Add version 0.8

This commit is contained in:
No Time To Play 2024-02-04 14:53:53 +00:00
parent 3f3fa383cb
commit 42482c5a99
3 changed files with 142 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
# Cozy Catalog news
## [0.8] - 2024-02-04
### Added
* Toolbar icons
### Changed
* Modify (Ctrl-M) is now Update (Ctrl-U).
* File dialogs now use Zenity under X11 if available.
### Removed
* Shorcut keys from toolbar buttons
## [0.7] - 2023-01-26
### Added

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Cozy Catalog is a little personal database, mainly for media libraries and the l
The user interface should be fairly obvious.
As of 26 January 2023, the code has been used in production for a week or two without issues. Please back up your data.
As of early 2024, the code has been used in production for almost a year with no new issues. Please back up your data anyway.
## System requirements
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Recommended screen resolution: 1024x768.
Cozy Catalog is open source under the MIT license. See source code for details.
You can usually find me on IRC, in the #ctrl-c channel of, or else as @notimetoplay on the Mastodon instance. Would love to hear from you.
You can find native builds on, and the source code on tildegit. Feedback is welcome in either place.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# Cozy Catalog: a little personal database for media libraries.
# Copyright 2023 Felix Pleșoianu <>
# Copyright 2023, 2024 Felix Pleșoianu <>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ package require Tk 8.5
package require try
package require csv
set about_text "A personal database\nVersion 0.7a (9 Mar 2023)\nMIT License"
set about_text "A personal database\nVersion 0.8 (4 Feb 2024)\nMIT License"
set credits_text "Made by No Time To Play\nbased on knowledge\nfrom"
set site_link ""
@ -116,20 +116,19 @@ wm title . "Cozy Catalog"
option add *tearOff 0
. configure -padx 4
set icon_data "
image create photo app_icon -data "
image create photo app_icon -data $icon_data
wm iconphoto . app_icon
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {
ttk::style theme use "clam"
pack [ttk::frame .toolbar] -side top -pady 4
pack [ttk::frame .tools] -side top -pady 4
ttk::frame .status
ttk::label .status.line -relief sunken -textvar status
@ -173,35 +172,68 @@ ttk::treeview -selectmode browse -height 20 \ heading "tags" -text "Tags"
ttk::button -text "New" -width 8 -under 0 -command do_new
ttk::button .toolbar.bOpen -text "Open" -width 8 -under 0 -command do_open
ttk::button -text "Save" -width 8 -under 0 -command do_save
image create photo i_new -data "
image create photo i_open -data "
image create photo i_props -data "
image create photo i_rev -data "
image create photo i_save -data "
image create photo i_ch -data "
image create photo i_del -data "
image create photo i_ins -data "
ttk::separator .toolbar.sep1 -orient vertical
ttk::button -text "New" -w 7 -im i_new -comp left -comm do_new
ttk::button .tools.bOpen -text "Open" -w 7 -im i_open -comp left -comm do_open
ttk::button -text "Save" -w 7 -im i_save -comp left -comm do_save
ttk::button .toolbar.reload -text "Reload" -width 8 -under 0 -command do_reload
ttk::button .toolbar.stats -text "Stats" -width 8 -under 1 -command show_stats
ttk::separator .tools.sep1 -orient vertical
ttk::separator .toolbar.sep2 -orient vertical
ttk::button .tools.reload -text "Reload" -w 7 -im i_rev -comp left -comm do_rev
ttk::button .tools.stat -text "Stats" -w 7 -im i_props -comp left -comm do_stat
ttk::button .toolbar.ins -text "Insert" -width 8 -under 3 -command do_insert
ttk::button -text "Modify" -width 8 -under 0 -command do_modify
ttk::button .toolbar.del -text "Delete" -width 8 -under 0 -command do_delete
ttk::separator .tools.sep2 -orient vertical
pack -side left
pack .toolbar.bOpen -side left
pack -side left
ttk::button .tools.ins -text "Insert" -w 7 -im i_ins -comp left -comm do_insert
ttk::button -text "Update" -w 7 -im i_ch -comp left -comm do_modify
ttk::button .tools.del -text "Delete" -w 7 -im i_del -comp left -comm do_delete
pack .toolbar.sep1 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill y
pack -side left
pack .tools.bOpen -side left
pack -side left
pack .toolbar.reload -side left
pack .toolbar.stats -side left
pack .tools.sep1 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill y
pack .toolbar.sep2 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill y
pack .tools.reload -side left
