
993 B


My parents and I arrive at a home improvement store with already filled shopping carts and we encounter one of my dad's coworkers. Said coworker was about to resell some of his collection, which he has put in his own cart, at the Paris Games Week. Mom went through the things in his cart and found an Oculus Rift along with a copy of some LEGO game, like Indiana Jones or Pirates of the Caribbean for NES, which got my interest.

I saw a friend running in a well-known shopping street downtown, heading to some kind of date with a girl. Said friend is actually gay.

The same friend is now seen sitting down on the edge of an iceberg or of a bridge, his legs dangling below. He is crying. He witnesses a white bear drowning while on a smaller iceberg, or maybe just directly in the ocean. His girlfriend says it is the first time she ever saw him cry.

This specific scene was shown with various camera angles, as if it all was some kind of TV show.