
174 lines
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#include "game.h"
#include "world.h"
//#include "player.h"
extern game_state_t* gs;
// sets new beginning state for current level
void W_StartLevel() {
// reset monster bullet
gs->mbullet_px = 0;
gs->mbullet_py = 0;
memset( gs->ms, 0, sizeof(gs->ms) );
// set hardcoded monster type based on level
switch ( gs->current_level ) {
case 2: { // level 3, two spiders
gs->ms[0].type = 89;
gs->ms[0].px = 44 * TILE_SIZE;
gs->ms[0].py = 4 * TILE_SIZE;
gs->ms[1].type = 89;
gs->ms[1].px = 59 * TILE_SIZE;
gs->ms[1].py = 4 * TILE_SIZE;
} break;
case 3: { // level 4, one monster
gs->ms[0].type = 93;
gs->ms[0].px = 32 * TILE_SIZE;
gs->ms[0].py = 2 * TILE_SIZE;
} break;
// reset items
gs->ps.gun = 0;
gs->ps.jetpack = 0;
gs->ps.trophy = 0;
gs->ps.check_door = 0;
// hard reset current level from original data
void W_ResetLevel() {
Util_GetLevel( gs->current_level, &gs->levels[gs->current_level] );
gs->ps.lives = 255;
// returns 1 if passed pixel point is not within a solid tile, is_player non zero to execute functionality
uint8_t W_IsClear( int16_t px, int16_t py, uint8_t is_player ) {
uint8_t tx, ty; // tile pos
uint8_t til; // tile index
// off top and bottom
if ( py < 0 || py >= 10 * TILE_SIZE ) return 1;
// pixel point to tile pos
tx = px / TILE_SIZE; ty = py / TILE_SIZE;
// tile index at level's tx, ty pos
til = gs->levels[gs->current_level].tiles[ty * 100 + tx];
// solid tiles
if ( til == 1 || til == 3 || til == 5 ) return 0;
if ( til >= 15 && til <= 19 ) return 0;
if ( til >= 21 && til <= 24 ) return 0;
if ( til >= 29 && til <= 30 ) return 0;
// player collision functionality
if ( is_player && !gs->ps.dead_timer ) {
// adjusted tile collision
SDL_Rect colbox;
colbox.x = (tx - gs->view_x) * TILE_SIZE + 2;
colbox.y = ty * TILE_SIZE + 2;
colbox.w = TILE_SIZE-4; colbox.h = TILE_SIZE-4;
SDL_Point colpt;
colpt.x = px - gs->view_x * TILE_SIZE;
colpt.y = py;
// hazard tiles
if ( til == 6 || til == 25 || til == 36 ) {
if ( SDL_PointInRect( &colpt, &colbox ) ) {
//return 0;
gs->ps.dead_timer = 30;
// pickups
else if ( til == 10 || til == 4 || til == 20 || (til >= 47 && til <= 52) ) {
// taller box
colbox.x -= 0; colbox.y -= 2;
colbox.w += 0; colbox.h += 4;
if ( SDL_PointInRect( &colpt, &colbox ) ) {
gs->ps.check_pickup_x = tx;
gs->ps.check_pickup_y = ty;
// door
else if ( til == 2 ) {
gs->ps.check_door = 1;
return 1;
uint8_t W_IsVisible( int16_t px ) {
int tx = px / TILE_SIZE;
return (tx - gs->view_x < 20 && tx - gs->view_x >= 0);
// level-wide state update
void W_Update() {
// update world tick
// check if at door and has trophy
if ( gs->ps.check_door ) {
if ( gs->ps.trophy ) {
if ( gs->current_level < 9 ) {
} else {
// finshed level 10
gs->quit = 1;
} else { // no trophy
gs->ps.check_door = 0;
// update dead timers
if ( gs->ps.dead_timer ) {
if ( !gs->ps.dead_timer ) {
if ( gs->ps.lives ) {
} else gs->quit = 1;
// monsters
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(gs->ms) / sizeof(gs->ms[0]); ++i ) {
monster_state_t* m = &gs->ms[i];
if ( m->type ) {
if ( m->fire_timer ) m->fire_timer--;
if ( m->dead_timer ) {
if ( !m->dead_timer ) { m->type = 0; }
} else { // player and monster collision
if ( m->tx == gs->ps.tx && m->ty == gs->ps.ty ) {
m->dead_timer = 30;
gs->ps.dead_timer = 30;
// update game view based on set scroll values
void W_ScrollView() {
// scroll view if dave is about to move off view
if ( gs->ps.tx - gs->view_x >= 18 )
gs->scroll_x = 15;
if ( gs->ps.tx - gs->view_x < 2 )
gs->scroll_x = -15;
// do the scroll
if ( gs->scroll_x > 0 ) {
if ( gs->view_x == 80 ) gs->scroll_x = 0;
else { gs->view_x++; gs->scroll_x--; }
if ( gs->scroll_x < 0 ) {
if ( gs->view_x == 0 ) gs->scroll_x = 0;
else { gs->view_x--; gs->scroll_x++; }