
1.5 KiB


XKCD comics shared a world map as clock that would show roughly what time it is everywhere in the world. Then that inspired J15R to make the xkclock. I always wanted to have a dynamic wallpaper that wouldn't be heavy on the processor. I found J15R's xkclock and decided to turn it XKCD's world clock into wallpaper.


Original artwork belongs to XKCD comics and is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.5 License. Included artwork is upscaled using Upscaler and preserve the license from its original source. Code (bg-setter.sh) is licensed under MIT License.

Implemented Desktop Environments and Window Managers

  1. GNOME (This is what I use)


  1. Download and extract the repo (I recommend ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/xkcd-clock)
  2. Open bg_setter.sh and uncomment the command(s) for the DE you are using
  3. Open the crontab file for your user (probably using EDITOR=nano crontab -e command) and add the cronjob for your desktop environment
  4. Replace "$PATH_TO_XKCD-CLOCK/bg-setter.sh" part with the PATH to bg-setter.sh script that is in wherever you pulled the repo.


* * * * * DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/`pgrep -u $USER gnome-session-c`/environ|cut -d= -f2-) $PATH_TO_XKCD-CLOCK/bg-setter.sh