17 lines
769 B

title = "Rhinoceros by Ionesco"
description = "A an absurdist tragicomedy"
zenn_hide_header_meta = true
This fall I am directing and performing in _Rhinoceros_ by Eugène Ionesco. It's going to be a lot of fun!
_Note: I have copied this website from [Tim Visée][visee], and right now almost all the content here is his, not mine. It will take me a little while to remove his stuff and replace it with mine, but for now just stick to the /rhino directory and you'll be all set._
Check out [these documents][docs] if you're in my play and you need the script or something like that. You got the password and username when you filled out the sign-up form, but you can ask me if you forgot them.
[docs]: @/rhino/