Random bad changes do not read

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Portzel 2024-04-05 21:08:09 -04:00
parent 1f4f39e519
commit 91a32fdd52
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 334 additions and 24 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

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@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ This creates two main files:
* `zig-out/firmware/micromouse.uf2` which can be uploaded to an RP2040.
* `zig-out/bin/micromouse` which can be run on the host computer in simulation
# Simulation
Download the mms simulator from https://github.com/mackorone/mms/releases.
(I installed this to my Applications folder.)
Pop open a new Mouse in the simulator by clicking the plus next to the "Mouse" selector.
Point it at this directory. Set it up with `/usr/local/bin/zig build` as the build command and `./zig-out/bin/micromouse` as the run command.
# Overview / Assumptions
We're using the same coordinate space as the simulator (mms). This is "math coords", with 0, 0 in the lower left and positive y up. North is up
@ -19,12 +25,6 @@ TODO: test with non-square mazes. I did my best but I don't know
Use std.log.debug. microzig. yeah
# Simulation
Download the mms simulator from https://github.com/mackorone/mms/releases.
(I installed this to my Applications folder.)
Pop open a new Mouse in the simulator by clicking the plus next to the "Mouse" selector.
Point it at this directory. Set it up with `/usr/local/bin/zig build` as the build command and `./zig-out/bin/micromouse` as the run command.
# Sending patches
Git is decentralized, which means you don't need an account on Tildegit in order to contribute. Simply clone, make your changes, and commit like normal.

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Binary file not shown.


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@ -55,17 +55,24 @@ const Node = struct {
return nodes;
// Distance from true center (the post in the middle of the 2x2 square) rounded down
fn getCrowDistance(self: *const Node) usize {
return self.p.x + self.p.y;
pub fn updateScore(self: *Node, newScore: usize) void {
// newScore should be less than the current score
assert(newScore <= self.score);
self.score = newScore;
// Call updateScore on all adjacent nodes if they have a score which is worse than (newScore + 1)
// For some reason BoundedArrays aren't indexable
// Call updateScore on all adjacent nodes if they have a score which is worse than (newScore + 100)
// For some reason BoundedArrays aren't indexable, hence the .slice()
const adjacentNodes = self.getAdjacentNodes().slice();
for (adjacentNodes) |node| {
if (self.score + 1 < node.score) {
node.updateScore(self.score + 1);
// 1 square away is a score of 100. This lets us play with tiebreaker metrics
if (self.score + 100 < node.score) {
node.updateScore(self.score + 100);
@ -243,6 +250,9 @@ pub fn floodFill(dest: []const Point) void {
for (adjacentNodes) |n| {
std.log.debug("Node at ({}, {}) has score {}", .{ n.p.x, n.p.y, n.score });
assert(@TypeOf(n) == *Node);
// Replace minAdjacent if this new node is shorter
if (minAdjacent == null or n.score < minAdjacent.?.score) {
minAdjacent = n;

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@ -4,15 +4,52 @@ const algo = @import("algorithm.zig");
const robot = algo.robot;
const map = @import("map.zig");
const rp2040 = @import("microzig").hal;
// const multicore = rp2040.multicore;
// TODO: move into algo
pub fn alt_core () noreturn {
// while true
// Flash pin 6 for now
while (true) {
if (is_robot) {
const is_robot = algo.is_robot;
// // TODO: Refactor again. algo.is_robot???
// if (algo.is_robot) {
// alt_core
// }
const time = @import("microzig").hal.time;
// Entry point for second core
fn core1 () noreturn {
pub fn main() !noreturn {
// Power On test
// TODO: rename is_robot to is_physical or something
if (!is_robot) {
// TODO: spawn a thread to run alt-core operations
}else {
// multicore.launch_core1(core1);
// Flood fill to the goal
// // Flood fill to the goal
// algo.floodFill(map.goals[0..]);
// Flood fill back to the start
const starts = [_]map.Point{ map.start };
// // Flood fill back to the start
// const starts = [_]map.Point{ map.start };
// algo.floodFill(starts[0..]);

