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h1. textpattern-theme-musuc
A simple theme, focused on presenting videos with brief
It's based on a theme I made for an extinct Tumblr blog,
which was based on ????
I don't give a fuck about schema.org whatever, so I've
stripped that stuff out. Google and DIVs and Js gone too.
h2. Installation
I'm assuming this is more intesting as an example theme to
look at when writing your own rather than something you'd
want to use, as it's very much made for a particular blog.
# Place the 'textpattern-theme-musuc' directory in the
'themes' directory of your Textpattern site.
# In the Textpattern web interface go to
Presentation → Themes
h2. Usage
h2. File Explainer
├ forms/
│ ├ article/
│ │ ├ article_listing.txp ......... Determines how each
│ │ │ post is rendered.
│ │ ├ default.txp .................
│ │ └ tag_listing.txp ............. Determines how each
│ │ post on a tag page is
│ │ rendered.
│ ├ comment/
│ ├ file/
│ ├ link/
│ └ misc/
│ ├ article_breaktime.txp
│ ├ body_footer.txp ............. Header section, with
│ │ blog name and subtitle
│ ├ body_header.txp ............. Foor section, with
│ │ link to colophon
│ ├ media_audio_bandcamp.txp .... For Bandcamp embeds
│ ├ media_audio_file.txp ........ For audio file embeds
│ │ (can include image)
│ ├ media_audio_soundcloud.txp .. For SoundCloud embeds
│ ├ media_video_youtube.txp ..... For Youtube embeds
│ └ text_nobreak.txp ............ For stopping text
│ breaking when unwanted
├ pages/
│ ├ default.txp ................... Main template, used
│ │ for all pages. Shows
│ │ a list of posts.
│ └ error_default.txp ............. Error page, for 404s,
│ etc.
├ resources/
│ └ favicon.png.................... Website icon.
├ styles/
│ └ default.css ................... Theme's stylesheet
├ LICENCE ......................... Licence (Unlicence)
├ manifest.json ................... Theme metadata
└ README.textile .................. This file