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<h2 id="title"><a href=""><span id="open">Open</span><span id="bsd">BSD</span> Webzine</a></h2>
<div id="banner">
<p>ISSUE #__ISSUE__</p>
<p><time datetime="__DATETIME__">__HUMAN_DATE__</time></p>
<article id="headlines">
<li><a href="" class="permalink">OpenBSD 7.2 is out!</a></li>
<li>Webzine is late! 😅</li>
<li>More SMP improvements</li>
<li>Lot of new programs packaged!</li>
<article id="current">
<div class="puffies" aria-hidden="true">🐡🐡🐡</div>
<h2>Recent -current changes</h2>
<li>system calls mmap, munmap and mprotect <a href="" class="permalink">are now unlocked</a></li>
<h2>Interesting new packages</h2>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">jitsi</a>, a self-hosted video conferencing platform</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">nushell</a>, a new kind of shell</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">helix</a>, modal text editor</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">OCRmyPDF</a>, add an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">siril</a>, astronomical image processing tool</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">coil64</a>, an inductance coil calculator</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">opensearch</a>, distributed and RESTful search engine</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">step-ca</a>, private certificate authority and ACME server</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">iblock</a>, inetd program to blackhole IPs connecting to it</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">seergdb</a>, graphical front-end to GDB</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">ungoogled-chromium</a>, Chromium browser sans integration with Google</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">meli</a>, terminal mail client</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">stalwart</a>, JMAP server</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">amber</a>, code search and replace tool</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">reader</a>, lightweight tool offering better readability of web pages</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">freshrss</a>, self-hosted RSS/Atom aggregator</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">mycorrhiza</a>, plain-text driven engine for personal wikis</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">newsraft</a>, lightweight feed reader for text terminals</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">libreddit</a>, alternative private front-end to Reddit</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">tut</a>, TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys</li>
<li><a href="" class="permalink">llama</a>, terminal file manager</li>
<article id="stable">
<div class="puffies" aria-hidden="true">🐡🐡🐡</div>
<h2>7.2-stable updates (since last webzine issue)</h2>
<li><strong>Syspatch</strong>: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008</li>
<li><strong>Package updates</strong>: firefox, firefox-esr, php, adobe-source-code-pro, clamav, chicken, dbus, curl, easy-rsa, freerdp, gdk-pixbuf, gnome-control-center, heimdal, influxdb, isc-dhcp, jenkins, libxml, libmilter, nheko, nostromo, obsf4proxy, obsdfreqd, openldap, openssl, postfix, pjsua, pounce, protobuf, python3, sendmail, seamonkey, samba, rt, telegraf, thunderbird, nextcloud, tomcat, tor, tor-browser, tshark, trac, webkigtk, xfce4-settings, zeek (bro)</li>
<article id="tips">
<div class="puffies" aria-hidden="true">🐡🐡🐡</div>
<h2>Shell tips</h2>
As the root user, you can use the command <code>what</code> on a kernel file to learn about its version.
<pre>$ doas what /bsd
OpenBSD 7.2-current (GENERIC) #819: Sat Nov 26 11:01:05 MST 2022</pre>
<article id="links">
<div class="puffies" aria-hidden="true">🐡🐡🐡</div>
<h2>Going further</h2>
<li><a class="permalink" href="">Hosting a k3s cluster with vmm</a></li>
<li><a class="permalink" href="">Why is OpenBSD documentation so good?</a></li>
<li><a class="permalink" href="">Self-hosting Honk</a> (a Mastodon server)</li>
<li><a class="permalink" href="">Michael W. Lucas is publishing a new OpenBSD book</a></li>
<li>[French] <a class="permalink" href="">Introduction à influxdb</a></li>
<li><a class="permalink" href="">How to make a kiosk</a></li>
<li><a class="permalink" href="">Self-host a dendrite matrix server</a></li>
<li><a class="permalink" href=";sid=20221120115616">Next steps toward mimmutable</a></li>
<li><a class="permalink" href="">Automatic services restart upon update</a></li>
<article id="artwork">
<div class="puffies" aria-hidden="true">🐡🐡🐡</div>
<h2>Artworks of the moment</h2>
<a href="images/artwork-issue12.png">
<img src="images/artwork-issue12.png"
alt="A reddish character and the OpenBSD mascot puffy staring at each other. The character is holding a computer with a RUN BSD logo on it." />
<figcaption>A reddish character and the OpenBSD mascot puffy staring at each other. The character is holding a computer with a RUN BSD logo on it.</figcaption>
<article id="redaction">
<div class="puffies" aria-hidden="true">🐡🐡🐡</div>
<h2>Note from the editorial team</h2>
<p>Yet another issue late on schedule, hopefuly nobody paid for the webzine, so it's fine. When a "to become" webzine issue is accumulating too much backlog, it's getting harder to get motivated to write it without missing news. So, this one doesn't contain much information, to be on rails again for the next one. I will try to increase the automation for filling some sections, this would ease adding content like erratas or packages.</p>
<article id="authors">
<div class="puffies" aria-hidden="true">🐡🐡🐡</div>
<p>Solène Rapenne. Many thanks to everyone involved and supportive of the idea</p>