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A ncurses-based frontend to the SWORD project, the CrossWire Bible Society's Bible software project.

This program was written to scratch a personal itch. I do a lot of daily computer work in the command line, I wanted something more feature-rich than libsword's diatheke, and I wanted to sharpen my C skills. I imagine there are probably a single-digit's amount of people in the world who are interested in doing their Bible study from a command line terminal. If you happen to be one of them, please feel free to use this program. Its layout and interface are very loosely based on OliveTree, a Bible study app popular on the Android platform.


  • libsword and its development libraries (often available in most distributions' standard repos)
  • ncurses and its development libraries (any modern Linux version should work)
  • clang

Getting started

To install scriptura:

git clone cd scriptura make make install

On first run, scriptura assumes that a King James module is intalled and available. Many modules from CrossWire are available here and other frontends have their own repos. To install them from the command line:

mkdir -p $HOME/.sword/ cd $HOME/.sword/ curl unzip

A configuration file will be created at $HOME/.config/scriptura.ini. You can see the sample config file in the codebase for available options.

When the software is running, the '?' key will give you the list of commands available. Open any module you have installed and you can go to or search any text.

Known issues

Menus and forms will not render correctly if your terminal window is too narrow. Resize the terminal and this should work.


Thanks for being willing to expand on this project. For feature requests, bug reports, or other support see the section below.

For code submissions, please keep to a similar indentation & coding style (tabstop to 4, 1TBS indentation). I didn't use the C++ standard library in my coding to see if I could make the project work without it; don't feel constrained to the same.

You can submit pull requests through tildegit for review. You must be willing to have all code submissions become GPL licensed.

Feedback / Support

Please use the tildegit project forum page to submit any feature requests, bug reports, or other feedback. For bugs, please include the descriptions of whatever module was used and relevant config/environment settings, and a list of steps to reproduce the problem. Please also adhere to the code of conduct, given in the section below.

Other means of contact can be found here

This project is basically a one-man operation. If you'd like to show your support financially, you can contribute via:

  • /Paypal - paladin1/ at /
  • /BTC - bc1q9dfau346z38jth35gkaxacd3fljvfgw6cqcyyv/

Code of Conduct

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." All abuse or malign speech will be ignored or censored.


I'm not a programmer by day. While I have tested this thing and believe it to be beta-worthy, I assume no responsibility if it crashes your computer, ruins your holiday, or kicks your dog.