vern.
The idea is that you would jump around collecting food.
Each type of food would grant you a different temporary ability, such as a double jump or a wall grab.
If youve ever played <i>Celeste</i>, the dash crystals from that are a similar idea.
The prototype was made in Godot, and its probably the most extensive thing Ive made in Godot to date (which isnt much).
In the prototype, I got the player characters movement fine-tuned and several foods are operational.
I made all the pixel art myself, and I also gave it a soundtrack (music I had previously written) and designed all the sound effects myself.
<img src='img/vernal_luncheon.webp' width='512' height='399' />
<div class='music-box'>
<audio src='img/davey_verne.mp3' loop></audio>
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="play"><polygon points="5 3 19 12 5 21 5 3"></polygon></svg>
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="pause"><rect x="6" y="4" width="4" height="16"></rect><rect x="14" y="4" width="4" height="16"></rect></svg>
<span><i>Vernal Luncheon</i> soundtrack</span>
A top-down “galaxy crawler”, where you play as a legendary, planet-sized, planet-eating monster called the <i>Tungolcweorn</i>, Old English for “<a href=''>planet</a> <a href=''>grinder</a>”.
The monster, which would look something like a round anglerfish made of volcanoes, flies around solar systems, eating up planets and absorbing energy from them.
You would have to contend with space-faring civilizations of varying sizes trying to defend their home planets and resources.
At the same time, I wanted the game to have a sort of medieval mythical theme to it, a mix of sci-fi and fantasy.
This idea never made it too far in implementation, but I had some good ideas sketched out for the various in-game quantities youd have to collect, like matter, energy, lifeforce, and exotic forms & states of matter that granted various abilities.
I wanted the game to be based on a relatively accurate gravity simulation, so you could do things like gravity slingshots, and planet collisions would be realistic.
The difficulty of implementing that was the first hurdle, and the one I never ended up getting over.
<h4><i>Standing Wave</i></h4>
A musical tower defense game inspired by the flash game <a href=''>GemCraft</a>.
Each tower would emit a single musical pitch, but in order to do damage to passing enemies, you would need multiple towers to create certain combinations of pitches (e.g., a major chord).
Different combinations would do different amounts of damage, and the game would require some musical background and reasoning to play well.
I built a little bit of this one, but dropped it due to insufficient knowledge of Godot.
Well, I didn't make it through all the games I wanted to talk about, but I want to wrap up the post for now.
I could talk a lot about my fun ideas for games and other things.
Maybe Ill keep going with this as a series, either this week or spread out intermittently.
Have you ever tried to make a video game?
Which of these ideas do you think sounds the most fun?
Would you like to hear about more of my ideas and abandoned side projects?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>My game graveyard, part two</h1>
<time datetime='Mon, 30 Jan 2023 23:00:00 CST'>30 Jan. 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
<p class='note'>
Last week I wrote <a href='completion.html'>a post</a> about how I have so many unfinished projects.
Then I wrote <a href='graveyard-1.html'>part one</a> of this series, where I looked at some video game ideas I had abandoned.
Today Ill look at more.
<h4><i>Duelin Poohs</i></h4>
A crap game I hacked together while I was trying to learn to use <a href=''>MonoGame</a>.
Two players play on a shared keyboard (I have <a href=''>fond childhood memories</a> of this control scheme) as two differently colored versions of Winnie the Pooh: Sad Pooh and Blue Pooh.
Each Pooh can shoot little pellets at the other, which will cause the struck Pooh to briefly grow in size.
Each Pooh also has a two buttons to slowly grow and shrink the size of the opposing Pooh.
One interesting thing you could do was actually shrink the opposing Pooh down until he was a <i>negative size</i>&mdash;at which point he would actually invert and start growing again!
(You can see this happening to Blue Pooh in the screenshot below).
Like <i>Vernal Luncheon</i>, <i>Duelin Poohs</i> features an original soundtrack, this time composed expressly for the game.
I cannot fathom how I could augment or improve this game in any respect.
Its strangely fun for about 10 minutes (your mileage may vary).
I consider it my only finished game (not counting all my childhood <a href=''>GameMaker</a> games&hellip; which are a story for another time).
<img src='img/duelin_poohs.webp' width='600' height='450' />
<div class='music-box'>
<audio src='img/two_brothers.mp3' loop></audio>
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="play"><polygon points="5 3 19 12 5 21 5 3"></polygon></svg>
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="pause"><rect x="6" y="4" width="4" height="16"></rect><rect x="14" y="4" width="4" height="16"></rect></svg>
<span><i>Duelin Poohs</i> soundtrack</span>
This one was ambitious.
