Modified some bots. Added madlib bot.

This commit is contained in:
Russell 2018-06-13 14:34:23 +00:00
parent e9fc646207
commit 1671c4f3cb
19 changed files with 482 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def get_acronym(channel, text):
else: else:
defs = acronymFinder.get_acros(text, True, True) defs = acronymFinder.get_acros(text, True, True)
for d in defs[0:5]: #only the first five. they are already sorted by 'score' for d in defs[0:5]: #only the first five. they are already sorted by 'score'
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + d + "\n") ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + d.encode('utf-8') + "\n")
if len(defs) > 5: if len(defs) > 5:
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + defs[-1] + "\n") ircsock.send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + defs[-1] + "\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
I'm the {{a number}} {{a body part}}, {{another number}} {{another body part}} {{verb ending in -ing}} {{a color}} people eater!
The End

Code/irc/madlibbot/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import glob
import random
import re
file_pattern = "/home/*/madlibs/*.madlib"
file_regex = re.compile(r'^/home/(.*?)/.*/([^/]*)\.madlib$')
word_regex = re.compile(r'{{(.*?)}}')
# Take a file path and return a tuple with the title and original path
def munge_story(file_name):
match = re.match(file_regex, file_name)
count = count_words_file(file_name)
return ("'" +'_', ' ') + "' by ~" +,, count)
# Retrive a list of all madlib story files
def find_stories(limit=999, shuffle=False):
files = glob.glob(file_pattern)
if shuffle == True:
files = random.sample(files, max(1, min(limit, len(files))))
files = files[:limit]
return map(munge_story, files)
# Count the number of replacable words in the story
def count_words(story):
return len(word_regex.findall(story))
# Count the number of replacable words in the story when given a file path
def count_words_file(storyPath):
with open(storyPath, "r") as storyFile:
story =
return count_words(story)
# Get the next replaceable word in the story. Includes full token and just the word
# If you specify rand as True, it will get a random word instead of the next one
def find_next_word(story, rand=False):
matches = list(word_regex.finditer(story))
if len(matches) == 0:
return None
match = matches[0]
if rand is True:
match = random.choice(matches)
return (,
# Replace a word and return the entire story body
def replace_word(story, query, word):
return story.replace(query, word, 1)
#return re.sub(query, word, story, 1)
# A helper function that will split the story up into chat-printable lengths
def yield_lines(line, max_size):
words = []
words_length = 0
# Add words to the words line untill we run out of space
for word in line.split():
# If the next word itself is longer thatn max_size, we'll have to chop it up
while len(word) > max_size:
splitsize = max_size - words_length - 1
words.append(word[:splitsize] + "-")
yield ' '.join(words)
words = []
words_length = 0
word = word[splitsize:]
if words_length + len(word) + 1 > max_size:
yield ' '.join(words)
words = []
words_length = 0
words_length += len(word) + 1 # For the space
yield ' '.join(words) # For any words left over
# Open a story file and ask for the parts
def make_story(storyFile):
with open(storyFile, "r") as storyFile:
story =
match =
while match is not None:
word = raw_input('Give me {}: '.format(
print "Replacing '{}' with '{}'".format(, word)
print story
story = re.sub(, word, story, 1)
match =
print story
def start():
stories = find_stories(20, True)
if len(stories) == 0:
print "Sorry, no stories found. :/"
input = -1
while input < 0 or input >= len(stories):
for idx, story in enumerate(stories):
print "[{}] {}".format(idx, story[0])
input = raw_input("Which story would you like?: ")
# Try to convert the string input into a number
input = int(input)
# If they put something stupid in, treat it as a -1 and ask for
# input again
input = -1
# Call make_story with the file path of the selected story
if __name__ == "__main__":

Binary file not shown.

