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I arrived at a classroom numbered B222 or B219 in my high school for a history exam. The tables were arranged differently than usual: 6 columns of two tables stuck to each other. There are two desk lamps on the first tables of the center columns. I sat one row behind those, not wanting to be bothered by the lamps being on my desk, but the teacher comes and places a lamp on my desk. I end up moving it elsewhere later. The lamps were there because the room did not have enough lighting, but someone had the bright (pun intended) idea of opening the blinds, letting enough natural light in.

During the test, I use without noticing it a piece of draft paper from a previous exam. Right as I notice it, the teacher announces to everyone that we can reuse the "flag draft", apparently from a previous exam. I then try to put another draft paper on my table, but notice that the teacher went and changed some words on my draft: a word that looked like "connard" (bastard) just because of my poor handwriting was fixed to "canadre" (a word that does not exist). The teacher also had a poor handwriting, so in both cases the R was hard to read.

I then remember a bottle of sleeping pills that you should take when waking up to ensure you wake up in a good mood while also lengthening your sleep by four hours.