
178 lines
4.5 KiB

// extract tilesxxx.bmp from uncompressed DAVE.EXE
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "util.h"
// all tiles in the exe
static SDL_Surface* tile_sfc[NUM_EXE_TILES];
// export all tiles to bmp
void Util_SaveTiles() {
// Save out the all tile surfaces
for ( int curtil = 0; curtil < NUM_EXE_TILES; ++curtil ) {
SDL_Surface* sfc = tile_sfc[curtil];
printf( "Saving tile%03d.bmp (%ux%u)...\n", curtil, sfc->w, sfc->h );
char fname[1024];
snprintf( fname, 1024, "./tiles/tile%03d.bmp", curtil );
SDL_SaveBMP( sfc, fname );
// return tile surface array for external use
SDL_Surface** Util_GetTileSurfaces() {
return tile_sfc;
// fill global tile array with tiles from exe
void Util_LoadTiles() {
const uint32_t vga_data_addr = 0x120f0;
const uint32_t vga_pal_addr = 0x26b0a;
// exe assumed uncompressed
SDL_RWops* ddexe = SDL_RWFromFile( "res/DAVE.EXE", "rb" );
if ( ddexe != NULL ) printf( "SUCCESS! (%"PRIi64" bytes)\n", SDL_RWsize( ddexe ) );
else { fprintf( stderr, "Error opening DAVE.EXE for tiles!\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
// tileset
SDL_RWseek( ddexe, vga_data_addr, RW_SEEK_SET );
uint32_t tssz;
SDL_RWread( ddexe, &tssz, 4, 1 );
printf( "Uncompressed tileset size: %u\n", tssz );
uint8_t* tsdat = malloc( tssz );
memset( tsdat, 0, tssz );
uint8_t bytebuf = 0;
uint8_t* tsbyte = tsdat; // current output byte to be written to
// uncompress RLE
while ( (tsbyte - tsdat) < tssz ) {
SDL_RWread( ddexe, &bytebuf, 1, 1 );
if ( bytebuf & 0x80 ) { // unchanged
uint32_t cnt = ((bytebuf & 0x7f) + 1);
while ( cnt-- ) {
SDL_RWread( ddexe, &bytebuf, 1, 1 );
*tsbyte = bytebuf; tsbyte++;
} else { // repeated
uint32_t cnt = bytebuf + 3;
SDL_RWread( ddexe, &bytebuf, 1, 1 ); // byte to be repeated
while ( cnt-- ) {
*tsbyte = bytebuf; tsbyte++;
// palette
SDL_RWseek( ddexe, vga_pal_addr, RW_SEEK_SET );
uint8_t paldat[768];
memset( paldat, 0, 768 );
// reach each color and convert from 6bit to 8bit
for ( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i ) {
SDL_RWread( ddexe, paldat + (i * 3), 3, 1 );
paldat[i*3] <<= 2;
paldat[i*3+1] <<= 2;
paldat[i*3+2] <<= 2;
// note: extra byte every 65536 bytes
// total tile count
SDL_RWops* tsfil = SDL_RWFromMem( tsdat, tssz );
uint32_t tscnt;
SDL_RWread( tsfil, &tscnt, 4, 1 );
printf( "Tile count: %u\n", tscnt );
// tile offsets
uint32_t tsoffs[tscnt+1];
for ( int i = 0; i < tscnt; ++i ) {
SDL_RWread( tsfil, &tsoffs[i], 4, 1 );
//printf( "ts%u: %u -- ", i, tsoffs[i] );
// last tile ends at EOF
tsoffs[tscnt] = tssz;
uint16_t tw, th;
uint32_t curbyte;
uint8_t curtil;
// read each tile
for ( curtil = 0; curtil < tscnt; curtil++ ) {
//curtilbyte = 0;
curbyte = tsoffs[curtil];
tw = 16; th = 16;
// skip extra byte
if ( curbyte > 65280 )
// curbyte is now actual offset to raw image data
SDL_RWseek( tsfil, curbyte, RW_SEEK_SET );
// check if dimension thats not 16x16, assumed if current chunk size is not 256
if ( tsoffs[curtil+1] - tsoffs[curtil] != 256 ) {
SDL_RWread( tsfil, &tw, 2, 1 );
SDL_RWread( tsfil, &th, 2, 1 );
curbyte += 4;
// fill a new 32bpp surface using palette
SDL_Surface* tilsfc = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( 0, tw, th, 32, 0,0,0,0 );//SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32 );
SDL_LockSurface( tilsfc );
uint8_t* pxp = (uint8_t*)(tilsfc->pixels);
for ( int p = 0; p < tw * th; ++p ) {
uint8_t ix;
SDL_RWread( tsfil, &ix, 1, 1 );
size_t pos = p * 4;
// bgra
pxp[pos] = paldat[ix*3+2];
pxp[pos+1] = paldat[ix*3+1];
pxp[pos+2] = paldat[ix*3];
pxp[pos+3] = 255;//(ix == 0) ? 0 : 255;
SDL_UnlockSurface( tilsfc );
// store surface in global tile array
tile_sfc[curtil] = tilsfc;
//SDL_FreeSurface( tilsfc );
//printf( "ts%u (%ux%u) @ %u -- ", curtil, tw, th, curbyte );
SDL_RWclose( tsfil );
free( tsdat );
// done with exe
SDL_RWclose( ddexe );
// free all loaded exe's tile surfaces
void Util_FreeTileSurfaces() {
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_EXE_TILES; ++i ) {
SDL_FreeSurface( tile_sfc[i] );
#ifdef UTIL_BIN
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// high scores
/*SDL_RWops* dscor = SDL_RWFromFile( "res/DSCORES.DAV", "rb" );
uint8_t lscor[9];
while ( SDL_RWread( dscor, lscor, 9, 1 ) ) {
printf( "LVL %u - SCORE: %u%u%u%u%u - NAM: %.3s\n", lscor[0],
lscor[1], lscor[2], lscor[3], lscor[4], lscor[5], (char*)&lscor[6] );
SDL_RWclose( dscor );*/
return 0;