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2021-03-06 20:06:27 +00:00
package main
this is the source code for thebuttonbot, an IRC bot that plays the game "the button" on the IRC network.
the game is played like this:
the bot maintains a counter. At a random interval, the counter ticks down.
at any point, any person can press the button. This resets the counter. This gives the player points. You get more points the lower the counter.
If the counter hits zero, the button is frozen and nobody can press it any more.
firstly, we need to import all the libraries we need.
* fmt for debugging and formatting IRC messages
* net for connecting to IRC
* bufio for reading from the network socket we create to connect to IRC with
* strings for splitting and testing strings
* regexp to help parse messages.
* sync to make things concurrency safe
* time to sleep for some time before reducing the counter
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* rand to randomise the timer ticks
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import (
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as we'll be referencing them a lot later, we should create some constants to store things like the network address and our IRC nick/user name. This is set up for connecting to from localhost.
we also set the minimum and maximum timeout lengths (in seconds) for the counter to tick down, and the value to reset to.
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const (
nick string = "thebuttonbot"
user string = "thebuttonbot"
realname string = "thebuttonbot"
channel string = "#thebutton"
server string = "localhost:6667"
maxTime int = 10
minTime int = 5
resetCount int = 10
game state variables. counter is the current count, scores is the scoreboard, and the two mutexes are for protecting the outgoing connection and the counter.
var (
counter int = resetCount
scores map[string]int
countMutex sync.Mutex
connMutex sync.Mutex
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// IRCMessage is a type that contains the contents of an incoming IRC message.
// I'm only using this for message parsing, not construction, as I'm only ever constructing a small subset of IRC messages.
// [@Tags] [:SourceNick!SourceUser@SourceAddress] <Command> <Parameters>
type IRCMessage struct {
Tags string // Not parsing tags further than I need to right now
SourceNick string
SourceUser string
SourceHost string
Command string
Parameters []string
function parseMessage parses an IRC message, and returns an IRCMessage.
It assumes it's getting well-formed messages.
func parseMessage(s string) IRCMessage {
// create an empty message object we're writing into.
var m IRCMessage
// split on spaces, as everything in the message is delimited by them
parts := strings.Split(s, " ")
for index, item := range parts {
// tags start with an @, and can only occur as the first item in a message.
if index == 0 && strings.HasPrefix(item, "@") {
m.Tags = strings.TrimPrefix(item, "@")
// source can be either the first or second item in a message, depending on if there are tags first.
} else if (m.Tags != "" && index == 1 || m.Tags == "" && index == 0) && strings.HasPrefix(item, ":") {
// TODO tidy this up
// set the source regexp. Matches :nick!user@host or :host
sourceRegexp, _ := regexp.Compile(":((.+)!(.+)@)?(.+)")
// use it
matches := sourceRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(item)
// if the length of matches is longer than 2, we matched a nick and user. Otherwise we only matched a host.
if len(matches) > 3 {
m.SourceNick = matches[2]
m.SourceUser = matches[3]
m.SourceHost = matches[4]
} else {
m.SourceHost = matches[1]
// if we don't already have a command and the thing doesn't match otherwise, it's a command.
} else if m.Command == "" {
m.Command = item
// if nothing else is true, it's a parameter to the command.
} else {
m.Parameters = append(m.Parameters, item)
return m
function sendMessage sends a message using connection conn on IRC channel c with content s.
It first locks the connection mutex, and unlocks it afterwards, to make the function concurrency-safe.
When the mutex is locked by one goroutine, another cannot write to it, preventing a race condition.
(We don't need this for recieving messages, as only the main routine recieves messages)
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func sendMessage(conn *net.Conn, c string, s string) {
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fmt.Fprintf(*conn, "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n", c, s)
// function setCounter sets the counter variable to a value, concurrency-safely using a mutex.
func setCounter(value int) {
counter = value
// function getCounter gets the current value of the counter in a concurrency-safe way.
func getCounter() int {
var c int
c = counter
return c
function countdown is a goroutine that starts a timer and counts down on the countdown when the timer times out.
if it gets a message over the reset channel, the timer and counter are reset.
when the timer would hit 0, the locked variable is set. If the timer is locked, timeouts are ignored until it's reset.
func countdown(conn *net.Conn, reset chan int) {
locked := false
for {
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duration := rand.Intn(maxTime-minTime) + minTime
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(duration) * time.Second) // TODO randomise a bit, longer times
select {
case <-timer.C: // on a timer timeout
if !locked {
c := getCounter()
setCounter(c - 1)
if c-1 == 0 {
locked = true
sendMessage(conn, channel, "Ker-Chunk! The timer ticked down to the final position. You're all dead.")
