web frontend for ii [Irc It](https://tools.suckless.org/ii/) rework of https://github.com/younix/wii
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jan6 14133675d1 edited README 2019-05-26 19:03:51 +03:00
cgi-bin added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
.gitignore added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2019-05-26 11:22:02 -04:00
Makefile added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
README.md edited README 2019-05-26 19:03:51 +03:00
chat.css added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
chat.html added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
chat.js added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
in.c added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
mobile.html added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00
out.c added initial files 2019-05-26 18:47:18 +03:00



Simple web front end for Irc it using the power of CGI scripts...
!!! disabled the code for sending only certain range, and so it's extremely inefficient, constantly polling whole screenfuls every $DELAY ms (around every 510 ms or so, I think)
delay makes it '"'laggy'"', but it uses up <500 kb in ~10 min, so it's a compromise
also it's lacking a command history, and is therefore not too comfortable
also I changed it to not require linking ii files directly to cgi-bin like original, instead you have to change the dir yourself, the root/SERVER "out" file should be redirected ii output (such as ii -s chat.freenode.org -n cooldude >/tmp/ii/out)
many other improvements would also be possible, and rather welcome...
the original http range-based script could be adjusted to use QUERY_STRING parameter instead, but it's a pain to deal with (for me), especially because I don't rely on exact lenghts in bytes but rather just send out X lines + my own (kinda statusbar-thingy, which isn't accounted for by stating the output, and stuff...)

This web script implements an easy way to chat over an existing ii session.
Edit chat.css to customize the style of this chat front end.

The C implementations of the CGI scripts should be used within a chrooted web server, so no shell utilities have to be inside of the chroot directory.