
314 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

function usage {
echo "Usage: $0 [-d BASE_DIR] [-q]"
echo " -d, --base-dir Set the base directory for the feed generator files and output."
echo " -q, --quiet Hide status logs - useful when running the script as a cronjob."
exit 1
while [[ "$#" > 0 ]]; do case $1 in
-d|--base-dir) DIR="$2"; shift;;
-q|--quiet) QUIET=yes;;
*) echo "Unknown parameter: $1"; usage;;
esac; shift; done
function log {
test -z "$QUIET" && echo "$@"
[ -z "$DIR" ] && DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
log Building to $DIR/feeds
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds
if ! command -v json2xml >/dev/null 2>&1; then
log "Adding $DIR/bin to PATH"
log Building ATSB feed to $DIR/feeds/atsb.xml
curl -s ',Discontinued&printAll=true' \
| pup 'table.selectable_grid tr:not(.header) json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/atsb.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/atsb.xml
log Building TAIC feed to $DIR/feeds/taic.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup '#view-table-wrapper tbody tr json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/taic.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/taic.xml
log Building WMSC feed to $DIR/feeds/wmsc.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup '.post-content li json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/wmsc.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/wmsc.xml
log Building DMAIB feed to $DIR/feeds/dmaib.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'ul.items > li[data-url] json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/denmark.jq \
--arg title 'DMAIB' \
--arg description 'Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board accident reports' \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml -s -ns '' media > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/dmaib.xml
log Building SKYbrary feed to $DIR/feeds/skybrary.xml
curl -s '|GeneralSub|Event%20Type|Aircraft&parameters=|sort%3DDate%20of%20Occurence|order%3Ddesc|limit%3D10000&format=json&api_version=3' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/skybrary.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/skybrary.xml
log Building AIBD Aviation feed to $DIR/feeds/aibd/aviation.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/aibd
curl -s '' \
| pup 'ul.items > li[data-url] json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/denmark.jq \
--arg title 'AIBD Aviation' \
--arg description 'Accident Investigation Board Denmark aviation accident reports' \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml -s -ns '' media > $DIR/feeds/aibd/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/aibd/ $DIR/feeds/aibd/aviation.xml
log Building AIBD Rail feed to $DIR/feeds/aibd/rail.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'ul.items > li[data-url] json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/denmark.jq \
--arg title 'AIBD Rail' \
--arg description 'Accident Investigation Board Denmark railroad accident reports' \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml -s -ns '' media > $DIR/feeds/aibd/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/aibd/ $DIR/feeds/aibd/rail.xml
log Building TTSB Aviation English feed to $DIR/feeds/ttsb/en/aviation.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/ttsb/en
curl -s '' \
| pup '#LP-ContentPage .TableList table tbody tr json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/ttsb.jq \
--arg title 'TTSB Aviation' \
--arg lang 'en-TW' \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ttsb/en/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ttsb/en/ $DIR/feeds/ttsb/en/aviation.xml
log Building TTSB Aviation Chinese feed to $DIR/feeds/ttsb/zh/aviation.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/ttsb/zh
curl -s '' \
| pup '#LP-ContentPage .TableList table tbody tr json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/ttsb.jq \
--arg title '國家運輸安全調查委員會' \
--arg lang 'zh-Hant-TW' \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ttsb/zh/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ttsb/zh/ $DIR/feeds/ttsb/zh/aviation.xml
log Building BFU English feed to $DIR/feeds/bfu/en.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/bfu
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.links tbody tr json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/bfu/en.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/bfu/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/bfu/ $DIR/feeds/bfu/en.xml
log Building BFU Deutsch feed to $DIR/feeds/bfu/de.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.links tbody tr json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/bfu/de.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/bfu/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/bfu/ $DIR/feeds/bfu/de.xml
log Building UZPLN English feed to $DIR/feeds/uzpln/en.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/uzpln
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.table tbody tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq \
-f $DIR/jq/uzpln.jq \
--arg language 'en' \
--arg description 'Air Accidents Investigation Institute' \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/uzpln/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/uzpln/ $DIR/feeds/uzpln/en.xml
log Building UZPLN Czech feed to $DIR/feeds/uzpln/cz.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.table tbody tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq \
-f $DIR/jq/uzpln.jq \
--arg language 'cz' \
--arg description 'Ústav pro odborné Zjišťování Příčin Leteckých Nehod' \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/uzpln/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/uzpln/ $DIR/feeds/uzpln/cz.xml
log Building TSIB Marine feed to $DIR/feeds/tsib/marine.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/tsib
curl -s '' \
| pup '.container-twelve .eight > .row:last-child tbody > tr json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq \
-f $DIR/jq/tsib.jq \
--arg type Marine \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/tsib/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/tsib/ $DIR/feeds/tsib/marine.xml
log Building TSIB Aviation feed to $DIR/feeds/tsib/air.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup '.container-twelve .eight > .row:last-child tbody > tr json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq \
-f $DIR/jq/tsib.jq \
--arg type Aviation \
--arg link '' \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/tsib/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/tsib/ $DIR/feeds/tsib/air.xml