Code/irc/madlibbot/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
# Import some necessary libraries.
import socket
import os
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import fileinput
import random
import time
import re
import operator
import msgformatter
import madlib
class State:
idle = 0 # When the bot is started and after it has finished a story
thinking = 1 # I intentionally speed throttle this bot so it feels a little more natural
story_selection = 2 # When the bot is waiting for a user input for story selection
word_input = 3 # When the bot is waiting for user input after prompted for a word
# Globals
MAX_LINE = 80 # The maximum number of characters in a line
MAX_STORIES = 5 # The maximum number of stories a user can pick from
THROTTLE_FACTOR = 1 # A factor by which all sleep event durations will be multiplied
# Allow madlbibbot to run multiple simultaneous stories
state = {} # The current state of the bot
stories = {} # The list of stories available to users
story = {} # The madlib story currently being worked on
nextword = {} # The word that the bot is currently expecting data for
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-s", "--server", dest="server", default='',
help="the server to connect to", metavar="SERVER")
parser.add_option("-c", "--channel", dest="channel", default='#madlibs',
help="the channel to join", metavar="CHANNEL")
parser.add_option("-n", "--nick", dest="nick", default='madlibbot',
help="the nick to use", metavar="NICK")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
def resetGlobals(channel=""):
global state
global stories
global story
global nextword
if channel == "":
state = {}
stories = {}
story = {}
nextword = {}
state[channel] = State.idle
stories[channel] = []
story[channel] = ""
nextword[channel] = {}
def get_stories(channel):
global state
global stories
state[channel] = State.thinking
stories[channel] = madlib.find_stories(MAX_STORIES, True)
if len(stories[channel]) == 0:
sendmsg(channel, "Uh oh! There are no stories!")
state[channel] = State.idle
sendmsg(channel, "Here are a couple good stories:")
time.sleep(1 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
for idx, story in enumerate(stories[channel]):
sendmsg(channel, "[{}] {} ({} words)".format(idx, story[0], story[2]))
time.sleep(0.5 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
sendmsg(channel, "Please select a story by index:")
state[channel] = State.story_selection
# Handle user input when the bot is directly addressed
def handle_bot_msg(channel, msg):
global state
global stories
if channel not in state:
state[channel] = State.idle
saved_state = state[channel]
state[channel] = State.thinking
time.sleep(1 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
# First check if we should quit the current game
if saved_state != State.idle and msg == "!quit":
elif saved_state == State.idle and msg == "startgame":
elif saved_state == State.story_selection:
handle_story_selection(channel, msg)
elif saved_state == State.word_input:
handle_story_step(channel, msg)
state[channel] = State.idle
# Handle how to quit the game
def quit_game(channel):
sendmsg(channel, "Ok, quitting the current game.")
# Handle user input when we are in story selection mode
def handle_story_selection(channel, msg):
global stories
global state
imsg = int(msg)
if imsg < 0 or imsg > len(stories[channel]):
sendmsg(channel, "Selection out of bounds. Try again!")
time.sleep(1 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
sendmsg(channel, "Give me a second to load up {}".format(stories[channel][imsg][0]))
with open(stories[channel][imsg][1], "r") as storyFile:
story[channel] =
stories[channel] = {} # Clear out the saved selectable stories in memory
except ValueError:
sendmsg(channel, "Invalid selection. Try again!")
state[channel] = State.story_selection
# Handle when a story is being started
def story_start(channel):
global story
global state
global nextword
state[channel] = State.thinking
sendmsg(channel, "Alright! Let's get started!")
nextword[channel] = madlib.find_next_word(story[channel], True)
time.sleep(0.5 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
sendmsg(channel, "Give me {}:".format(nextword[channel][1]))
state[channel] = State.word_input
# Handle user input when we have asked the user for input and are expecting a
# response
def handle_story_step(channel, msg):
global state
global story
global nextword
state[channel] = State.thinking
word = nextword[channel] #madlib.find_next_word(story[channel])
if word is not None:
story[channel] = madlib.replace_word(story[channel], nextword[channel][0], msg)
time.sleep(1 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
nextword[channel] = madlib.find_next_word(story[channel], True)
if nextword[channel] is None:
count = madlib.count_words(story[channel])
sendmsg(channel, "Thanks! Now give me {} ({} words left)".format(nextword[channel][1], count))
state[channel] = State.word_input
# Finish the story
def finish_story(channel):
global state
global story
sendmsg(channel, "Ok, here's the story...");
sendmsg(channel, '=' * MAX_LINE)
for line in story[channel].splitlines():
for part in madlib.yield_lines(line, MAX_LINE):
time.sleep(0.4 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
sendmsg(channel, part)
padlen = (MAX_LINE - 9)/2
mod = (MAX_LINE - 9) % 2
sendmsg(channel, '=' * padlen + ' THE END ' + '=' * (padlen + mod))
story[channel] = ""
state[channel] = State.idle
# System things
def ping():
ircsock.send("PONG :pingis\n")
def sendmsg(chan , msg):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG {} :{}\n".format(chan, msg))
def joinchan(chan):
ircsock.send("JOIN {}\n".format(chan))
def rollcall(channel, botnick):
sendmsg(channel, "Do you like MadLibs? Start a collaborative story by saying '{}: startgame'".format(botnick))
def connect(server, channel, botnick):
ircsock.connect((server, 6667))
ircsock.send("USER {} {} {} :krowbar\n".format(botnick, botnick, botnick)) # user authentication
ircsock.send("NICK {}\n".format(botnick))
def listen(botnick):
botmsgre = re.compile('^{}\:?\s*(.*)$'.format(botnick)) # re to strip the bot's name from a message
while 1:
ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048)
ircmsg = ircmsg.strip('\n\r')
if ircmsg.find("PING :") != -1:
formatted = msgformatter.format_message(ircmsg)
if "" == formatted:
# print formatted
split = formatted.split("\t")
msgtime = split[0]
user = split[1]
command = split[2]
channel = split[3]
message = split[4]
if message.startswith("!rollcall") == True or message.startswith("!help") == True:
rollcall(channel, botnick)
elif message.startswith(botnick) == True:
botmsg = botmsgre.match(message).group(1)
handle_bot_msg(channel, botmsg)
time.sleep(1 * THROTTLE_FACTOR)
ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connect(options.server,, options.nick)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
nohup: failed to run command './madlibbot/': No such file or directory