} else {
sendMessage(conn, channel, fmt.Sprintf("*tick, tick, tick* The timer ticks down. It now reads %d", c-1))
case <-reset:
locked = false
2021-03-06 20:06:27 +00:00
func main() {
// open a connection to the IRC network over a TCP connection.
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", server)
if err != nil {
// create a buffered reader to read from the connection.
reader := bufio.NewReader(conn)
// create a scanner that will let us easily read single messages from IRC.
// as IRC happens in lines, we can just scan lines.
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
Upon connecting to IRC, we need to set our username with the USER command, and nickname with the NICK command.
They have the following structures:
USER [username] 0 * :[realname]
NICK [nickname]
Then we connect to the channel and send a message as a test, with JOIN and PRIVMSG.
JOIN [channel]
PRIVMSG [destination] :[content]
We can write these to the connection with fmt.Fprintf.
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "USER %s 0 * :%s\r\n", user, realname)
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "NICK %s\r\n", nick)
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "JOIN %s\r\n", channel)
// Run the goroutine that does the countdown. Create channels we can use to reset it or press the button.
reset := make(chan int)
go countdown(&conn, reset)
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loop every time there is a new line sent over the connection (a new IRC message/command).
We can get the content of it with scanner.Text().
for scanner.Scan() {
t := scanner.Text()
// parse the message using the message parsing function.
msg := parseMessage(t)
Now we actually deal with the IRC messages!
First, PING. The server will send a PING sometimes to make sure the client is still awake.
When we get a PING, we need to respond with a PONG:
Server: PING [parameter]
Client: PONG [parameter]
// Print the message for debugging purposes
if msg.Command == "PING" {
fmt.Fprintf(conn, "PONG %s\r\n", msg.Parameters[0])
Next, actual messages from people. These use the PRIVMSG command.
PRIVMSG from :content
because of my dumb message parser, the contents are spread throughout the parameters array.
However, we only need to look at the first bit, because we're just reading some set commands:
,scores: prints the scoreboard (when it's implemented)
,press: press the button, resetting the countdown and scoring points, as long as it's not locked (when that's implemented)
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,ping: sends a "pong" as a PRIVMSG to the channel.
,count: sends the current countdown value
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,help: prints the things you can do
,reset: resets the game unconditionally
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these only matter if they're sent in the bot's channel.
scores might get an argument sometime idk
if msg.Command == "PRIVMSG" {
msgChannel := msg.Parameters[0]
// msgSender := msg.SourceNick
msgContent := strings.TrimPrefix(msg.Parameters[1], ":")
if msgChannel == channel {
if msgContent == ",ping" {
sendMessage(&conn, channel, "Pong!\r\n")
} else if msgContent == ",scores" {
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// TODO implement scoring
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sendMessage(&conn, channel, "Not implemented yet")
} else if msgContent == ",press" {
// TODO score these
c := getCounter()
if c != 0 {
reset <- 0
sendMessage(&conn, channel, fmt.Sprintf("You press the button. The countdown resets to %d", resetCount))
} else {
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sendMessage(&conn, channel, "You're all dead. Dead people can't press buttons.")
} else if msgContent == ",reset" {
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// TODO maybe check some kind of auth on doing this
reset <- 0
sendMessage(&conn, channel, "Timer reset!")
} else if msgContent == ",count" {
sendMessage(&conn, channel, fmt.Sprintf("You look up at the ominous countdown. It reads %d", getCounter()))
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} else if msgContent == ",help" {
sendMessage(&conn, channel, ",scores: prints current scores")
sendMessage(&conn, channel, ",press: press the button! resets the countdown, adds to your score. The lower the count, the higher your score!")
sendMessage(&conn, channel, ",count: prints current countdown position")
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// If the loop is broken, there might be a scanner error. If so, just panic for now.
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {