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MozFest19 first reflections TLDR; It was my first #mozfest experience and it was pretty good mozfest-first-reflections 2019-11-24T21:11:09+00:00

{{% figure alt="A group of people at #mozfest, clustered around a wall with post-it notes on" src="/images/posts/2019-11-mozfest.jpg" class="main-illustration fr" caption="Discussions of neurodiversity at #mozfest" attr="Photo by Jennifer Riggins" attrlink="" %}}

The other weekend I had my first experience of Mozilla Festival, aka #mozfest.

It was pretty awesome.

I met quite a few people in real life that I've previously only known (/stalked) on Twitter, and caught up with others that I haven't seen for a while.

I had the honour of co-facilitating a workshop session on imposter syndrome and how to deal with it with the wonderful Yo Yehudi and Emmy Tsang. We all learned a lot and hope our participants did too; we'll be putting together a summary blog post as soon as we can get our act together!

I also attended a great session, led by Kiran Oliver (psst, they're looking for a new challenge), on how to encourage and support a neurodiverse workforce.

I was only there for the one day, and I really wish that I'd taken the plunge and committed to the whole weekend. There's always next year though! To be honest, I'm just disappointed that I never had the courage to go sooner,