Around the time I had this idea, I was getting into the YouTube channel <a href=''>Game Maker's Toolkit</a>.
GMTK covers fascinating game design topics such as <a href=''>how games generate novel content</a>, an interest of mine at the time.
I had recently played <a href=''><i>Hollow Knight</i></a>, which became one of my all-time favorite games.
GMTK had an excellent video detailing <a href=''>the world design of <i>Super Metroid</i></a>, a major inspiration for <i>Hollow Knight</i>.
All this conspired to make me want to create a game of my own that took place in an open 2D world like <i>Hollow Knight</i> or <i>Super Metroid</i>, but where everything was procedurally generated.
The world, the game areas, the NPCs, the enemies, the bosses, the powerups, even the textures of the walls would be procedurally generated.
Automatically generating content that feels natural & hand-designed is already a difficult problem in any of these specific cases, but it really compounds when you want to generate <i>everything</i>.
I spent a lot of time brainstorming ways to solve each of those problems, continually coming up with more places I could use generated content as I went.
What I didnt do was spend a ton of time building anything.
One thing I did end up building was a neat algorithm for generating the world map.
It would decide the relative placements of each game area, the connections between them, and the powerups required to pass these various connections.
It was only a tiny fraction of what I had envisioned the game being, but I do think it actually did a good job of creating natural & novel world layouts each time, so I was pretty pleased with it.
<h4>Untitled Rhythm Game</h4>
A couple years ago I joined a game jam based around the Game Boy Advance, where participants would build a game for the actual GBA system.
In preparation for this, I ended up learning a lot about the Game Boy Advance hardware, which was a fun blast of retro coding for me.
Originally, I thought I might make a game where you direct a band of thieves in a tower defense-inspired style.
That ended up seeming too complicated given my limited knowledge of the platform I was working with, so I decided to go simpler.
I thought a rhythm game could be easy and fun, and would let me focus on making the soundtrack,
which I was excited about trying to do with GBA hardware.
Once again, I ended up spending the majority of my energy on the preparation end rather than the building end, and the game never panned out.
In this case, though, I think I got what I wanted out of the experience, since I learned so much.
The game jam is annual, so theres always next year to take another shot at it.
Have you ever tried to make a game of any kind?
Which of these ideas do you think sounds the most fun?
Do you ever spend too much time & energy planning and not enough executing?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Game graveyard averted</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 22 Feb 2023 10:00:00 CST'>22 Feb 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
After <a href='completion.html'>observing how many projects I abandon</a>, I wrote a <a href='graveyard-1.html'>couple posts</a> cataloging my <a href='graveyard-2.html'>abandoned game projects</a>.
One of the games I referred to as “Untitled Rhythm Game”, and it was for a game jam featuring the Game Boy Advance.
The same group is currently putting on a <a href=''>GBA Winter Jam</a>, so I was interested in trying to make something for it again.
The catch with this jam is that you just have to make a title screen, and the rest of the game is optional.
I thought this would be somewhat more feasible than me putting together an entire game myself.
Pretty quickly, I got inspired to make a gome-themed studio bumper, so I threw together a mockup for that at the 240×160 resolution of the GBA.
<img src='img/gome_studio_still.webp' width='480' height='320' class='pixel-art' />
I made a pixelated version of the kabouter from <a href='gomepage.html'>my gomepage</a>.
Getting his shading acceptable was probably the biggest challenge, especially on his butt.
The pixel font is based on Palatino, which is my preferred font for viewing my site (sadly, its too expensive to license it for the site).
I also added a paint splatter that uses the accent colors found on my <a href='.'>journal posts</a>.
I was pretty pleased with this, but I wanted it to be animated.
This is where the project started sucking up a lot of time.
I spent pretty much all Saturday a couple weeks ago getting all the different pieces animated & ordered just how I wanted them.
<img src='img/gome_studio_animated.gif' width='480' height='320' class='pixel-art' />
I also created a little ambient audio to go with the studio card.
The musical notes are a reference to <i>Orchard Glen</i>, a little piano tune I wrote back in 2020.
You can hear the whole thing on <a href='..'>my gomepage</a> under “Play another song”.
<div class='music-box'>
<audio src='img/gome_mark.mp3' loop></audio>
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="play"><polygon points="5 3 19 12 5 21 5 3"></polygon></svg>
<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="pause"><rect x="6" y="4" width="4" height="16"></rect><rect x="14" y="4" width="4" height="16"></rect></svg>
<span>Gome studio</span>
The next challenge was trying to get my creation into a GBA rom so I could try running it on an emulator.