View File

@ -8,13 +8,193 @@ const map = @import("map.zig");
const microzig = @import("microzig");
const rp2040 = microzig.hal;
const time = rp2040.time;
const i2c = rp2040.i2c;
const gpio = rp2040.gpio;
const pin_config = rp2040.pins.GlobalConfiguration {
.GPIO25 = .{
.name = "onboard_led",
.direction = .out,
// TODO: Fill in the rest
// 6 colored LEDs
.GPIO0 = .{
.name = "led_4",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO1 = .{
.name = "led_3",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO2 = .{
.name = "led_5",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO3 = .{
.name = "led_2",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO4 = .{
.name = "led_6",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO5 = .{
.name = "led_1",
.direction = .out,
// 3 of the 5 LiDAR clock enable pins
// Instead of writing 1 to the CE pins, we should set them as inputs and change them to pull-high
// Then we set as an output and write 0
// This is because the sensor board is actually running at 1.8V
// Each LiDAR has:
// GPIO0 - enable pin, must be pulled high during boot and when using the chip, this is our ce pin
// SCL
// SDA
// We don't need to worry about these pins in software, they're wired in!
// GPIO1 -
// AVDD - needs power second
// AVDD_VCSEL - needs power first
// The config here doesn't really matter because we dynamically update these every time we write to them.
.GPIO6 = .{
// LCE3
.name = "lidar_front_left_ce",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO7 = .{
// LCE5
.name = "lidar_front_ce",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO8 = .{
// LCE1
.name = "lidar_back_left_ce",
.direction = .out,
// Motors
.GPIO9 = .{
// M/Fault ("indicates an error condition in the motor controller (such as over current)")
.name = "motor_fault",
.direction = .in,
// Motor Right (or B)
.GPIO10 = .{
// MB2
.name = "motor_right_2",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO11 = .{
// MB1
.name = "motor_right_1",
.direction = .out,
// Motor Left (or A)
.GPIO12 = .{
// MA2
.name = "motor_left_2",
.direction = .out,
.GPIO13 = .{
// MA1
.name = "motor_left_1",
.direction = .out,
// Motor Encoders
// Zach recommends triggering a double-edged interrupter on 1 and clocking on 2
// You read the second to know if you're going forward or backwards
.GPIO14 = .{
// MAE2
.name = "motor_left_encoder_1",
.direction = .in,
.GPIO15 = .{
// MAE1
.name = "motor_left_encoder_2",
.direction = .in,
.GPIO16 = .{
// MBE2
.name = "motor_right_encoder_2",
.direction = .in,
.GPIO17 = .{
// MBE1
.name = "motor_right_encoder_1",
.direction = .in,
// Buttons
.GPIO18 = .{
// BTN1
.name = "button_1",
.direction = .in,
.GPIO19 = .{
// BTN2
.name = "button_2",
.direction = .in,
// SD Card
// .GPIO20 = .{
// // SD_MISO
// .name = "button_2",
// .direction = .in,
// },
// .GPIO21 = .{
// // SD_CSB
// .name = "button_2",
// .direction = .in,
// },
// .GPIO22 = .{
// // SD_CLK
// .name = "button_2",
// .direction = .in,
// },
// .GPIO23 = .{
// // SD_MOSI
// .name = "button_2",
// .direction = .in,
// },
// LiDAR signals
// These aren't GPIO pins, they're I2C pins, so we don't need to configure them here
// .GPIO24 = .{
// // SCL
// .name = "",
// .direction = .out,
// },
// .GPIO25 = .{ // This is the on board LED on the Pico
// // SDA
// .name = "",
// .direction = .out,
// },
// 2 of the 5 encoders
.GPIO26 = .{
// LCE2
.name = "lidar_back_right_ce",
.direction = .out,
// .pull =
.GPIO27 = .{
// LCE4
.name = "lidar_front_right_ce",
.direction = .out,
// Motor Current monitoring
// These pins support Analog-Digital Conversion, which is cool
// TODO: What do these do? What do we do with them?
.GPIO28 = .{
// MAI
.name = "ma_i",
.direction = .in,
.GPIO29 = .{
// MBI
.name = "mb_i",
.direction = .in,
// comptime {
// @compileLog(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(pin_config.apply)));
@ -27,13 +207,57 @@ const RIGHT_MOTOR = 2;
// 254mm square size
const SQUARE_SIZE = 254;
var pins: rp2040.pins.Pins(pin_config) = undefined;
pub fn toggle_led_6 () void {
// TODO: this does bad things if pins hasn't been defined by the first core yet
// Zach confirms i2c 0
// const i2c0 = i2c.num(0);
// Pin stuff
pub fn setup () void {
const pins = pin_config.apply();
pins = pin_config.apply();
// const lidar_ce_pins = [_]microzig.hal.gpio.Pin{
// pins.lidar_front_left_ce,
// pins.lidar_front_right_ce,
// pins.lidar_back_right_ce,
// pins.lidar_back_left_ce,
// pins.lidar_front_ce,
// };
// _ = i2c0.apply(.{
// .clock_config = rp2040.clock_config, // Zach says the default here is fine
// .scl_pin = gpio.num(24),
// .sda_pin = gpio.num(25),
// });
// // We need to setup the LiDAR addresses
// // TODO: Create a Lidar struct with methods
// // The way we're doing this right now, we are enabling every LiDAR
// const LIDAR_ADDR_BASE: i2c.Address = @enumFromInt(0x50);
// // Disable all of them
// for (lidar_ce_pins) |pin| {
// pin.set_direction(.out);
// pin.put(0);
// }
// // One by one, enable and give an address
// var current_address = LIDAR_ADDR_BASE;
// for (lidar_ce_pins) |pin| {
// // Enable
// pin.set_direction(.in);
// pin.set_pull(.up);
// // Write an address
// i2c0.set_address(current_address);
// current_address = @enumFromInt(@intFromEnum(current_address) + 1);
// }
// pins.onboard_led.toggle();
// pins.onboard_led.toggle();
@ -68,8 +292,46 @@ pub fn readBack() bool {
pub fn stall() noreturn {
while (true) {
// pins.onboard_led.toggle();
// const b1 = pins.button_1.read();
// const b2 = pins.button_2.read();
// pins.led_1.put(b1);
// pins.led_6.put(b2);
// pins.led_1.put(0);
// pins.led_2.put(1);
// time.sleep_ms(500);
// pins.led_2.put(0);
// pins.led_3.put(1);
// time.sleep_ms(500);
// pins.led_3.put(0);
// pins.led_4.put(1);
// time.sleep_ms(500);
// pins.led_4.put(0);
// pins.led_6.put(1);
// time.sleep_ms(500);
// pins.led_6.put(0);