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## Preamble
2014-10-08 22:20:39 +00:00
This document will talk you through setting up your own tilde.club flavoured server; the example `domain.club` is used below.
## Prerequisites
* An [Amazon AWS account](https://aws.amazon.com), though any other cloud provider would work just as well.
2014-10-08 22:20:39 +00:00
* Your own domain
* A thirst for the unknown
## Create an instance on Amazon EC2
* On AWS click `Launch Instance`
* Select `Amazon Linux AMI`
* Select `t2.micro`
* Select the (recommended) thingy in the popup
* Click `Launch`
* In `Security Groups` right-click:
* `Edit inbound rules` -> `Add Rule` -> `HTTP` and `SSH`
* `Edit outbound rules` -> `Add Rule` -> `HTTP` and `HTTPS`
* In `Elastic IPs`:
* Click `Allocate New Address`
* Choose `VPC` on the dropdown (it won't work otherwise, I forget why)
* Right click, `Associate Address`
* Choose the instance you just created
* Create an `A record` at your domain name registrar to point at the Elastic IP then wait for those changes to propagate.
**NOTE** This could take up to 48 hours, use `dig domain.club +nostats +nocomments +nocmd` to see if you're in business.
## SSH into your shiny instance using your `pem` file
* `ssh -i security.pem ec2-user@domain.club`
* `yum update`
* `sudo yum remove java`
* `sudo yum install git`
## Change hostname
* `sudo vim /etc/hosts` change `localhost.localdomain` to `domain.club`
* `sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/network` change `localhost.localdomain` to `domain.club`
* `sudo reboot`
## Allow passwords to log in
* `sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config` change `PasswordAuthentication` to `yes`
* `sudo service sshd restart`
## Create a user `bill` with correct permissions
* `sudo adduser bill`
* `sudo passwd bill`
* `mkdir /home/bill/public_html`
* `sudo chmod 755 /home/bill`
## Install Apache
* `sudo yum install httpd`
* `sudo /etc/init.d/httpd start`
* `sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`:
* comment out `UserDir disabled`
* uncomment `UserDir public_html`
* uncomment the `Control access to UserDir directories` block beginning with `<Directory /home/*/public_html>`
* `sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart`
## Install other software
* `yum install tmux`
* `yum install mutt`
* `yum install irssi`
* `yum install tree`
* `yum install lynx`
* `yum install finger`
* etc