Attempting Kawaii themeing of polybar

This commit is contained in:
Dorian Wood 2021-04-19 10:42:03 -04:00
parent 06b22d378b
commit 13808b99b0
2 changed files with 50 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ then
# Don't do anything else. # Don't do anything else.
return return
fi fi
# settings for interactive shells
[[ $- = *i* ]] && bind '"\t":menu-complete'
# Source the system-wide file. # Source the system-wide file.
source /etc/bash.bashrc source /etc/bash.bashrc
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ alias \
# Shortcuts for common directories # Shortcuts for common directories
alias \ alias \
cf='cd ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config} && ls -a --color=auto' \ cf='cd ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config} && ls -a --color=auto' \
sc='cd ~/.local/spells/ && ls -a --color=auto' sc='cd ~/.local/spells/ && ls -a --color=auto' \
cz='cd ~/.local/share/chezmoi/ && ls -lha' cz='cd ~/.local/share/chezmoi/ && ls -lha'
# Aliases for Self Monitoring # Aliases for Self Monitoring

View File

@ -17,15 +17,30 @@
;========================================================== ;==========================================================
[colors] [colors]
;background = ${xrdb:color0:#222} black = #42395D
background = #222 dark-grey = #75507B
background-alt = #444 red = #A8757B
;foreground = ${xrdb:color7:#222} light-red = #FFB8D1
foreground = #dfdfdf green = #FF857F
foreground-alt = #555 light-green = #F1568E
primary = #ffb52a brown = #E6C000
secondary = #e60053 yellow = #D5A425
alert = #bd2c40 blue = #AE81FF
light-blue = #C5A3FF
magenta = #716799
light-magenta = #8077A8
cyan = #C2FFDF
light-cyan = #C2FFFF
light-grey = #F8F8F2
white = #F8F8F0
background = ${colors.light-red}
background-alt = ${}
foreground = ${colors.magenta}
foreground-alt = ${colors.light-magenta}
primary = ${}
secondary = ${}
alert = ${colors.yellow}
[bar/example] [bar/example]
;monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-1} ;monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-1}
@ -123,17 +138,17 @@ label-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
label-empty-padding = 2 label-empty-padding = 2
; Separator in between workspaces ; Separator in between workspaces
; label-separator = | label-separator = |
[module/mpd] [module/mpd]
type = internal/mpd type = internal/mpd
format-online = <label-song> <icon-prev> <icon-stop> <toggle> <icon-next> format-online = <label-song> <icon-prev> <icon-stop> <toggle> <icon-next>
icon-prev =  ;icon-prev = 
icon-stop =  ;icon-stop = 
icon-play =  ;icon-play = 
icon-pause =  ;icon-pause = 
icon-next =  ;icon-next = 
label-song-maxlen = 25 label-song-maxlen = 25
label-song-ellipsis = true label-song-ellipsis = true
@ -165,7 +180,7 @@ type = internal/cpu
interval = 2 interval = 2
format-prefix = " " format-prefix = " "
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #f90000 format-underline = ${colors.primary}
label = %percentage:2%% label = %percentage:2%%
[module/memory] [module/memory]
@ -173,7 +188,7 @@ type = internal/memory
interval = 2 interval = 2
format-prefix = " " format-prefix = " "
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #4bffdc format-underline = ${colors.secondary}
label = %percentage_used%% label = %percentage_used%%
[module/wlan] [module/wlan]
@ -182,7 +197,7 @@ interface = wlp2s0
interval = 3.0 interval = 3.0
format-connected = <ramp-signal> <label-connected> format-connected = <ramp-signal> <label-connected>
format-connected-underline = #9f78e1 format-connected-underline = ${colors.alert}
label-connected = %essid% label-connected = %essid%
format-disconnected = format-disconnected =
@ -191,11 +206,11 @@ format-disconnected =
;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected ;label-disconnected = %ifname% disconnected
;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ;label-disconnected-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
ramp-signal-0 =  ;ramp-signal-0 = 
ramp-signal-1 =  ;ramp-signal-1 = 
ramp-signal-2 =  ;ramp-signal-2 = 
ramp-signal-3 =  ;ramp-signal-3 = 
ramp-signal-4 =  ;ramp-signal-4 = 
ramp-signal-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} ramp-signal-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
[module/eth] [module/eth]
@ -218,15 +233,15 @@ format-disconnected =
type = internal/date type = internal/date
interval = 5 interval = 5
date = date = " %Y-%m-%d"
date-alt = " %Y-%m-%d" date-alt = " %Y-%m-%d"
time = %H:%M time = %H:%M
time-alt = %H:%M:%S time-alt = %H:%M:%S
format-prefix =  ;format-prefix = 
format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt}
format-underline = #0a6cf5 format-underline = ${}
label = %date% %time% label = %date% %time%
@ -368,14 +383,14 @@ menu-2-1-exec = menu-open-0
[settings] [settings]
screenchange-reload = true screenchange-reload = true
;compositing-background = xor compositing-background = xor
;compositing-background = screen ;compositing-background = screen
;compositing-foreground = source compositing-foreground = source
;compositing-border = over compositing-border = over
;pseudo-transparency = false pseudo-transparency = false
[global/wm] [global/wm]
margin-top = 5 margin-top = 2
margin-bottom = 5 margin-bottom = 2
; vim:ft=dosini ; vim:ft=dosini