I did a little research, trying to jog my memory from what I picked up in the last game jam two years ago.
At this point, though, I realized I could sink a ton more time into this than I really wanted to.
I hadnt even started thinking about the actual title screen for the game!
This is where I decided to consciously call the project done and not submit anything to the game jam.
Im perfectly happy with what I created, and I feel like it would be diminishing returns to keep pushing forward when I have so many other good things to occupy my time.
You might consider this just another abandonment, but to me, I feel like I got what I wanted out of the project.
Calling it done now means I dont have to look back on it in regret or burn myself out by pushing past the fun part of an inconsequential project.
Have you ever gotten sucked into a project that you werent sure was a good use of your time?
Have you ever consciously cut off a project before it gets too big?
How do you prioritize what you want to work on?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Pleasant little habits</h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 20 Jan 2023 22:30:00 CST'>20 Jan. 2023, 10:30 PM</time>
I bought a new car a few months ago, and I grew fond of it fairly quickly.
Its one of those things Ill end up using a lot, so I like the idea of making it feel more meaningful and personal to me.
I named it Hopper because when I first got it, I often noticed grasshoppers hanging out on its exterior.
One thing I like to have available in the car when I go places is hand sanitizer.
I got in the habit of using it when I would go anywhere during the pandemic.
So I got one of those little bottles with a nice smell.
That way I could build up a pleasant smell memory when I got into the car.
<img src='img/hopper.webp' width='550' height='300' />
<figcaption>A little grasshopper car buddy my parents got me for Hopper</figcaption>
At some point, I got a tin of wintergreen mints.
Eventually I developed a habit where any time I got in the car after being out somewhere, I would apply the hand sanitizer and have a mint.
It turned out to be a great way of making my car a comfortable place for me.
The sensory familiarity was kind of a little reset for my mood.
People sometimes refer to these kinds of habits as “rituals”, but to me, that term places too much weight on them.
I considered calling them “ritules”, as in little rituals, but I thought that sounded a little dumb and was still a lot like “rituals”.
Also, if I did that, people would see the title and think I just misspelled “rituals”.
Anyway, I think habits like this seem useful and nice to have.
You can use them to make something mundane a little more meaningful, or help shift your mindset.
Id like to maybe add some more to my life.
But I dont know if I can just decide to do them and implement them “from the top down”, so to speak.
The mint and hand sanitizer habit just developed naturally, and I still only do it when I feel like doing it.
It seems like when it comes to developing meaningful and pleasant small habits, its a better idea to just try some things that seem nice and see what sticks.
Do you have any pleasant little habits or rituals?
Did you start them “top-down”, or did they develop naturally?
Have you named your car (or bike, jacket, house, computer, etc.)?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Basic health stack</h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 9 May 2023 23:00:00 CDT'>9 May 2023, 11:00 PM</time>
In programming, a set of interacting components in a software architecture is sometimes called a “stack”.
Ive seen people online use the word to point at a more general version of the same idea.
Like a lot of exported software terms, it has kind of a goofy connotation to me, like people are trying to turn our whole conceptual space into cool techy-sounding jargon or something.
On the other hand, “basic health stack” does seem to work well to describe the idea I have in mind today.
I try to keep healthy habits, but I struggle to keep them all going all the time.
It seems like sometimes I just have to let them go for a bit, and then pick them back up when Im able.
The same goes for refraining for bad habits.
Sometimes Ill fall back into them for a bit, but I think its okay as long as I can break them again later.
<img src='img/sepak_takraw.webp' width='500' height='375' />
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''></a> / Korean Culture and Information Service (Jeon Han)</figcaption>
The tricky part is, these habits build on each other in both directions.
When I feel good, I have an easier time doing the things that make me feel good.
When I feel bad, I let more healthy habits go, and it creates a vicious cycle.
So if I want to continue to feel good, I want my lapses to be somewhat strategic, so I dont lose a good cycle or start a bad one.
With all that in mind, Ive tried to figure out the core set of things I need to do most of the time in order to feel well, that is, my “basic health stack”.
Ideally, these would be the last habits I drop, if I need to drop some habits.
Not all of them need to be adhered to daily, but the longer I go without them, the more I risk a vicious cycle.
The list Ive come up with so far:
<li>sleep; eight hours a night, with bedtime ideally before 10:30 PM (as I publish this at 11:00 PM, haha)</li>
<li>healthy eating; for me this is basically less sugar & carbs, and then trying to eat whatever I feel like my body is asking for</li>
<li>exercise; aerobic workouts like running & biking make me feel especially good, but if I lift weights with good focus that seems to be just as beneficial</li>
<li>new experiences; I find that getting outside my comfort zone regularly is necessary or else I start to get locked into a single perspective or lose my confidence</li>
One more thing Im considering for the list is something like “committments” or “obligations”.
