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~cmccabe true irc-bots information about irc bots on
main irc bots is a place for socializing, learning, and making cool stuff. one fun activity for this is the creation of irc bots.

if you keep your bots clean and efficient, your irc bots are welcome on

bots should be well behaved and efficient with system resources. if you see a bot that is not, please remind the botmaster about this and/or notify an admin. naughty bots can make the system less enjoyable for everyone, and we all have to work together to police them.

rules and etiquette for irc bots

your bot must respond to !botlist with the following information:

  • your system username (as creator/botmaster) - so we can contact you if the bot misbehaves
  • one line description of the bot's functionality
  • list of the bots public commands

be conservative about automatically re-connecting to the server or channel.

if your bot's code is not stable, keep it in the #bots channel and do testing there. bot starter kit

khuxkm is hard at work developing a starter kit framework in python that you can use to build your own irc bot. once it is available, you'll be able to find more information about it here. you will also find a link to the gitea repo for access to the source code.

add your bot to the list below

-- template --
bot name:
short description:
list of functions: