
394 lines
15 KiB

use crate::sys;
use crate::api::{console, fs, io};
use crate::api::console::Style;
use crate::api::process::ExitCode;
use alloc::format;
use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::cmp;
pub fn main(args: &[&str]) -> Result<(), ExitCode> {
if args.len() != 2 {
return Err(ExitCode::UsageError);
let pathname = args[1];
let mut editor = Editor::new(pathname);
struct EditorConfig {
tab_size: usize,
struct Coords {
pub x: usize,
pub y: usize,
pub struct Editor {
pathname: String,
lines: Vec<String>,
cursor: Coords,
offset: Coords,
config: EditorConfig,
impl Editor {
pub fn new(pathname: &str) -> Self {
let cursor = Coords { x: 0, y: 0 };
let offset = Coords { x: 0, y: 0 };
let mut lines = Vec::new();
let config = EditorConfig { tab_size: 4 };
match fs::read_to_string(pathname) {
Ok(contents) => {
for line in contents.split('\n') {
Err(_) => {
let pathname = pathname.into();
Self { pathname, lines, cursor, offset, config }
pub fn save(&mut self) -> Result<(), ExitCode> {
let mut contents = String::new();
let n = self.lines.len();
for i in 0..n {
if i < n - 1 {
if fs::write(&self.pathname, contents.as_bytes()).is_ok() {
let status = format!("Wrote {}L to '{}'", n, self.pathname);
self.print_status(&status, "Yellow");
} else {
let status = format!("Could not write to '{}'", self.pathname);
self.print_status(&status, "LightRed");
fn print_status(&mut self, status: &str, background: &str) {
let color = Style::color("Black").with_background(background);
let reset = Style::reset();
print!("\x1b[{};1H", self.rows() + 1); // Move cursor to the bottom of the screen
print!("{}{:cols$}{}", color, status, reset, cols = self.cols());
print!("\x1b[{};{}H", self.cursor.y + 1, self.cursor.x + 1); // Move cursor back
fn print_editing_status(&mut self) {
let max = 50;
let mut path = self.pathname.clone();
if self.pathname.chars().count() > max {
path.truncate(max - 3);
let start = format!("Editing '{}'", path);
let x = self.offset.x + self.cursor.x + 1;
let y = self.offset.y + self.cursor.y + 1;
let n = y * 100 / self.lines.len();
let end = format!("{},{} {:3}%", y, x, n);
let width = self.cols() - start.chars().count();
let status = format!("{}{:>width$}", start, end, width = width);
self.print_status(&status, "LightGray");
fn print_screen(&mut self) {
let mut rows: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let a = self.offset.y;
let b = self.offset.y + self.rows();
for y in a..b {
println!("\x1b[1;1H{}", rows.join("\n"));
fn render_line(&self, y: usize) -> String {
// Render line into a row of the screen, or an empty row when past eof
let line = if y < self.lines.len() { &self.lines[y] } else { "" };
let mut row: Vec<char> = format!("{:cols$}", line, cols = self.offset.x).chars().collect();
let n = self.offset.x + self.cols();
let after = if row.len() > n {
row.truncate(n - 1);
} else {
" ".repeat(n - row.len())
fn render_char(&self, c: char) -> Option<String> {
match c {
'\t' => Some(" ".repeat(self.config.tab_size)),
c if console::is_printable(c) => Some(c.to_string()),
_ => None,
pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), ExitCode> {
print!("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H"); // Clear screen and move cursor to top
print!("\x1b[1;1H"); // Move cursor to the top of the screen
let mut escape = false;
let mut csi = false;
loop {
let c = io::stdin().read_char().unwrap_or('\0');
print!("\x1b[?25l"); // Disable cursor
match c {
'\x1B' => { // ESC
escape = true;
'[' if escape => {
csi = true;
'\0' => {
'\x11' | '\x03' => { // Ctrl Q or Ctrl C
// TODO: Warn if modifications have not been saved
print!("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H"); // Clear screen and move cursor to top
print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor
'\x17' => { // Ctrl W;
print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor
'\x18' => { // Ctrl X
let res =;
print!("\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H"); // Clear screen and move cursor to top
print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor
return res;
'\n' => { // Newline
let y = self.offset.y + self.cursor.y;
let old_line = self.lines[y].clone();
let mut row: Vec<char> = old_line.chars().collect();
let new_line = row.split_off(self.offset.x + self.cursor.x).into_iter().collect();
self.lines[y] = row.into_iter().collect();
self.lines.insert(y + 1, new_line);
if self.cursor.y == self.rows() - 1 {
self.offset.y += 1;
} else {
self.cursor.y += 1;
self.cursor.x = 0;
