
1.7 KiB


XKCD comics shared a world map as clock that would show roughly what time it is everywhere in the world. Then that inspired J15R to make the xkclock. I always wanted to have a dynamic wallpaper that wouldn't be heavy on the processor. I found J15R's xkclock and decided to turn it XKCD's world clock into wallpaper.


Original artwork belongs to XKCD comics and is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.5 License. Included artwork is upscaled using Upscaler and preserve the license from its original source. Code (bg-setter.sh) is licensed under MIT License.


  1. Download and extract the repo (I recommend ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/xkcd-clock)
  2. Open bg_setter.sh and uncomment the command(s) for the DE you are using
  3. Continue to instructions for your desktop environment or window manager
  4. If you used nano editor, close crontab file with CTRLO > Enter > CTRLX


  1. Open the crontab file for your user (probably using EDITOR=nano crontab -e command) and add the below cronjob for your desktop environment.
* * * * * DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/`pgrep -u $USER gnome-session-c`/environ|cut -d= -f2-) $PATH_TO_XKCD-CLOCK/bg-setter.sh
  1. Replace $USER with your user name (this is recommended since cron service probably run by root)
  2. Replace "$PATH_TO_XKCD-CLOCK/bg-setter.sh" part with the PATH to bg-setter.sh script that is in wherever you put the repo.