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Inspired by this tweet.

Monitor analytics.usa.gov for federal websites that currently have a larger number of unique visitors than the USPS package tracking system does.

Display your results in the terminal every 10 minutes: [[[


  • As JSON:

      user@host:~$fedmon --format json
          "sites": [
                  "datetime": "2022-01-21T21:30:38.308841",
                  "active_visitors": 16748,
                  "page_title": "COVID Home Tests | USPS",
                  "page": "special.usps.com/testkits"
  • As CSV

      user@host:~$fedmon --format csv
      2022-01-21T21:30:32.720662,16748,COVID Home Tests | USPS,special.usps.com/testkits
  • Or as any format supported by tabulate:

      user@host:~$fedmon --format orgtbl
      | datetime                   |   active_visitors | page_title              | page                      |
      | 2022-01-21T21:12:04.025628 |             17714 | COVID Home Tests | USPS | special.usps.com/testkits |