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2024-02-08 16:33:27 +00:00
h1. textpattern-theme-musuc
2024-02-08 17:23:04 +00:00
A simple theme, focused on presenting videos with brief
2024-02-08 16:33:27 +00:00
2024-02-08 17:23:04 +00:00
It's based on a theme I made for an extinct Tumblr blog,
which was based on ????
2024-02-08 16:33:27 +00:00
2024-02-08 17:23:04 +00:00
I don't give a fuck about schema.org whatever, so I've
stripped that stuff out. Google and DIVs and Js gone too.
2024-02-08 16:33:27 +00:00
h2. Installation
2024-02-08 17:23:04 +00:00
I'm assuming this is more intesting as an example theme to
look at when writing your own rather than something you'd
want to use, as it's very much made for a particular blog.
# Place the 'textpattern-theme-musuc' directory in the
'themes' directory of your Textpattern site.
# In the Textpattern web interface go to
Presentation → Themes
2024-02-08 16:33:27 +00:00
h2. Usage
2024-02-08 17:23:04 +00:00
2024-02-08 16:33:27 +00:00
h2. File Explainer
2024-02-08 17:35:42 +00:00
├ forms/
│ ├ article/
│ │ ├ article_listing.txp ......... Determines how each
│ │ │ post is rendered.
│ │ ├ default.txp .................
│ │ └ tag_listing.txp ............. Determines how each
│ │ post on a tag page is
│ │ rendered.
│ ├ comment/
│ ├ file/
│ ├ link/
│ └ misc/
│ ├ article_breaktime.txp
│ ├ body_footer.txp ............. Header section, with
│ │ blog name and subtitle
│ ├ body_header.txp ............. Foor section, with
│ │ link to colophon
│ ├ media_audio_bandcamp.txp .... For Bandcamp embeds
│ ├ media_audio_file.txp ........ For audio file embeds
│ │ (can include image)
│ ├ media_audio_soundcloud.txp .. For SoundCloud embeds
│ ├ media_video_youtube.txp ..... For Youtube embeds
│ └ text_nobreak.txp ............ For stopping text
│ breaking when unwanted
├ pages/
│ ├ default.txp ................... Main template, used
│ │ for all pages. Shows
│ │ a list of posts.
│ └ error_default.txp ............. Error page, for 404s,
│ etc.
├ resources/
│ └ favicon.png.................... Website icon.
├ styles/
│ └ default.css ................... Theme's stylesheet
├ LICENCE ......................... Licence (Unlicence)
├ manifest.json ................... Theme metadata
└ README.textile .................. This file
2024-02-08 16:33:27 +00:00