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using xmpp it's like email but not really cark 2021-03-14

if you didn't know already, xmpp is an instant messaging protocol that let's you talk to people on the internet, even if they're using a different server than you.
to claim your account, you can run /var/scripts/xmpp-register, type in a password and you're set!

giovanni@southlondon:/var/scripts$ /var/scripts/xmpp-register  
Creating account for giovanni
This script will create an XMPP account for you on 
Enter a password:
User successfully registered

now, you can use that xmpp address to log in using your favourite xmpp client. if you don't have a favourite already, check out gajim for windows/linux or conversations on android.

our server is mostly compliant with the standards, so hopefully everything will work fine.