Im not sure exactly what to call it, but I think its important to be needed for things that are bigger than just yourself, that youre not doing for just yourself.
Being in a relatively uncommitted stage of life, I sometimes need to seek these things out more intentionally.
They keep me out of just my own little world, and they help me grow as a person.
Do you have a “basic health stack”?
Are the things I listed important for you?
Are there any items Im missing you think most people would need in their stack?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>Hivemind-facilitating software</h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:00:00 CST'>10 Feb 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
Yesterday, I watched <a href=''>this video</a> about the airline industrys outdated logistics software.
Southwest Airlines uses this tool called SkySolver to route their flights and work around delays and cancellations, and its old & rickety and caused this major cancellation-chain meltdown over the holiday season last year.
While watching, I found myself thinking, could there be a system that allowed humans to do a task like this efficiently?
The obstacle to overcome would obviously be the need to coordinate and process more information than a single human is capable of handling.
When rerouting a plane, you have to be aware of all the places it could go, the schedules of the crews involved, the realtime needs of other cancelled routes, and much more.
But if given the right tools, I think there could be a massive advantage in leveraging the intelligence and creativity of human thinkers.
<img src='img/ants.webp' width='500' height='276' />
<figcaption>Photo credit: <a href=''>Buddy Venturanza</a></figcaption>
This all reminded me of a note to myself I recorded last April: “Are there hivemind-facilitating tools?”
What I had in mind was a big canvas, with a realtime collaboration like Google docs, but built for maybe 1000 people at a time, for example.
Everyone can view and move around the canvas freely, providing a large shared space for everyone to work, whether together or separately.
People could break down large problems into their components and tackle tasks at various levels of abstraction.
For this, youd maybe need people acting in different roles.
Some would handle the low-level data processing tasks (possibly with machine help), while others would work on pulling everything together and looking for insights.
Others might simply facilitate communication between those working at different levels of abstraction.
There would probably also be a voice chat, but you wouldnt want everyone talking over each other.
Youd probably need something like proximity chat in video games, where people can only hear one another if they are close to one another.
With modern audio transcription being so fast, you could even convert peoples words to writing automatically, making it possible to drop into conversations with the last couple minutes of context easily available.
This whole idea would probably only work for a specific problems, and would probably benefit from augmentations specific to those problems.
For example, if it were to be used by an airline for logistics planning, it would probably need to be integrated with realtime flight data and some kind of request system.
Its possible this whole idea is completely unworkable.
Problems like this might still be too complex for humans to reason about well no matter how much help they had.
Keeping that many people coordinated at once might be more messy than its worth.
But Im curious to see what a group plugged into a well-tuned “hivemind” system could do, once they mastered it.
Do you know of any software that approximates this approach?
Do you think a software-facilitated “human hivemind” would be good for anything?
Do you want to try to build a prototype?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>I want to see inside other peoples homes</h1>
<time datetime='Wed, 11 Jan 2023 23:30:00 CST'>11 Jan. 2023, 11:30 PM</time>
As a kid, when we walked or drove through an unfamiliar neighborhood, I loved to look at other peoples houses.
Id get a strong urge to knock on the door and ask to go in so I could see what was inside.
It was always so fun going over to friends houses and getting to see how they had things arranged, how they did things differently, all the shapes and little details of the space.
As an adult now, I still get the same urge to see inside other peoples homes.
And I notice Im only interested in homes where people actually live, using the space & shaping it to their lifestyles.
Ive visited plenty of brand-new, empty houses during “parade of homes” events, and I sometimes find them interesting, but it doesnt really scratch the same itch.
<img src='img/workshop.webp' width='600' height='400' />
As I transitioned into full-time remote employment, I developed a similar interest in peoples places of work.
I wrote in my <a href='./garden.html'>garden post</a> about that interest, and how I think its connected to a desire for a physical space of my own in which to work.
On a more basic level, I think it comes from the same place as the interest in homes.
I want to see the mundane details of other peoples daily lives.
Theres so much going on all the time, and I only have access to a tiny slice of it.
The details of other peoples daily lives have the potential to expand my concept of whats really going on around me.
Seeing how others do things can give me new ideas, or help me understand my own habits.
More than that, though, these mundane details increase my sense of grounding in the wider world, making me more confident that I can navigate & participate in it.
