Manages non-break spaces for em-dash and en-dash

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Christophe HENRY 2021-03-06 15:36:56 +00:00
parent c66bb76b00
commit f64db8c7ca
1 changed files with 9 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ function htmlPrepare(&$text) {
$text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_HTML5|ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8", false); $text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_HTML5|ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8", false);
$text = mb_ereg_replace("\ ([?!:;»€$])", NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE."\\1", $text); $text = mb_ereg_replace("\ ([?!:;»€$])", NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE."\\1", $text);
$text = mb_ereg_replace("([«])\ ", "\\1".NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE, $text); # Espace fine insécable $text = mb_ereg_replace("([«])\ ", "\\1".NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE, $text); # Espace fine insécable
# Below, "Em Dash" (U+2014, —) and "En Dash" (U+2013, ) make —–
#$text = mb_ereg_replace("([—–]) ([^—–.]+)( [—–]|\.)", "\\1".NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE."\\2".NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE."\\3", $text);
# Adds no-break spaces to stick the (EM/EN dashes) to words : aaaaaa bb ccccc ==> aaaaaa $bb$ ccccc
$text = mb_ereg_replace("([—–]) ([^—–.]+) ([—–])", "\\1".NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE."\\2".NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE."\\3", $text);
# Adds no-break space to stick the (EM/EN dashes) to words : aaaaaa bb. ==> aaaaaa $bb.
$text = mb_ereg_replace("([—–]) ([^.]+).", "\\1".NARROW_NO_BREAK_SPACE."\\2.", $text);
} }
ob_start(); ob_start();