Make index.php look better

This commit is contained in:
Robert Miles 2018-07-07 22:40:31 -04:00
parent 1ad10f1bb0
commit a8850c2698
1 changed files with 14 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
<?php include "header.php"; ?> <?php include "header.php"; ?>
<h1>The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse</h1> <div class="jumbotron">
<h2>the intentional journal of the tildeverse</h2>
/\/| _ _
|/\/_ _____ _ __ ___ ___ (_) ___ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _| |
\ \ / / _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \ | |/ _ \| | | | '__| '_ \ / _` | |
\ V / __/ | \__ \ __/ | | (_) | |_| | | | | | | (_| | |
\_/ \___|_| |___/\___| _/ |\___/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|
<p>an open journal for tilde members</p>
<p>We are an open journal which accepts any tilde-related or non-tilde related entries.</p>
<?php include "footer.php"; ?> <?php include "footer.php"; ?>