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import time
import re
def format_message(message):
pattern = r'^:.*\!~(.*)@.* (.*) (.*) :(.*)'
now = int(time.time())
matches = re.match(pattern, message)
if not matches:
return ''
nick =
command =
channel =
message =
return "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (now, nick, command, channel, message)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
The {{an adjective}}, {{a color}} {{an animal}} jumped over the {{an adjective}} {{a color}} {{an animal}}.
The End

Code/irc/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
if [[ ! `pidof -sx` ]]; then
nohup ./madlibbot/ -s -n madlibbot -c \#madlibs >> madliblog 2>> madliblog &
echo "Starting madlibbot"
echo "madlibbot has already been started"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
krowbar&^%2120&^%1524572882 krowbar&^%2209&^%1528899514
karlen&^%476&^%1524572484 karlen&^%498&^%1527613440
endorphant&^%682&^%1444775660 endorphant&^%682&^%1444775660
jumblesale&^%24&^%1426171214 jumblesale&^%24&^%1426171214
marcus&^%2545&^%1523553363 marcus&^%2571&^%1528142058
papa&^%181&^%1474509971 papa&^%181&^%1474509971
epicmorphism&^%5&^%1421937744 epicmorphism&^%5&^%1421937744
audy&^%83&^%1504564254 audy&^%83&^%1504564254
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ cmr&^%2244&^%1485978592
imt&^%519&^%1424087616 imt&^%519&^%1424087616
cndorphant&^%788&^%1424094192 cndorphant&^%788&^%1424094192
rain&^%17&^%1422310975 rain&^%17&^%1422310975
sl2c&^%765&^%1524175962 sl2c&^%769&^%1524856648
selfsame&^%1&^%1422230012 selfsame&^%1&^%1422230012
bear&^%424&^%1510759605 bear&^%424&^%1510759605
coaxial&^%8&^%1422325983 coaxial&^%8&^%1422325983
@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ xkeeper&^%14&^%1461967961
cosnok&^%807&^%1508878859 cosnok&^%807&^%1508878859
escobar&^%1&^%1475431401 escobar&^%1&^%1475431401
amicabot&^%30&^%1481225205 amicabot&^%30&^%1481225205
caff&^%990&^%1524015156 caff&^%1022&^%1528745010
kadin&^%5&^%1479870008 kadin&^%5&^%1479870008
desvox&^%5&^%1481632697 desvox&^%5&^%1481632697
mankins&^%3&^%1480211581 mankins&^%3&^%1480211581
cinch&^%2&^%1480454755 cinch&^%2&^%1480454755
caffbot&^%933&^%1524015163 caffbot&^%968&^%1528745018
evilbot&^%4&^%1480693919 evilbot&^%4&^%1480693919
tybaltcat&^%7&^%1481076625 tybaltcat&^%7&^%1481076625
minerbot&^%146&^%1520382015 minerbot&^%146&^%1520382015
mio&^%339&^%1506434277 mio&^%339&^%1506434277
archangel&^%464&^%1524447604 archangel&^%464&^%1524447604
tehfraga&^%252&^%1524036040 tehfraga&^%263&^%1527511198
sushi&^%10&^%1493253212 sushi&^%10&^%1493253212
troido&^%177&^%1524564338 troido&^%284&^%1528830675
gamebot&^%103&^%1524564349 gamebot&^%157&^%1528830687
nilaky&^%1083&^%1524522303 nilaky&^%1144&^%1528826579
bucket&^%103&^%1507931139 bucket&^%103&^%1507931139
