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+++ title = "Now" description = "What I'm doing now"

[extra] zenn_hide_header_meta = true +++

I'm finishing up my GCC classes (Linear Algebra and Microbiology) - finals will be over by Christmas Eve. I'm appling to Harvard, Dartmouth, Yale, Amherst, and Williams (I already applied to MIT and got deferred). I'm also preparing for a Kroka semester for which I'll leave on January 17th.

I started a few cool things online, most recently a pleroma instance called The Owl Perch.

I'm trying to change my last name to Benson. We'll see how it goes.

I'm feeling pretty swamped still, but things are starting to calm down. I'm happy to have a wonderful network of friends and support people :)

Last updated December 18th 2021

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