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No commits in common. "e84ee87d721ae8db752cdaea281309a01a444172" and "37d0a75ea7b189f03e5481b4782a16f3d51aa955" have entirely different histories.

3 changed files with 60 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -17,9 +17,7 @@
(define (analysis-gui game)
; Make a frame by instantiating the frame% class
(define g (grid-lines (GameState-grid game)))
(define w (grid-width (GameState-grid game)))
(define h (grid-height (GameState-grid game)))
(define g (GameState-grid game))
(define t 0)
(define frame (new frame%
[label "Game Analysis"]
@ -27,12 +25,12 @@
[height 300]))
(define displaypanel (new horizontal-panel% [parent frame]))
(define grid-canvas (new canvas%
(define grid (new canvas%
[parent displaypanel]
(lambda (canvas dc)
(send dc clear)
(render-grid (grid (take g t) w h) dc))]))
(render-grid (take g t) dc))]))
(define log (new list-box%
[label ""]
@ -40,7 +38,7 @@
[choices (map line->string g)]
[callback (lambda (box event)
(set! t (car (send box get-selections)))
(send grid-canvas refresh))]))
(send grid refresh))]))
(define buttonpanel (new horizontal-panel%
[parent frame]
@ -54,7 +52,7 @@
(if (not (= t 0))
(set! t (sub1 t)) 0)
(send log select (- t 1))
(send grid-canvas refresh))]))
(send grid refresh))]))
(define forwardbutton (new button%
[parent buttonpanel]
[label "forward"]
@ -62,12 +60,12 @@
(if (not (= t (length g)))
(set! t (add1 t)) 0)
(send log select (- t 1))
(send grid-canvas refresh))]))
(send grid refresh))]))
(define score (new message%
[parent buttonpanel]
[label (format "Final Score: R: ~a, B: ~a" (first (GameState-scores game)) (last (GameState-scores game)))]))
(send frame show #t))
(define g (play-game (GameState (grid '() 6 6) 0 '(0 0) (list random-player random-player))))
(define g (play-game (GameState '() 0 '(0 0)) (list random-player random-player)))
(print (GameState-grid g))
(analysis-gui g)

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(require rackunit "main.rkt")
(define test-grid (grid (list
(define grid (list
(line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 1)
(line (point 0 1) (point 1 1) 0)
(line (point 1 0) (point 1 1) 1)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
(line (point 3 3) (point 3 4) 0)
(line (point 3 3) (point 4 3) 0)
(line (point 4 3) (point 4 4) 0)
(line (point 3 4) (point 4 4) 0)) 6 6))
(line (point 3 4) (point 4 4) 0)))
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@
(check-equal? (boxes-for (line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 1)) (list (point 0 0)))
(check-equal? (boxes-for (line (point 2 1) (point 2 2) 1)) (list (point 2 1) (point 1 1)))
(check-equal? (boxes-for (line (point 0 0) (point 1 0) 1)) (list (point 0 0)))
(check-equal? (boxes-for (line (point 1 1) (point 2 1) 1)) (list (point 1 1) (point 1 0)))
(check-equal? (boxes-for (line (point 1 1) (point 2 1) 1)) (list (point 1 1) (point 1 0)))
(check-equal? (boxes-for (line (point 0 5) (point 1 5) 1)) (list (point 0 4)))
(check-equal? (boxes-for (line (point 5 0) (point 5 1) 0)) (list (point 4 0))))
(define test-grid
(grid (list
(define grid
(line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 1)
(line (point 0 1) (point 1 1) 0)
(line (point 1 0) (point 1 1) 1)
@ -72,26 +72,26 @@
(line (point 3 4) (point 4 4) 1)
(line (point 4 5) (point 5 5) 1)
(line (point 4 4) (point 5 4) 0)
(line (point 5 4) (point 5 5) 1)) 6 6)) ; all possible unfinished boxes (plus an unfinished double)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes test-grid (line (point 0 0) (point 1 0) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes test-grid (line (point 1 2) (point 1 3) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes test-grid (line (point 3 1) (point 4 1) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes test-grid (line (point 0 5) (point 1 5) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes test-grid (line (point 4 4) (point 4 5) 0)) 2)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes test-grid (line (point 1 0) (point 2 0) 1)) 0))
(line (point 5 4) (point 5 5) 1))) ; all possible unfinished boxes (plus an unfinished double)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes grid (line (point 0 0) (point 1 0) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes grid (line (point 1 2) (point 1 3) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes grid (line (point 3 1) (point 4 1) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes grid (line (point 0 5) (point 1 5) 0)) 1)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes grid (line (point 4 4) (point 4 5) 0)) 2)
(check-equal? (completes-boxes grid (line (point 1 0) (point 2 0) 1)) 0))