self.offset.x = 0;
'A' if csi => { // Arrow up
if self.cursor.y > 0 {
self.cursor.y -= 1
} else if self.offset.y > 0 {
self.offset.y -= 1;
self.cursor.x = self.next_pos(self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y);
'B' if csi => { // Arrow down
let is_eof = self.offset.y + self.cursor.y == self.lines.len() - 1;
let is_bottom = self.cursor.y == self.rows() - 1;
if self.cursor.y < cmp::min(self.rows(), self.lines.len() - 1) {
if is_bottom || is_eof {
if !is_eof {
self.offset.y += 1;
} else {
self.cursor.y += 1;
self.cursor.x = self.next_pos(self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y);
'C' if csi => { // Arrow right
let line = &self.lines[self.offset.y + self.cursor.y];
if line.is_empty() || self.cursor.x + self.offset.x >= line.chars().count() {
print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor
} else if self.cursor.x == self.cols() - 1 {
self.cursor.x = self.offset.x;
self.offset.x += self.cols();
} else {
self.cursor.x += 1;
'D' if csi => { // Arrow left
if self.cursor.x + self.offset.x == 0 {
print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor
} else if self.cursor.x == 0 {
self.cursor.x = self.offset.x - 1;
self.offset.x -= self.cols();
self.cursor.x = self.next_pos(self.cursor.x, self.cursor.y);
} else {
self.cursor.x -= 1;
'Z' if csi => { // Backtab (Shift + Tab)
// Do nothing
'\x14' => { // Ctrl T -> Go to top of file
self.cursor.x = 0;
self.cursor.y = 0;
self.offset.x = 0;
self.offset.y = 0;
'\x02' => { // Ctrl B -> Go to bottom of file
self.cursor.x = 0;
self.cursor.y = cmp::min(self.rows(), self.lines.len()) - 1;
self.offset.x = 0;
self.offset.y = self.lines.len() - 1 - self.cursor.y;
'\x01' => { // Ctrl A -> Go to beginning of line
self.cursor.x = 0;
self.offset.x = 0;
'\x05' => { // Ctrl E -> Go to end of line
let n = self.lines[self.offset.y + self.cursor.y].chars().count();
let w = self.cols();
self.cursor.x = n % w;
self.offset.x = w * (n / w);
'\x08' => { // Backspace
let y = self.offset.y + self.cursor.y;
if self.offset.x + self.cursor.x > 0 { // Remove char from line
let mut row: Vec<char> = self.lines[y].chars().collect();
row.remove(self.offset.x + self.cursor.x - 1);
self.lines[y] = row.into_iter().collect();
if self.cursor.x == 0 {
self.offset.x -= self.cols();
self.cursor.x = self.cols() - 1;
} else {
self.cursor.x -= 1;
let line = self.render_line(y);
print!("\x1b[2K\x1b[1G{}", line);
} else { // Remove newline from previous line
if self.cursor.y == 0 && self.offset.y == 0 {
print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor
// Move cursor below the end of the previous line
let n = self.lines[y - 1].chars().count();
let w = self.cols();
self.cursor.x = n % w;
self.offset.x = w * (n / w);
// Move line to the end of the previous line
let line = self.lines.remove(y);
self.lines[y - 1].push_str(&line);
// Move cursor up to the previous line
if self.cursor.y > 0 {
self.cursor.y -= 1;
} else {
self.offset.y -= 1;
'\x7f' => { // Delete
let y = self.offset.y + self.cursor.y;
let n = self.lines[y].chars().count();
if self.offset.x + self.cursor.x >= n { // Remove newline from line
if y + 1 < self.lines.len() {
let line = self.lines.remove(y + 1);
} else { // Remove char from line
self.lines[y].remove(self.offset.x + self.cursor.x);
let line = self.render_line(y);
print!("\x1b[2K\x1b[1G{}", line);
c => {
if let Some(s) = self.render_char(c) {
let y = self.offset.y + self.cursor.y;
let mut row: Vec<char> = self.lines[y].chars().collect();
for c in s.chars() {
row.insert(self.offset.x + self.cursor.x, c);
self.cursor.x += 1;
self.lines[y] = row.into_iter().collect();
if self.cursor.x >= self.cols() {
self.offset.x += self.cols();
self.cursor.x -= self.cols();
} else {
let line = self.render_line(self.offset.y + self.cursor.y);
print!("\x1b[2K\x1b[1G{}", line);
escape = false;
csi = false;
print!("\x1b[{};{}H", self.cursor.y + 1, self.cursor.x + 1);
print!("\x1b[?25h"); // Enable cursor
// Move cursor past end of line to end of line or left of the screen
fn next_pos(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> usize {
let eol = self.lines[self.offset.y + y].chars().count();
if eol <= self.offset.x + x {
if eol <= self.offset.x {
} else {
eol - 1
} else {
fn rows(&self) -> usize {
sys::console::rows() - 1 // Leave out one line for status line
fn cols(&self) -> usize {
fn truncated_line_indicator() -> String {
let color = Style::color("Black").with_background("LightGray");
let reset = Style::reset();
format!("{}>{}", color, reset)