
133 lines
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2021-07-17 18:58:04 +00:00
use crate::usr;
use crate::api::console::Style;
2020-01-17 19:10:27 +00:00
pub fn main(args: &[&str]) -> usr::shell::ExitCode {
if args.len() > 1 {
} else {
fn help_command(cmd: &str) -> usr::shell::ExitCode {
match cmd {
"date" => help_date(),
"edit" => help_edit(),
_ => help_unknown(cmd),
fn help_unknown(cmd: &str) -> usr::shell::ExitCode {
print!("Help not found for command '{}'\n", cmd);
fn help_summary() -> usr::shell::ExitCode {
let csi_color = Style::color("Yellow");
let csi_reset = Style::reset();
print!("{}Commands:{}\n", csi_color, csi_reset);
let cmds = [
("c", "opy <file> <file>", "Copy file from source to destination\n"),
("d", "elete <file>", "Delete file or empty directory\n"),
("e", "dit <file>", "Edit existing or new file\n"),
("g", "oto <dir>", "Go to directory\n"),
("h", "elp <command>", "Display help about a command\n"),
("l", "ist <dir>", "List entries in directory\n"),
("m", "ove <file> <file>", "Move file from source to destination\n"),
("p", "rint <string>", "Print string to screen\n"),
("q", "uit", "Quit the shell\n"),
("r", "ead <file>", "Read file to screen\n"),
("w", "rite <file>", "Write file or directory\n"),
for (alias, command, usage) in &cmds {
let csi_col1 = Style::color("LightGreen");
let csi_col2 = Style::color("LightCyan");
print!(" {}{}{}{:20}{}{}", csi_col1, alias, csi_col2, command, csi_reset, usage);
print!("{}Credits:{}\n", csi_color, csi_reset);
2021-01-28 17:18:06 +00:00
print!("Made with <3 in 2019-2021 by Vincent Ollivier <>\n");
2020-01-17 19:10:27 +00:00
fn help_edit() -> usr::shell::ExitCode {
let csi_color = Style::color("Yellow");
let csi_reset = Style::reset();
print!("MOROS text editor is somewhat inspired by Pico, but with an even smaller range\n");
print!("of features.\n");
print!("{}Shortcuts:{}\n", csi_color, csi_reset);
let shortcuts = [
("^Q", "Quit editor"),
("^W", "Write to file"),
("^X", "Write to file and quit"),
("^T", "Go to top of file"),
("^B", "Go to bottom of file"),
("^A", "Go to beginning of line"),
("^E", "Go to end of line"),
for (shortcut, usage) in &shortcuts {
let csi_color = Style::color("LightGreen");
let csi_reset = Style::reset();
print!(" {}{}{} {}\n", csi_color, shortcut, csi_reset, usage);
fn help_date() -> usr::shell::ExitCode {
let csi_color = Style::color("Yellow");
let csi_reset = Style::reset();
print!("The date command's formatting behavior is based on strftime in C\n");
print!("{}Specifiers:{}\n", csi_color, csi_reset);
let specifiers = [
("%a", "Abbreviated weekday name", "Thu"),
("%A", "Full weekday name", "Thursday"),
("%b", "Abbreviated month name", "Aug"),
("%B", "Full month name", "August"),
("%c", "Date and time representation, equivalent to %a %b %-d %-H:%M:%S %-Y", "Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001"),
("%C", "Year divided by 100 and truncated to integer (00-99)", "20"),
("%d", "Day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)", "23"),
("%D", "Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %-m/%d/%y", "8/23/01"),
("%F", "Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %-Y-%m-%d", "2001-08-23"),
("%g", "Week-based year, last two digits (00-99)", "01"),
("%G", "Week-based year", "2001"),
("%H", "Hour in 24h format (00-23)", "14"),
("%I", "Hour in 12h format (01-12)", "02"),
("%j", "Day of the year (001-366)", "235"),
("%m", "Month as a decimal number (01-12)", "08"),
("%M", "Minute (00-59)", "55"),
("%N", "Subsecond nanoseconds. Always 9 digits", "012345678"),
("%p", "am or pm designation", "pm"),
("%P", "AM or PM designation", "PM"),
("%r", "12-hour clock time, equivalent to %-I:%M:%S %p", "2:55:02 pm"),
("%R", "24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %-H:%M", "14:55"),
("%S", "Second (00-59)", "02"),
("%T", "24-hour clock time with seconds, equivalent to %-H:%M:%S", "14:55:02"),
("%u", "ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7)", "4"),
("%U", "Week number with the first Sunday as the start of week one (00-53)", "33"),
("%V", "ISO 8601 week number (01-53)", "34"),
("%w", "Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6)", "4"),
("%W", "Week number with the first Monday as the start of week one (00-53)", "34"),
("%y", "Year, last two digits (00-99)", "01"),
("%Y", "Full year, including + if ≥10,000", "2001"),
("%z", "ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone (+HHMM)", "+0100"),
("%%", "Literal %", "%"),
for (specifier, usage, _exemple) in &specifiers {
let csi_color = Style::color("LightGreen");
let csi_reset = Style::reset();
print!(" {}{}{} {}\n", csi_color, specifier, csi_reset, usage);