lolbot&^%1&^%1502568407 lolbot&^%1&^%1502568407
m455&^%12&^%1512076715 m455&^%12&^%1512076715
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ pinhook&^%8&^%1509744722
emfor&^%3&^%1509671353 emfor&^%3&^%1509671353
k2l8m11n2&^%11&^%1510932395 k2l8m11n2&^%11&^%1510932395
sacredpix&^%3&^%1522082931 sacredpix&^%3&^%1522082931
deltawitc&^%1436&^%1524565071 deltawitc&^%2003&^%1528899800
login&^%718&^%1524579121 login&^%1133&^%1528853906
kelpiebot&^%3&^%1513101957 kelpiebot&^%3&^%1513101957
unreal&^%1&^%1514940020 unreal&^%1&^%1514940020
tildethie&^%3000&^%1521573658 tildethie&^%3000&^%1521573658
@ -82,26 +82,34 @@ testgameb&^%2&^%1517405361
erin&^%2&^%1517681999 erin&^%2&^%1517681999
wuz&^%3&^%1518125300 wuz&^%3&^%1518125300
hashdang&^%4&^%1518666906 hashdang&^%4&^%1518666906
ubergeek&^%41&^%1524236676 ubergeek&^%63&^%1526043601
silver&^%9&^%1519333029 silver&^%9&^%1519333029
equa&^%43&^%1523911663 equa&^%47&^%1528124305
audiodude&^%2&^%1519453927 audiodude&^%2&^%1519453927
jumblesal&^%1&^%1519746512 jumblesal&^%1&^%1519746512
whimsy&^%16&^%1523551815 whimsy&^%45&^%1527777458
wangofett&^%59&^%1524257254 wangofett&^%100&^%1528482540
saturn597&^%3&^%1521429369 saturn597&^%3&^%1521429369
cwmccabe&^%2&^%1521598124 cwmccabe&^%2&^%1521598124
lucidiot&^%14&^%1522018847 lucidiot&^%28&^%1526201925
tracer&^%1&^%1521744878 tracer&^%1&^%1521744878
jan6&^%201&^%1524583286 jan6&^%533&^%1528899537
jan&^%10&^%1522319160 jan&^%10&^%1522319160
etathetae&^%3&^%1522937843 etathetae&^%3&^%1522937843
eeeeeta&^%28&^%1524463842 eeeeeta&^%31&^%1527704747
cmccabe&^%55&^%1524509916 cmccabe&^%66&^%1528506935
jan6_test&^%7&^%1523252589 jan6_test&^%7&^%1523252589
jan6_&^%8&^%1523641589 jan6_&^%8&^%1523641589
carbon&^%9&^%1524135505 carbon&^%9&^%1524135505
ne1&^%7&^%1524024485 ne1&^%7&^%1524024485
Halian&^%4&^%1524536199 Halian&^%32&^%1528360263
lunasspec&^%4&^%1524164784 lunasspec&^%4&^%1524164784
bowlercap&^%3&^%1524165068 bowlercap&^%3&^%1524165068

View File

@ -243,3 +243,10 @@
1522845488&^%etathetae&^%What is the best/worst pick up line you have ever heard? 1522845488&^%etathetae&^%What is the best/worst pick up line you have ever heard?
1523919506&^%vilmibm&^%how are you? 1523919506&^%vilmibm&^%how are you?
1524157985&^%vilmibm&^%feels or gtfo 1524157985&^%vilmibm&^%feels or gtfo
1524684964&^%vilmibm&^%we restarted, sadly. let ~vilmibm know if anything isn't running that should be.
1525713202&^%vilmibm&^%how is your plant?
1525971188&^%vilmibm&^%want to tell other townies more about yourself? try a ~/.plan or a ~/.project file! run `info finger` to learn more
1526254152&^%vilmibm&^%have you hugged your computer today?
1526577609&^%archangel&^%When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why?
1526842324&^%vilmibm&^%welcome, wave of new users <3
1528317036&^%vilmibm&^%what are the feels?

