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Raw Blame History

+++ title = "Quotes about Vegetarians" description = "From throughout the best literature"

[taxonomies] categories = ["blog"] tags = ["quotes", "literature", "humour"]

[extra] zenn_applause = true +++

From The House of the Spirits by Isabelle Allende:

"His father... ordered Nicolás to take a bath and put on some normal clothes if he wanted to stay in the house, but Nicolás stared at him without seeing and did not reply. He had become a vegetarian. He did not eat milk, meat, or eggs. His diet was the same as a rabbit's, and his anxious face gradually came to resemble the face of that animal."

From Ulysses by James Joyce:

"Only weggebobbles and fruit. Dont eat a beefsteak. If you do the eyes of that cow will pursue you through all eternity."