(define test-grid (grid (list
(define grid (list
(line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 1)
(line (point 0 1) (point 0 2) 0)
(line (point 3 2) (point 3 3) 0)) 6 6))
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 1) test-grid))
(check-true (valid-move? (line (point 0 2) (point 0 3) 0) test-grid)) ; not overwriting existing moves
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point 0 2) (point 0 1) 1) test-grid)) ; moving forward
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point 0 0) (point 0 2) 1) test-grid)) ; valid length check
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point (+ GRID-WIDTH 1) 0) (point 0 2) 1) test-grid))
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point (+ GRID-WIDTH 1) 0) (point 0 2) 1) test-grid))) ; out of bounds
(line (point 3 2) (point 3 3) 0)))
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 1) grid))
(check-true (valid-move? (line (point 0 2) (point 0 3) 0) grid)) ; not overwriting existing moves
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point 0 2) (point 0 1) 1) grid)) ; moving forward
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point 0 0) (point 0 2) 1) grid)) ; valid length check
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point (+ GRID-WIDTH 1) 0) (point 0 2) 1) grid))
(check-false (valid-move? (line (point (+ GRID-WIDTH 1) 0) (point 0 2) 1) grid))) ; out of bounds
@ -115,24 +115,21 @@
(check-equal? (count-square (point 0 0) test-grid) 4)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 1 0) test-grid) 3)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 2 0) test-grid) 2)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 3 2) test-grid) 1)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 0 4) test-grid) 0))
(check-equal? (count-square (point 0 0) grid) 4)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 1 0) grid) 3)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 2 0) grid) 2)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 3 2) grid) 1)
(check-equal? (count-square (point 0 4) grid) 0))
(check-equal? (append-move test-grid (line (point 2 2) (point 2 3) 0)) (grid (append
(grid-lines test-grid)
(list (line (point 2 2) (point 2 3) 0)))
(grid-width test-grid) (grid-height test-grid)))
(check-equal? (append-move test-grid (line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 0)) test-grid))
(check-equal? (append-move grid (line (point 2 2) (point 2 3) 0)) (append grid (list (line (point 2 2) (point 2 3) 0))))
(check-equal? (append-move grid (line (point 0 0) (point 0 1) 0)) grid))
(check-equal? (valid-moves test-grid) (list
(check-equal? (valid-moves grid) (list
(line (point 0 1) (point 0 2) 1)
(line (point 0 2) (point 1 2) 1)
(line (point 0 2) (point 0 3) 1)

View File

@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
(require racket/draw racket/random)
; a Grid contains:
; -- a list of lines. All lines in a grid must be specified as moving left to right, top to bottom ("to" coordinate higher than "from" coordinate")
; -- the width and height of the grid.
(struct grid (lines width height) #:transparent)
; a Grid is a list of lines. All lines in a grid must be specified as moving left to right, top to bottom ("to" coordinate higher than "from" coordinate")
; represents a point in 2d space.
(struct point (x y) #:transparent)
@ -19,14 +16,7 @@
; grid is the grid
; player is the current player
; scores is a list of numbers for the score of each player.
; players is a list of two players who are playing in the game
(struct GameState (grid player scores players) #:transparent)
; represents a player. func is a function with the signature:
; Grid Number -> Line
; where the grid is the current board state, the Number is if the player is player 1 or 2, and it returns the move it will play that turn.
; name is the player's name.
(struct player (name func) #:transparent)
(struct GameState (grid player scores) #:transparent)
; width and height of the playing grid.
(define GRID-WIDTH 6)
@ -46,13 +36,12 @@
; Grid that contains all possible lines filled. Used for filtering valid moves. This is an ugly way, but i can't think of a better one right now.
(define FULL-GRID (grid
(define ALL-LINES (flatten
(for/list ([x (in-range GRID-WIDTH)])
(for/list ([y (in-range GRID-HEIGHT)])
(if (< x (- GRID-WIDTH 1)) (line (point x y) (point (+ x 1) y) 1) '())
(if (< y (- GRID-HEIGHT 1)) (line (point x y) (point x (+ y 1)) 1) '()))))) GRID-WIDTH GRID-HEIGHT))
(if (< y (- GRID-HEIGHT 1)) (line (point x y) (point x (+ y 1)) 1) '()))))))
; Line Line -> Bool
; tests if two lines are in the same position
@ -75,7 +64,7 @@
; TODO optimise. This "filtering what is invalid out of all possible lines" method sucks.
