This repository has been archived on 2024-01-11. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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+++ title = "Contributing" description = "make a change to this terrible website" +++


  • Fork the source repository
  • Clone and make your changes (you might want to check the zola docs for more info on how to do that)
  • Make a pull request
  • Scream at me on irc until I review it
  • You've

The long version

Note: If you get stuck at any point, feel free to write me an email at cark <at> southlondon <dot> cc, or ask in the irc room.

We use git, a version control system, to manage the library and keep track of changes. Here's how you install it:

On South London

git is installed and avaliable for all user accounts, ssh in and carry on with the guide.

On Windows

Head on down to the git download page and run the installer it gives you. You probably don't need to touch the defaults, just click next and wait for it to install. If you have scoop or choco installed, you can use those to install it as well.

What happens next depends slightly on your Windows version. On Windows 11: Look for the Windows Terminal application in your start menu, or right click the start button and choose "Windows Terminal" in the menu. On Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10: Look for Windows PowerShell in the All Apps list, or right click on the start button and choose "Windows PowerShell"

After that, a window should open, and after a few seconds, should look a little something like this:

A Windows Terminal window

At this point, you're ready to carry on with the guide.

On Linux

git is pre-installed on most distros; If it isn't, you'll have to search your package manager for the correct package, it's usually called git.

Now, carry on with the guide.

On MacOS

The easiest way is to use homebrew. If you don't have it installed already, just follow the steps on their homepage. Then just type the command below to install git.

brew install git

Time to fork

Next, you'll need to sign up for an account on the Tildeverse's Gitea instance. Then just navigate to the git repo and click Fork.

The fork button in Gitea

This will create a copy of the repo that you can modify yourself, and then use to create a pull request. This here Github article explains how pull requests work in a bit more depth (the article is written for github but gitea's layout is pretty much identical).

Clone it to your computer

Now, pull up a terminal window and enter the following

git clone<your gitea username>/library.git

This will create a local copy (i.e. on your computer) of the repository that is linked with the repository on gitea, so you can make changes on the local copy and "push" the changes to gitea.

Make your changes

You can find the cloned repository in your user's home folder (C:\Users\Username on Windows), open up the file you want to edit and make the changes you want to.

All the articles in this wiki are written in Markdown, which is pretty dang easy to use, check out this cheat sheet for a quick reference.

Send it off

In git, each change is marked with a commit, which describes what you did and what files were changed. To create a commit, just do

cd library # navigate into the repository
git add . # make git aware of your changes
git commit -m "<describe your changes here>" # make the commit

If git complains about not having your details, run these commands:

git config --global "<your name>"
git config --global "<the email you used to sign up to gitea>"

Now just do git push to send your changes to gitea:

git push

Git will prompt you for you login details, enter them and your changes will be written to your fork.

Make a pull request

Now you've pushed your changes, go back to your fork and click the "New Pull Request" button, and then click the green "New Pull Request" button on the next page. Describe your changes in the text field and then press "Create pull request".


Now for the fun part, wait until someone reviews your changes. If said someone requests reviews, just head back to the make your changes & send it off section to revise your changes. Once they're happy, they'll merge your changes into the main repository. Good job!


You've done the thing! Now revel in the glory of having made a contribution to a small pubnix.