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2024-07-21 21:00:56 -04:00
demos-src SD card init (not yet tested) 2024-07-21 20:30:02 -04:00
src Algorithm code back in main on Zig 0.12 2024-07-21 20:45:36 -04:00
.gitignore UART logging demo (untested) 2024-06-23 21:14:27 -04:00
build.zig Zig 0.13 (untested) 2024-07-21 21:00:56 -04:00
build.zig.zon UART logging demo (untested) 2024-06-23 21:14:27 -04:00
LICENSE VRLv2 2024-02-23 22:40:32 -05:00
README.md LiDAR test program working 2024-04-23 22:06:16 -04:00


Build with zig build. This creates two main files:

  • zig-out/firmware/micromouse.uf2 which can be uploaded to an RP2040.
  • zig-out/bin/micromouse which can be run on the host computer in simulation


Download the mms simulator from https://github.com/mackorone/mms/releases. (I installed this to my Applications folder.) Pop open a new Mouse in the simulator by clicking the plus next to the "Mouse" selector. Point it at this directory. Set it up with /usr/local/bin/zig build as the build command and ./zig-out/bin/micromouse as the run command.

Overview / Assumptions

We're using the same coordinate space as the simulator (mms). This is "math coords", with 0, 0 in the lower left and positive y up. North is up

  • Main.zig is our entry point.
  • It calls Algorithm.zig which is our floodfill implementation. It stores our current knowledge of walls and nodes.
  • rp2040-bot.zig and simulated-bot.zig implement the same interface for the robot/simulator respectively. They're used by Algorithm.zig to interface with the "world."
  • Mouse.zig is used by Algorithm.zig to keep track of information about the mouse (mainly position). It also has functions that read or write mouse position.
  • Map.zig has data types and constants related to the maze (size, goal locations). It gets imported everywhere.

Code notes

I'm using usize as my default int type so that I can index into arrays with it. TODO: test with non-square mazes. I did my best but I don't know

Use std.log.debug. microzig. yeah

Sending patches

Git is decentralized, which means you don't need an account on Tildegit in order to contribute. Simply clone, make your changes, and commit like normal.

If you have Git configured with your SMTP information, you can use git send-mail to email your changes to me.

If you would like to avoid setting up SMTP with Git (understandable), you can instead use git format-patch. For example:

git format-patch HEAD~2 -o outbox

This creates patchfiles for the last 2 commits before HEAD. The files that Git places in the "outbox" folder are a standardized plaintext representation of a commit. You can inspect them to ensure they're correct. You can then attach these files to an email in your GUI email application of choice, or other messenger application. (Note: Maintainers of professional projects that claim to accept email patches will not be happy if you do this, but I think it's much easier.)

Once I receive your changes, I'll review them and merge them into the repository. The resulting commits will still list you as the author.

TODO: Did I ever fix the issue where we weren't passing the correct optimization option? The first one is using the correct

TODO: document error codes?