Do you like seeing inside other peoples homes?
What about other workplaces?
What do you like about them?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>My relationship with <i>Hours Were the Birds</i></h1>
<time datetime='Fri, 14 Apr 2023 22:00:00 CDT'>14 Apr 2023, 10:00 PM</time>
<i>Hours Were the Birds</i> has a spirit of traveling to it.
Its a theme in the lyrics, but its also present in the music itself.
Picking patterns in the guitar keep the songs flowing, moving along.
Each song feels like it is set in a new place, searching for something.
The sound-world created by the guitar & voice here is fundamentally an exploratory one.
I think there is an introspective aspect to exploration, which the music captures well.
When you travel to new places, the exterior landscape is reflected back into you through your experience of it, shedding light on your interior landscape.
New experiences often break internal impasses and grant new perspective and insight.
<img src='img/hours_were_the_birds.webp' width='500' height='500' />
To me, the music speaks of that process of reflection in an unfamiliar place.
Even though the music is well-known to me at this point, when I listen to it, I can feel the migrant part of myself, the part that desires to see new places.
I get images of places Ive been that resonated with me, and places I might still go.
This next part is a bit of a non-sequitur, but its part of my relationship with the album and I think its worth mentioning.
I was listening to this album a lot when I was brainstorming <a href='graveyard-2.html'><i>Pareidolia</i></a>, a video game I wanted to make after playing <i>Hollow Knight</i>.
My dream for the soundtrack was to do covers of every song in <i>Hours Were the Birds</i>, replacing the guitar with piano and the voice with clarinet.
Honestly, to this day, I still think such a soundtrack would do a perfect job of capturing the same lonely & exploratory vibe I wanted to convey with the game.
Even if I dont make the game, I would still like to make the covers someday.
One other non-sequitur: the last track of this album was originally “We Were Young”, but the song got completely scrubbed from the internet back in (I think) 2018, and I never had a physical copy of the album.
It was replaced with another song, “A Love of Some Kind”, which I have never liked as much.
To me, the version with “We Were Young” will always be the definitive version of the album, and its that version Im considering when I rate it as a “completely good 5” on Rate Your Music.
I havent heard the original track in five years now, and I miss it every time I listen through the album.
Let that be a cautionary tale to you about the danger of entrusting your favorite music to DRM!
Have you listened to <i>Hours Were the Birds</i>?
Did you enjoy it?
Did you feel the sense of travel & exploration?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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<h1 id='title'>My relationship with <i>Illinois</i></h1>
<time datetime='Tue, 6 Dec 2022 21:30:00 CST'>6 Dec. 2022, 9:30 PM</time>
There are a lot of albums I like so much that I couldnt pick a favorite from among them.
Every one does something so unique that it doesnt really make sense to order them in the first place.
However, <i>Illinois</i> by Sufjan Stevens has a reasonable claim on the title of my favorite album by virtue of the length and depth of my relationship with it.
<img src='img/illinois.webp' width='400' height='400' />
I first heard <i>Illinois</i> when I was in middle school.
My brother, a college student at the time, played it for me on a car trip, and I remember being immediately impressed.
The quirky instrumentation and bright colors and textures of it really didnt sound like anything I had heard before.
At that time my own taste in music was still developing, and I listened to a lot of things back then I have no interest in revisiting.
Sufjan Stevens is one of the few artists I enjoy as much (more, probably) today as I did back then.
One of the many benefits of having a big family is that music gets passed around among siblings.
Once an album becomes a favorite among the family, it becomes a distinct piece of family culture.
It takes on more context and dimensionality than it would if you only listened to it on your own.
<i>Illinois</i> is a prime example of this.
It continued to work its way through so many periods of my life, partially because I kept coming back to it, and partially because my siblings shared enjoyment of it kept it alive in my musical consciousness.
Now, each song in the album carries connotations and nostalgia from across my personal history.
I can summon distinct feelings of each song being with me & there for me in different eras, times at which they were particularly meaningful, people I bonded with over them.
In so many ways, Ive changed so much in the nearly 15 years <i>Illinois</i> has been in my life, but the album itself provides a tone of emotional continuity across that gap.
Its a beautiful thing music can do, something Ill always be grateful for, and something no other album can do for me in quite the same way.
Have you heard <i>Illinois</i>? Do you like it?
Do you have another album that does something like this for you?
Let me know your thoughts at my Ctrl-C email: <code>gome<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span>@<span style='user-select: none;'>&nbsp;&#8203;</span></code>.

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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 63 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 64 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 62 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 61 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 62 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More