
39 lines
1.4 KiB

# SIA feed generator
# Required arguments:
# $title: Feed title
# $language: ISO 639-1 language code (sv, fi or en)
# $description: Feed description
# $link: Feed link
# Expects xmltodict output holding the API result, outputs xmltodict-compatible JSON
# WARNING: Dates are locale-sensitive; the RSS feed might not generate correctly with another locale.
import "./helpers" as helpers;
"rss": {
"@version": "2.0",
"channel": {
"title": $title,
"description": $description,
"link": $link,
"language": ($language + "-FI"),
"pubDate": (now | strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %z")),
"docs": "",
"ttl": 1440,
"generator": "ITSB",
"item": [
| from_entries
| {
"title": .NavigationTitle,
"link": (.public_viewurl | helpers::urlresolve($link)),
"guid": {
"@isPermaLink": "true",
"#text": (.public_viewurl | helpers::urlresolve($link))
"pubDate": ((.["CMS.Kirjausaika.Epoch"] // .["N_kirjausepoch"]) | tonumber / 1000 | strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T %z"))