fixing the fix_ipv6 which was breaking some domain names

This commit is contained in:
Lionel Dricot 2022-03-16 19:26:46 +01:00
parent ab08d28537
commit c9f2191f71
1 changed files with 7 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ _VERSION = "1.0"
import argparse
import cmd
#import cmd2 as cmd
import cgi
import codecs
import collections
import datetime
import fnmatch
import getpass
@ -301,28 +299,21 @@ urllib.parse.uses_netloc.append("gemini")
#An IPV6 URL should be put between []
#We try to detect them has location with more than 2 ":"
def fix_ipv6_url(url):
if not url:
if not url.count(":") > 2: # Best way to detect them?
if not url or url.startswith("mailto"):
return url
if url.startswith("mailto"):
return url
# If there's a pair of []s in there, it's probably fine as is.
if "[" in url and "]" in url:
return url
# Easiest case is a raw address, no schema, no path.
# Just wrap it in square brackets and whack a slash on the end
if "/" not in url:
return "[" + url + "]/"
# Now the trickier cases...
if "://" in url:
schema, schemaless = url.split("://",maxsplit=1)
schema, schemaless = None, url
if "/" in schemaless:
netloc, rest = schemaless.split("/",1)
if netloc.count(":") > 2 and "[" not in netloc and "]" not in netloc:
schemaless = "[" + netloc + "]" + "/" + rest
elif schemaless.count(":") > 2:
schemaless = "[" + schemaless + "]/"
if schema:
return schema + "://" + schemaless
return schemaless