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+++ date = 2022-09-16T14:08:41Z description = "Palash Bauri's new book Aakashgolpo is going to publish in september" images = ["https://b.og.palashbauri.in/api/og?date=2022-09-16T14%3A08%3A41.00Z&title=Status%20Update%203&gh=bauripalash&blog=Adventure%20of%20Palash%20Bauri"] kws = ["status", "book", "life", "Aakashgolpo" , "exams" , "publish"] lastmod = 2022-09-16T14:08:41Z nocomment = false noshare = false noshowlastmod = false tags = ["book", "status"] title = "Status Update #3" +++

Hey my friends,

It's been more than two months since I last wrote on this blog. I was busy for the last two months, actually, I am busy right now. But I thought I should let everyone know, what is going on in my life.

At first, I should tell you folks, why I was unable to write. I guess I have mentioned before that I was taking a college course in Diploma in Elementary Education. So, in Mid-June, The board announced that our exams will start at the end of June. But later that month, exams got rescheduled to mid-July.

The exams were very dreadful and exhausting. We had to give exam for two subjects each day. 10AM to 5PM with only one hour of break. We had to write like a 17-18 Pages each day. After returning home in evening, I just slept. I've never got that much tired in my whole life.

Exams ended. Then in August we had to teach two demo classes in front of an Expert to show that, we are good fit for a teacher. Actually that went pretty well.

After that, I started working on my book "Aakashgolpo". Which is getting published this September.

AakashGolpo Cover made Samir Kumir

Now currently I am helping my father writing his book. Actually I'm co-authoring that book. I hope it will get published within December.