; TODO write more tests
(define (valid-moves g)
(filter (lambda (move) (valid-move? move g)) (grid-lines FULL-GRID)))
(filter (lambda (move) (valid-move? move g)) ALL-LINES))
; Point Grid -> Number
; given a point that is the top-left corner of a square on the grid, returns the amount of edges surrounding that square.
@ -88,7 +77,7 @@
(member #t
(for/list ([x (list (point 0 0) (point 0 1) (point 1 0) (point 0 0))]
[y (list (point 0 1) (point 1 1) (point 1 1) (point 1 0))])
(same-position? item (line (point+ x p) (point+ y p) 0))))) (grid-lines g)))) ; for every position in the square, check if there's a line there
(same-position? item (line (point+ x p) (point+ y p) 0))))) g))) ; for every position in the square, check if there's a line there
; Line -> Bool
; returns #t if the line is forwards (with forwards being moving right and down, higher end coord than start)
@ -117,25 +106,26 @@
; returns #t if adding the given move to the grid is valid.
(define (valid-move? line grid)
(empty? (filter (lambda (l) (same-position? l line)) (grid-lines grid))) ; line doesn't already exist on board
(empty? (filter (lambda (l) (same-position? l line)) grid)) ; line doesn't already exist on board
(valid-length? line)
(forwards? line)
(not (out-of-bounds? (line-from line)))
(not (out-of-bounds? (line-to line))))))
; a Player is a function with the signature:
; Grid Number -> Line
; where the grid is the current board state, the Number is if the player is player 1 or 2, and it returns the move it will play that turn.
; a Player that plays random moves
(define random-player
(lambda (g n)
(let ([m (car (random-sample (valid-moves g) 1))])
(line (line-from m) (line-to m) n)))))
(define (random-player g n)
(let ([m (car (random-sample (valid-moves g) 1))])
(line (line-from m) (line-to m) n)))
; Grid Line -> Grid
; adds line to grid, if it is a valid move. Otherwise skips the move.
(define (append-move g l)
(if (valid-move? l g) (grid (append (grid-lines g) (list l)) (grid-width g) (grid-height g)) g))
(if (valid-move? l g) (append g (list l)) g))
; Line -> List of Points
; returns the positions of boxes the given line affects, assuming a valid line.
@ -162,18 +152,18 @@
([boxes (boxes-for l)]
[g (append-move grid l)])
(length (filter (lambda (b) (= (count-square b g) 4)) boxes))))
; GameState -> GameState
; GameState, List of 2 Players -> GameState
; runs the game.
; If the game is over, returns the final game state
; else, lets a player play a move. If they complete a box, they stay on and earn a point. Else, the other player has a turn.
(define (play-game s)
(define (play-game s players)
(let ([g (GameState-grid s)]
[p (GameState-player s)])
[(= (length (grid-lines g)) (length (grid-lines FULL-GRID))) s] ; end of the game
[(= (length g) (length ALL-LINES)) s] ; end of the game
(let* ([move ((player-func (list-ref (GameState-players s) p)) g p)]
(let* ([move ((list-ref players p) g p)]
[new-grid (append-move g move)]
[boxes (completes-boxes g move)]
[box (not (= 0 boxes))]
@ -181,7 +171,7 @@
(play-game (GameState
(if box p (abs (- p 1)))
(if box (list-set scores p (+ boxes (list-ref scores p))) scores) (GameState-players s))))])))
(if box (list-set scores p (+ boxes (list-ref scores p))) scores)) players))])))
; Grid -> Image
; renders grid to an image for showing humans the game.
@ -195,9 +185,9 @@
; renders grid on the given drawing context.
; TODO setting line color doesn't seem to be always working?
; TODO color in squares
(define (render-grid g dc)
(define (render-grid grid dc)
(define passed '())
(for ([l (grid-lines g)]) ; reversed for fill-drawing malarkey.
(for ([l grid]) ; reversed for fill-drawing malarkey.
(if (empty? passed) (set! passed (list l)) (set! passed (append passed (list l))))
[(= (line-player l) 0) (send dc set-pen "red" 4 'solid)] ; player 1 draws in red
@ -209,8 +199,8 @@
(+ 4 (* GRID-SCALE (point-y (line-to l))))) ; draw the line
(let ([boxes (boxes-for l)])
(for ([b boxes])
(if (= (count-square b (grid passed (grid-width g) (grid-height g))) 4)
(send dc draw-text
(if (= (count-square b passed) 4)
(send dc draw-text
(if (= (line-player l) 0) "R" "B")
(+ 6 (* GRID-SCALE (point-x b)))
(+ 3 (* GRID-SCALE (point-y b))))