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title: About me
displaytitle: '$ whoami'
showtitle: true
I'm Tito, alias "tauroh". I'm studying for a bachelor's degree in Maths at the
University of Pavia, in Italy. I'm into maths and pretty much everything that
has to do with computers, except front-end development.
## Maths
When you get to really appreciate maths, you discover a brand new world.
Unfortunately, that's something that school is not able to teach -- that's why
many people still think that maths is made of formulas, exercises and grades.
As you might have understood, I like pure mathematics, and specifically its most
abstract and foundational aspects, often related to logic and philosophy:
[category theory][ct], [abstract algebra][abstract-algebra], [type
theory][type-theory], [model structures][simplicial-sets]...
I spent some time studying [Categorical Quantum Mechanics][cqm], a mathematical
setting for quantum physics in dagger-compact categories (such as the one of
finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces and linear maps) originally introduced by
Abramsky and Coecke. It has some interesting foundational implications on
operational postulates and diagrammatics for physics. I also wanted to know
whether I had really understood how does a proof checker work -- so I put the
two things together! I wrote a partial formalization of these categorical
structures in [Coq][coq]. The sources can be found [on my GitHub][titos-catqm]
(it uses @jwiegley's [category theory library][coq-ct]).
While attending high school, I took part in the Italian [Mathematical Olympiad][olimate].
This exciting experience led me to study maths.
The [nLab][nLab] is a nice play to get lost in during cold winter nights with a
cup of tea.
## Computer science
I have to stress that I really happen to hate frontend development and weakly
typed programming languages. This website doesn't depend on 50KB-sized
DOM-diffing JavaScript frameworks and it never will.
My approach to computer science is dual. Just like in mathematics, I like
abstract and theoretical areas of CS: functional programming,
dependently-typed[^rec] [proof assistants][agda], type theory (again!)... On the
other hand, I want to understand how things work at the lowest level and I'm
often busy reversing some crappy x86 ASM code or studying network security and
operating systems internals.
#### Functional programming and theoretical CS
[Haskell][hs] is an awesome language and [GHC][ghc] is an astonishingly
well-engineered piece of software. Functional programming in general has some
interesting properties related to pure mathematics and
logics[^curry-howard-lambek]. Apart from theoretical and academic topics, I'm
interested in the implementation of call-by-need referentially transparent
functional languages and I've spent some months studying the Haskell RTS and the STG
machine (mostly during boring high school classes).
#### Hacking and cybersecurity
I like playing hacking competitions called [CTFs][ctf]. I
am part of [Tower of Hanoi][toh], the CTF team from Politecnico di
Milano (although I'm not a student there). Staying up all night looking at
disassemblies and memory dumps has some kind of inherently mystical meaning, and
it's also good fun.
People from ToH were the first to introduce me to offensive cybersecurity during
the [CyberChallenge.IT 2021][cyberchallenge] project. I also took part in the
Italian [Cybersecurity Olympiad][olicyber], which targets high-school students.
[I won the finals in 2022][olicyber-classifica22].
Apart from my technical interests, hacking history is an interesting topic on
its own, and the underground scene that started to fade away a few years before
I was born had a deep impact on technology as people use and know it today --
and also on our economy and our society. If this is eye-catching to you, Bruce
Sterling's [The Hacker Crackdown][the-hacker-crackdown] is a good read.
[^rec]: Did you know that mathematical induction and recursive functions are
basically the same thing?
[^curry-howard-lambek]: Such as the [Curry-Howard-Lambek
[abstract-algebra]: <>
[agda]: <>
[coq-ct]: <>
[coq]: <>
[cqm]: <>
[ct]: <> "i.e. abstract nonsense"
[ctf]: <>
[cyberchallenge]: <>
[ghc]: <>
[haskell-ita]: <>
[hs]: <>
[nLab]: <>
[olicyber]: <>
[olimate]: <>
[simplicial-sets]: <>
[the-hacker-crackdown]: <>
[titos-catqm]: <>
[toh]: <>
[type-theory]: <>
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