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# Setup
## Install
Start by installing Go, Git, GCC and glibc (the program is written in Go, but a tiny bit of C code is used to drop privileges when running as root). On Debian, run:
apt install golang git gcc libc6-dev
Then fetch and build the program:
go get
The resulting binary should now be at `~/go/bin/client-hello-mirror`. You can make it available to all users on the system:
ln -s ~/go/bin/client-hello-mirror /usr/local/bin/
## Run
Generate TLS certificate:
# CA-signed:
certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/ -d
# or self-signed:
openssl req -new -subj "/" -x509 -days 36500 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout privkey.pem
Run on port 1965:
~/go/bin/client-hello-mirror -c cert.pem -k privkey.pem :1965
## Daemonize
In order to run the program as a daemon and auto-start it on boot, you need to manage it with your operating system's init system. Here you'll find instructions for systemd.
Sample systemd unit file:
Description=TLS Client Hello Mirror
ExecStart=client-hello-mirror -u www-data -c /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -k /etc/letsencrypt/live/ :443 2>/var/log/client-hello-mirror-error.log
Modify as needed, save to `/etc/systemd/system/client-hello-mirror.service` and run:
systemctl enable client-hello-mirror.service
systemctl start client-hello-mirror.service
## Drop root
A standard web-facing setup involves using a CA-signed certificate and binding to privileged port 443. For security reasons, the program will drop root privileges imediately after loading the certificate and binding to the specified port. Use the `-u` option to select a user to switch to; the default is `www-data`.
## Redirect http:// to https://
For this you'll need to use another web server, such as nginx.