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I spent the afternoon and the evening in my best friend's bedroom, where some of the walls are at 45° angle as if just below a house's roof. I toyed with every single device in the room, including a "Minecraft" computer running some strange Windows 7-but-no-quite system, which he got for his birthday. I also used my friend's main laptop, running Windows 8.1 with a Windows XP virtual machine running in the background. We talked a lot.

We watched a portion of a Twitch livestream from two well-known French youtubers who were playtesting the very beginning of a game they were coding themselves. They showcased a first-person view of one of the enemies killing the player.

It was getting late, so I started to tidy up all of the mess we created during the day after trying to plug a cable into the "Minecraft" PC. I thought it was an Ethernet cable but it was actually shaped like the plug for a battery of an RC car I own, which my friend called a "two-timer cable". The "Minecraft" PC was stored back in my friend's cabinet, which was the same as the one in my own room.