pack .tools.stat -side left
pack .toolbar.ins -side left
pack -side left
pack .toolbar.del -side left
pack .tools.sep2 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill y
pack .tools.ins -side left
pack -side left
pack .tools.del -side left
. configure -menu [menu .menubar]
@ -211,15 +243,15 @@ $m add command -label "Open..." -command do_open -under 0 -accel "Ctrl-O"
$m add command -label "Save" -command do_save -under 0 -accel "Ctrl-S"
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Save as..." -command do_save_as -under 5
$m add command -label "Reload" -command do_reload -under 0 -accel "Ctrl-R"
$m add command -label "Statistics" -command show_stats -under 1 -accel "Ctrl-T"
$m add command -label "Reload" -command do_rev -under 0 -accel "Ctrl-R"
$m add command -label "Statistics" -command do_stat -under 1 -accel "Ctrl-T"
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Quit" -command do_quit -under 0 -accel "Ctrl-Q"
.menubar add cascade -menu .menubar.mFile -label "File" -underline 0
set m [menu .menubar.item]
$m add command -label "Insert" -command do_insert -under 0 -accel "Ctrl-I"
$m add command -label "Modify" -command do_modify -under 4 -accel "Ctrl-M"
$m add command -label "Update" -command do_modify -under 4 -accel "Ctrl-U"
$m add command -label "Delete" -command do_delete -under 4 -accel "Ctrl-D"
$m add separator
$m add command -label "Copy details" -under 0 -accel "Ctrl-C" \
@ -253,15 +285,15 @@ bind <Return> {search_for $search_term}
bind . <Control-n> do_new
bind . <Control-o> do_open
bind . <Control-s> do_save
bind . <Control-r> do_reload
bind . <Control-t> show_stats
bind . <Control-r> do_rev
bind . <Control-t> do_stat
bind . <Control-q> do_quit
bind . <Command-n> do_new
bind . <Command-o> do_open
bind . <Command-s> do_save
bind . <Command-r> do_reload
bind . <Command-t> show_stats
bind . <Command-r> do_rev
bind . <Command-t> do_stat
bind . <Command-q> do_quit
bind . <Control-i> do_insert
@ -406,10 +438,16 @@ proc do_open {} {
set choice [tk_getOpenFile -parent . \
-title "Open existing database" \
-initialdir [file_dir $file_name] \
-filetypes $file_types]
if {[tk windowingsystem] == "x11" && [auto_execok "zenity"] ne ""} {
set choice [open_with_zenity $file_name]
} else {
set choice [tk_getOpenFile -parent . \
-title "Open existing database" \
-initialdir [file_dir $file_name] \
-filetypes $file_types]
if {[string length $choice] == 0} {
set status "Opening canceled."
} elseif {![file isfile $choice]} {
@ -423,6 +461,25 @@ proc do_open {} {
proc open_with_zenity file_name {
try {
if {$file_name ne ""} {
return [exec zenity --file-selection \
--title "Open existing database" \
--filename $file_name \
--file-filter "All files | *" \
--file-filter "CSV files | *.csv"]
} else {
return [exec zenity --file-selection \
--title "Open existing database" \
--file-filter "All files | *" \
--file-filter "CSV files | *.csv"]
} trap CHILDSTATUS {results options} {
return ""
proc load_file full_path {
global status modified
@ -496,10 +553,15 @@ proc do_save {} {
proc do_save_as {} {
global file_name file_types status
set choice [tk_getSaveFile -parent . \
-title "Save file as..." \
-initialdir [file_dir $file_name] \
-filetypes $file_types]
if {[tk windowingsystem] == "x11" && [auto_execok "zenity"] ne ""} {
set choice [save_with_zenity $file_name]
} else {
set choice [tk_getSaveFile -parent . \
-title "Save database as..." \
-initialdir [file_dir $file_name] \
-filetypes $file_types]
if {[string length $choice] == 0} {
set status "Save canceled."
} elseif {[save_file $choice]} {
@ -507,6 +569,27 @@ proc do_save_as {} {
proc save_with_zenity file_name {
try {
if {$file_name ne ""} {
return [exec zenity --file-selection \
--title "Save database as..." \
--save --confirm-overwrite \
--filename $file_name \
--file-filter "All files | *" \
--file-filter "CSV files | *.csv"]
} else {
return [exec zenity --file-selection \
--title "Save database as..." \
--save --confirm-overwrite \
--file-filter "All files | *" \
--file-filter "CSV files | *.csv"]
} trap CHILDSTATUS {results options} {
return ""
proc save_file full_path {
global columns modified status
@ -532,7 +615,7 @@ proc save_file full_path {
proc do_reload {} {
proc do_rev {} {
global file_name status
if {$file_name eq ""} {
tk_messageBox -parent . \
@ -554,7 +637,7 @@ proc do_reload {} {
proc show_stats {} {
proc do_stat {} {
set cats [llength [dict keys $db::index]]
set items [llength $db::records]
set average [expr {$items / $cats}]