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
krowbar&^%5&^%2 krowbar&^%6&^%2
jan&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1etathetae&^%1&^%0 jan&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1etathetae&^%1&^%0
etathetae&^%0&^%2 etathetae&^%0&^%2
jan6&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1 jan6&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1archangel&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1vilmibm&^%0&^%1

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import logging, sys
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate word cloud data based off of irc chat logs') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate word cloud data based off of irc chat logs')
parser.add_argument('-logfile', help='irc log file to read from', default='/home/jumblesale/Code/irc/log') parser.add_argument('-logfile', help='irc log file to read from', default='/home/archangelic/irc/log')
parser.add_argument('-outfile', help='output file to write to', default='') parser.add_argument('-outfile', help='output file to write to', default='')
parser.add_argument('-timeend', type=int, help='end time of the word cloud (in epoch time)', default=calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())) parser.add_argument('-timeend', type=int, help='end time of the word cloud (in epoch time)', default=calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))

Code/python/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import fileinput
import json
import time
import calendar
import shutil
logfile = "/home/archangelic/irc/log"
#logfile = "/home/jumblesale/Code/irc/log"
outfile = "/home/krowbar/logs/chatStack.json"
chatData = { 'hours': [], 'regions': {} } #hash keyed by "region" and then hour that counts chat instances
#we only care about recent chats, let's say for the past couple weeks
oneHour = 60 * 60
oneWeek = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
timeNow = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
timeCutoff = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) - (2 * oneWeek)
# this will eventually represent each region users are from
def getAllRegions():
return ['unknown']
# this will provide a way to look up what region a user is from
def getRegion(user):
return 'unknown'
# populate the hours array with time 1 hour away from each other
startTime = timeCutoff
while startTime < timeNow:
startTime += oneHour
# populate the regions array with blank data for each region
for region in getAllRegions():
chatData['regions'][region] = { 'name': region, 'values': [0] * len(chatData['hours']) }
with open(logfile, "r") as log:
hourIdx = 0 # starting with the oldest time slot, we will count instances of user chatting
for line in log:
time, user, message = line.split("\t", 3)
time = int(time)
except ValueError:
continue #There are some bad lines in the log file that we'll ignore if we can't parse
if time > timeCutoff:
region = getRegion(user)
while time > chatData['hours'][hourIdx] + oneHour: # we are past the current hour idx, move ahead until we find the right idx
hourIdx += 1;
if hourIdx >= len(chatData['hours']):
break; #uh oh! somehow we are parsing a line from the future! we're in pretty bad shape!
# hourIdx should now be a good value
chatData['regions'][region]['values'][hourIdx] += 1 # increment the user region's count for the current hour
with open(outfile + ".tmp", "w") as tmpFile:
shutil.move(outfile + ".tmp", outfile)

madlibs/haiku.madlib Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
The {{a plural noun (one syllables)}} in {{a place (two syllables)}} /
bring {{something that causes ennui (two sylables)}} to my {{a body part (two syllables)}} /
Will I {{a verb (one syllable)}} again?

madlibs/limerick.madlib Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
There once was a fellow from {{a place (two syllables. rhyming scheme 1)}}
Who frequently was found to be {{an adjective (one syllable. rhyming scheme 1)}}
One {{a time (two syllables)}} while {{an activity or state of being (two syllables. rhyming scheme 2)}}
Was {{a verb (one syllable. past tense)}} by a {{a noun (two syllables, rhyming scheme 2)}}
And never again able to {{a verb (one syllable. rhyming scheme 1)}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Oh! I'm a {{an occupation}} and I'm ok!
I {{a verb}} all {{a time of day}} and I {{a verb}} all {{a time of day}}!
I cut down {{a type of plant or foliage, plural}}, I {{a way to locomote}} and jump, I go to the {{a room in a house}}!
On {{a day of the week}} I go {{a verb ending in -ing}} and have {{an afternoon snack}} for tea!

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
The {{an adjective}}, {{a color}} {{an animal}} jumped over the {{an adjective}} {{a color}} {{an animal}}.
The End

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
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