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### Lobsters Rails Project [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lobsters/lobsters.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lobsters/lobsters)
This is the
[quite sad](https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/6jz7tq/source_code_lobsters_a_hacker_news_clone_built/)
source code to the site operating at
It is a Rails codebase and uses a SQL (MariaDB in production) backend for the database.
You are free to use this code to start your own [sister site](https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters/wiki)
because the code is available under a [permissive license](https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters/blob/master/LICENSE) (3-clause BSD).
We welcome bug reports and code contributions that help use improve [lobste.rs](https://lobste.rs).
As a volunteer project we're reluctant to take on work that's not useful to our site, so please understand if we don't want to adopt your custom feature.
#### Contributing bugfixes and new features
We'd love to have your help.
Please see the [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) file for details.
#### Initial setup
Use the steps below for a local install or
[lobsters-ansible](https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters-ansible) for our production deployment config.
There's an external project [docker-lobsters](https://github.com/utensils/docker-lobsters) if you want to use Docker.
* Install the Ruby version specified in [.ruby-version](https://github.com/lobsters/lobsters/blob/master/.ruby-version)
* Checkout the lobsters git tree from Github
$ git clone git://github.com/lobsters/lobsters.git
$ cd lobsters
* Install Nodejs, needed (or other execjs) for uglifier
Fedora: sudo yum install nodejs
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install nodejs
OSX: brew install nodejs
* Run Bundler to install/bundle gems needed by the project:
lobsters$ bundle
* If when installing the `mysql2` gem on macOS, you see
`ld: library not found for -l-lpthread` in the output, see
[this solution](https://stackoverflow.com/a/44790834/204052) for a fix.
You might also see `ld: library not found for -lssl` if you're using
macOS 10.4+ and Homebrew `openssl`, in which case see
[this solution](https://stackoverflow.com/a/39628463/1042144).
* Create a MySQL (other DBs supported by ActiveRecord may work, only MySQL and
MariaDB have been tested) database, username, and password and put them in a
`config/database.yml` file. You will also want a separate database for
running tests:
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8mb4
reconnect: false
database: lobsters_dev
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
username: *dev_username*
password: *dev_password*
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8mb4
reconnect: false
database: lobsters_test
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
username: *test_username*
password: *test_password*
* Load the schema into the new database:
lobsters$ rails db:schema:load
* On your production server, copy `config/initializers/production.rb.sample`
to `config/initalizers/production.rb` and customize it with your site's
`domain` and `name`. (You don't need this on your dev machine).
* Put your site's custom CSS in `app/assets/stylesheets/local`.
* Seed the database to create an initial administrator user, the `inactive-user`, and at least one tag:
lobsters$ rails db:seed
* On your personal computer, you can add some sample data and run the Rails server in development mode.
You should be able to login to `http://localhost:3000` with your new `test` user:
lobsters$ rails fake_data
lobsters$ rails server
* Deploying the site in production requires setting up a web server and running the app in production mode.
There are more tools and options available than we can describe; find a guide or an expert.
The lobsters-ansible repo has our config files to crib from. Some app-specific notes:
* Set up crontab or another scheduler to run regular jobs:
*/5 * * * * cd /path/to/lobsters && env RAILS_ENV=production sh -c 'bundle exec ruby script/mail_new_activity; bundle exec ruby script/post_to_twitter; bundle exec ruby script/traffic_range'
* See `config/initializers/production.rb.sample` for GitHub/Twitter integration help.
#### Administration
Basic moderation happens on-site, but most other administrative tasks require use of the rails console in production.
Administrators can create and edit tags at `/tags`.