2022-07-20 17:14:23 +01:00

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Org Mode

#+title: Projects
#+linktitle: projects
#+menu: main
#+type: page
I'm trying to move away from relying on any one [[][forge]] (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, etc.) for project hosting, so here's a rundown of some of the little open source projects I have scattered around the web right now.
Some of them have their own issue trackers --- feel free to tell me about bugs or make pull requests there --- but you can also send me bugs, comments or patches at [[][]].
* Active
:ID: ae2de630-b353-4fa3-8139-a6cbb2709442
Projects that can be considered current: I may or may not have made any significant changes to them recently, but I certainly use them and I would love it if you did too!
** mxadm
A simple CLI interface to basic Matrix room admin tasks.
+ Source: [[]]
+ Rust crate: [[][mxadm on]]; [[][mxadm on]]
** Template iPython magics 🎩
This package provides simple IPython magics to render cells as templates in a variety of different templating languages. It currently supports [[][Mako]] and [[][Jinja2]].
- Source: [[]]
- Python package: [[][template-ipython-magic on PyPI]]
** remarkable-scripts
A small collection of useful scripts for users of [[][reMarkable paper tablets]].
- Source: [[]]
# ** theme-bl-remark
* Dormant or nascent
Projects that I've started and done some work on, often to the point of a working prototype, or that are just ideas so far, and that I intend to develop further at some point.
** pyrefine
Execute OpenRefine JSON scripts without OpenRefine (or Java).
- Source: [[]]
** csvy-python
Read CSVY ( data packages from Python.
- Source: [[]]
** nix-gently
* Experiments & toys
Things that were done to try something out, or to do a very simple job that I no longer need.
- doi2oa
- altmedals2012
- runkeeper-data
- Shipton Mill queue checker
* Educational examples
Things that simply exist to demonstrate for others how a thing can be done.
- binder-nix-flakes :: Demo of using the [[]["flakes"]] feature of [[][NixOS and it's cross-platform package manager, nix]], to specify the dependencies for a [[][Binder]] of Jupyter notebooks. [[]]
- zenodo-example-py :: Demo of accessing the [[][Zenodo REST API]] from Python to fetch records. [[]]
* Abandoned
Stuff that I started and used for a while, but which no longer serve any purpose for me. Feel free to learn from these or [[][fork]] them as the basis for something of your own
- sagadoc :: A really simple tool to generate documents from data, code and templates. Heavily inspired by [[][Org mode for Emacs]]. I mostly use org-mode or [[][Jupyter Notebooks]] for this these days. [[]]
- dropbox-conflicts-el :: An [[][emacs]] package to detect conflicted copies of files in your Dropbox on open. [[]]
# - beamer-uob
# - theme-sidmouth-nikola
# - theme-sidmouth-hugo
# - Org.tmbundle
# - nikola-series
# - chrome-scroll-back
# - sakaiws-ruby
# - OmniSync
# - minty