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# CSS For cl-yag
Well, now cl-yag comes with a default css-stylesheet.
## Where The Stylesheets Live
All of cl-yag's style sheets are located in **css/**. Of course you
can change that, but we recommend sticking to it. Currently there are
the following files:
|-- clym.css
|-- custom.css
`-- style.css
## style.css -- One Sheet To Rule Them All
In order to keep it simple cl-yag uses **data/css/style.css** to
administrate all of its stylesheets. Use the ``@import`` rule to include
your own, or comments to get rid of what is already there.
Currently, it looks like this:
/* ==================================================================== */
/* style.css for cl-yag */
/* ==================================================================== */
@charset "utf-8";
/* ~ PURE.CSS ~ */
@import url("pure_r1.0.0/pure.css");
@import url("pure_r1.0.0/grids.css");
@import url("pure_r1.0.0/grids-responsive.css");
/* ~ Stylesheet for cl-yag ~ */
@import url("clym.css");
/* ~ LAST ENTRY ~ */
/* ~ custom.css to override styles. ~ */
@import url("custom.css");
## Pure.css
cl-yag uses stylesheets from [pure.css](https://purecss.io/ "Pure.css"),
"a set of small, responsive CSS modules", as a minimal css framework: It
employs **pure.css**, **grids.css** and **grids-responsive.css** to
provide a limited set of expected features, e.g. usable menus and basic
Additionally, cl-yag puts its first, own stylesheet as a topping on
pure's magic: clym.
## clym.css -- A Default Stylesheet
*clym* stands for *cl-yag minimal* and is a set af rules designed to
work with cl-yags specific skeleton. It also provides an unbtrusive
color scheme and some basic typography. You'll find it in
If you don't like it, deactivate it by uncommenting the following line
in **data/css/style.css**:
@import url("clym.css");
## custom.css -- Tweak Your Style
cl-yag provides you with **data/css/custom.css** to tweak your styles.
In order to override rules located in all previous style sheets it needs
to get sourced in as the last file in **data/css/style.css**.