log Building JTSB Aviation English feed to $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/air.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.kankokuiken-en tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/jtsb/en/air.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/ $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/air.xml
log Building JTSB Rail English feed to $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/rail.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.kankokuiken-en tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/jtsb/en/rail.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/ $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/rail.xml
log Building JTSB Marine English feed to $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/marine.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.kankokuiken-en tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/jtsb/en/marine.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/ $DIR/feeds/jtsb/en/marine.xml
log Building JTSB Aviation Japanese feed to $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/air.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.jiko-information tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/jtsb/jp/air.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/ $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/air.xml
log Building JTSB Rail Japanese feed to $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/rail.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.jiko-information tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/jtsb/jp/rail.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/ $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/rail.xml
log Building JTSB Marine Japanese feed to $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/marine.xml
curl -s '' \
| pup 'table.jiko-information tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/jtsb/jp/marine.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/ $DIR/feeds/jtsb/jp/marine.xml
function saia_build {
# saia_build language categoryId title description fileName
log Building $3 feed to $DIR/feeds/saia/$1/$5
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/saia/$1
local url="$([ $1 == "en" ] && echo 'en/')utredningar?categoryId=$2&onGoingWithReport=1&sortReportDate=1"
curl -s "$url" \
| pup '.investigation .desc json{}' \
| jq -f $DIR/jq/saia.jq \
--arg title "$3" \
--arg language "$1" \
--arg description "$4" \
--arg link "$url" \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/saia/$1/$ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/saia/$1/$ $DIR/feeds/saia/$1/$5
saia_build en 0 SAIA 'Swedish Accident Investigation Authority English accident reports' all.xml
saia_build en 203 'SAIA Road' 'Swedish Accident Investigation Authority English road accident reports' road.xml
saia_build en 204 'SAIA Rail' 'Swedish Accident Investigation Authority English rail accident reports' rail.xml
saia_build en 202 'SAIA Air' 'Swedish Accident Investigation Authority English aviation accident reports' air.xml
saia_build en 205 'SAIA Marine' 'Swedish Accident Investigation Authority English marine accident reports' marine.xml
saia_build en 206 'SAIA Military' 'Swedish Accident Investigation Authority English military accident reports' mil.xml
saia_build sv 0 SHK 'Svenska Statens haverikommission olycksrapporter' all.xml
saia_build sv 203 'SHK Väg' 'Svenska Statens haverikommission Vägtrafik olycksrapporter' road.xml
saia_build sv 204 'SHK Spärbunden' 'Svenska Statens haverikommission Spårbunden trafik olycksrapporter' rail.xml
saia_build sv 202 'SHK Luftfart' 'Svenska Statens haverikommission luftfart olycksrapporter' air.xml
saia_build sv 205 'SHK Sjöfart' 'Svenska Statens haverikommission sjöfart olycksrapporter' marine.xml
saia_build sv 206 'SHK Militär' 'Svenska Statens haverikommission militär olycksrapporter' mil.xml
log Building DAAI feed to $DIR/feeds/daai.xml
curl -sk -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/1.0' \
| pup 'table json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/daai.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/daai.xml
log Building IoM Ship Registry feed to $DIR/feeds/iom.xml
curl -s \
| pup '.rte + .accordion p json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/iom.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/iom.xml
log Building ZMA feed to $DIR/feeds/zma.xml
curl -s \
| pup '#content2 li a json{}' \
| jq -L $DIR/jq -f $DIR/jq/zma.jq \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/ $DIR/feeds/zma.xml
function taiid_build {
# taiid_build lang name description url fileName
log Building $2 feed to $DIR/feeds/taiid/$1/$5.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/taiid/$1
curl -s "$4" \
| pup '.panel-body tr:not(:first-child) json{}' \
| jq \
-L $DIR/jq \
-f $DIR/jq/taiid.jq \
--arg language "$1" \
--arg title "$2" \
--arg description "$3" \
--arg link "$4" \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/taiid/$1/$ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/taiid/$1/$ $DIR/feeds/taiid/$1/$5.xml
taiid_build en TAIID 'Lithuania Transport Accident and Incident Investigations Division reports' '' all
taiid_build en 'TAIID Aviation' 'Lithuania Transport Accident and Incident Investigations Division aviation reports' '' air
taiid_build en 'TAIID Rail' 'Lithuania Transport Accident and Incident Investigations Division rail reports' '' rail
taiid_build en 'TAIID Maritime' 'Lithuania Transport Accident and Incident Investigations Division maritime reports' '' marine
taiid_build lt TAITS 'Lietuvos Transporto Avarijų ir Incidentų Tyrimai Skyriaus ataskaitos' '' all
taiid_build lt 'TAITS Aviacija' 'Lietuvos Transporto Avarijų ir Incidentų Tyrimai Skyriaus aviacija ataskaitos' '' air
taiid_build lt 'TAITS Geležinkelio' 'Lietuvos Transporto Avarijų ir Incidentų Tyrimai Skyriaus geležinkelio ataskaitos' '' rail
taiid_build lt 'TAITS Jūrinis' 'Lietuvos Transporto Avarijų ir Incidentų Tyrimai Skyriaus jūrinis ataskaitos' '' marine
function sia_build {
# sia_build lang title description link
log Building $2 feed to $DIR/feeds/sia/$1.xml
mkdir -p $DIR/feeds/sia
curl -s '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
-d "{
\"listaus.sivustopolku\": \"/channels/public/www/otkes/$1/index/tutkintaselostukset\",
\"listaus.jsoninput\": \"{\\\"filterfields\\\":\\\"valmistunut_tutkinta\\\", \\\"valmistunut_tutkinta\\\":\\\"true\\\"}\"
}" \
| grep -v '^\s*$' \
| xml2json \
| jq \
-L $DIR/jq \
-f $DIR/jq/sia.jq \
--arg language "$1" \
--arg title "$2" \
--arg description "$3" \
--arg link "$4" \
| json2xml > $DIR/feeds/sia/$ \
&& mv $DIR/feeds/sia/$ $DIR/feeds/sia/$1.xml
sia_build en SIA 'Safety Investigation Authority reports' ''
sia_build fi Onnettomuustutkintakeskus 'Onnettomuustutkintakeskus - Valmistuneet tutkinnat' ''
sia_build sv Olycksutredningscentralen 'Olycksutredningscentralen - Publicerade rapporter' ''